
Multi-OS 3D engine.

Project maintained by DragonJoker Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Building Castor3D v0.10.0

Castor3D uses CMake to build project files. You just need to launch CMake to build your preferential project file.

Tested compilers are:


Main projects


Test projects


Documentation for CastorUtils and Castor3D can be generated using Doxygen.


On GNU/Linux the default install directory is in /usr/local.

You can change this directory by changing the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value.

The sample, tool and test applications are installed in install_dir/bin/

The main libraries (CastorUtils and Castor3D) are installed in install_dir/lib/ on GNU/Linux, and in install_dir/bin/ on Windows.

The plug-ins are installed in install_dir/lib/Castor3D/

The build is configurable through CMake using the following options: