
Multi-OS 3D engine.

Project maintained by DragonJoker Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

CSCN File Format

CSCN files are easily editable text files (since the syntax is understood).

The data types used in scene files are these ones :


The file is split into sections, defined as follows :

[section-type] "[section-name]"
    // Section description


light "Light0"
    type directional
    colour 1.0 1.0 1.0
    intensity 0.8 1.0

Some sections can have child subsections :

material "Bronze"
        ambient 0.2125 0.1275 0.054
        diffuse 0.714 0.4284 0.12144
        emissive 0.0
        specular 0.393548 0.271906 0.166721
        shininess 25.6

Root section

sampler section

material section

Materials can be multi-pass, so you can declare more than one pass subsection.

pass section

texture_unit section

transform section
animation section

shader_program section

compute_program section

subsurface_scattering section

transmittance_profile section

font section

scene section

Section skybox

voxel_cone_tracing section

import section

scene_node and camera_node sections

light section

shadows section

raw_config section
pcf_config section
vsm_config section

object section

materials section

billboard section

Allows the definition of billboards that share the same material and dimensions.

positions section

particle_system section

particle section

camera section

viewport section

hdr_config section

animated_object_group section

animation section

skeleton section

mesh section

submesh section

morph_animation section

default_materials section

panel_overlay section

border_panel_overlay section

text_overlay section

window section

render_target section

ssao section

clusters section

gui section

theme section

box_layout section

layout_ctrl section

button section

combobox section

edit section

expandable_panel section

header section

expand section

content section

frame section

content section

listbox section

panel section

progress section

slider section

static section

button_style section

combobox_style section

edit_style section

expandable_panel_style section

frame_style section

listbox_style section

panel_style section

progress_style section

slider_style section

static_style section