Castor3D 0.16.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Namespaces | Functions
PixelFormat.hpp File Reference


namespace  castor


constexpr uint8_t castor::getComponentsCount (PixelFormat format)
 Function to retrieve the number of components of a pixel format.
constexpr bool castor::hasAlpha (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::hasComponent (PixelFormat format, PixelComponent component)
constexpr PixelFormat castor::getSingleComponent (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt8 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt8 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt16 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt16 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt32 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isInt32 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isFloatingPoint (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isFloatingPoint (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isCompressed (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
 Tells if the given format is an SRGB one.
constexpr bool castor::isRGFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isBGRFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isRGBAFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isARGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isBGRAFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isABGRFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat castor::getSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat castor::getNonSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool castor::isDepthOrStencilFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat castor::getPFWithoutAlpha (PixelFormat format)
 Retrieves the pixel format without alpha that is close to the one given.
constexpr PixelFormat castor::getPFWithAlpha (PixelFormat format)
 Retrieves the pixel format with alpha that is close to the one given.
constexpr uint32_t castor::getComponentIndex (PixelComponent component)
constexpr uint32_t castor::getComponentIndex (PixelComponent component, PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelComponent castor::getIndexComponent (uint32_t index, PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelComponents castor::getComponents (PixelFormat format)
CU_API PixelFormat castor::getFormatByName (StringView formatName)
 Function to retrieve pixel format from a name.
CU_API PixelFormat castor::getPixelFormat (PixelFormat format, PixelComponents components)
CU_API void castor::convertPixel (PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *&src, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *&dst)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API void castor::convertBuffer (Size const &srcDimensions, Size const &dstDimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
static void castor::convertBuffer (Size const &dimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API void castor::compressBuffer (PxBufferConvertOptions const *options, std::atomic_bool const *interrupt, Size const &srcDimensions, Size const &dstDimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::decompressBuffer (PxBufferBase const &src)
 Decompresses the given compressed pixel buffer.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::extractComponent (PxBufferBaseRPtr src, PixelComponent component)
 Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::extractComponents (PxBufferBaseRPtr src, PixelComponents component)
 Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.
CU_API void castor::copyBufferComponents (PixelComponents srcComponents, PixelComponents dstComponents, PxBufferBase const &srcBuffer, PxBufferBase &dstBuffer)
 Copies some pixel components from a source buffer into pixel components of a destination buffer.