Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Namespaces | Classes | Concepts | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
castor Namespace Reference


namespace  debug
namespace  details
namespace  format
namespace  hashcomb
namespace  manip
namespace  matrix
 Matrix basic operations.
namespace  point
 Point helper functions.
namespace  string
 String functions namespace.
namespace  system


struct  AdditionalParsers
class  Aligned
 Templated class that provide alignment support. More...
class  AlignedFrom
 Templated class that provide alignment support. More...
class  AlignedMemoryAllocator
 Memory allocator. More...
class  AngleT
 Angle helper class. More...
class  ArrayView
 Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view. More...
class  AsyncJobQueue
class  BinaryFile
 User friendly File class. More...
class  BinaryLoader
 Partial castor::Loader specialisation for binary files. More...
class  BinaryWriter
 Partial castor::Loader specialisation for binary files. More...
struct  BlockContext
struct  BlockGuard
 Allows to declare a scoped variable with an action on construction
and an action on destruction. More...
class  BlockTimer
class  BlockTracker
class  BlueNoise
class  BoundingBox
class  BoundingContainer
 Box container class. More...
class  BoundingSphere
class  BuddyAllocatorT
 Buddy allocator implementation. More...
struct  BuddyAllocatorTraits
struct  CallTraits
 Struct used to select best way to put type in parameter : 'value' or 'const reference'. More...
class  ChangeTrackedT
 Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view. More...
struct  CheckedMutexT
class  ColourComponent
class  ConnectionT
 Connection to a signal. More...
class  ConsoleImpl
struct  ConstPixelIterator
 Pixel buffer iterator. More...
struct  ContextDeleter
struct  ContextDeleterT
class  Coords
 Templated static dimensions point representation. More...
class  CpuInformations
 Retrieves the basic CPU informations. More...
class  DataHolderT
 Some data holder. More...
class  DataImageLoader
 Raw data image loader. More...
struct  DebugLoggerStreambufTraitsT
 Streambuf traits for debug logging. More...
struct  Deleter
struct  Deleter< castor3d::BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT > >
struct  Deleter< ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > >
struct  DummyFunctorT
 Cached resource dummy functor (for initialise and clean). More...
class  DynamicBitsetT
 Dynamic bitset class, with configurable block type. More...
class  DynamicLibrary
struct  ErrorLoggerStreambufTraitsT
 Streambuf traits for error logging. More...
class  Exception
class  ExrImageLoader
 Image loader based on stb_image. More...
struct  Fact
 Factorial recursive case. More...
struct  Fact< T, 0 >
 Factorial end case. More...
class  Factory
 Factory concept implementation. More...
struct  FactoryEntryT
class  File
class  FileParser
class  FileParserContext
struct  FileTyper
 Helper structure to find File type (BinaryFile or TextFile) from FileType. More...
struct  FileTyper< FileType::eBinary >
struct  FileTyper< FileType::eText >
 Helper structure to find File type (BinaryFile or TextFile) from FileType. More...
class  FileWriter
 Main resource writer class. More...
class  FlagCombination
 Template class providing implicit conversion from a scoped enum to its integral base type. More...
struct  FlagIterator
 Template iterator class on a binary combination of flags. More...
struct  FlagIteratorTraitsT
 Template iterator traits class on a binary combination of flags. More...
class  Font
class  FractalNoiseT
 Fractal noise generator for PerlinNoise or SimplexNoise. More...
class  FreeImageLoader
 Image loader based on stb_image. More...
class  GliImageLoader
 Image loader based on gli. More...
class  GliImageWriter
class  Glyph
class  Grid
class  GroupChangeTrackedT
 Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view. More...
struct  HasAlpha
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format is compressed. More...
struct  HasBaseParameterType
 Structure used to tell if an ParameterType has a base parameter type. More...
struct  HasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText >
 HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText. More...
struct  HasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText >
 HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText. More...
struct  HasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eCheckedText >
 HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText. More...
struct  HasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eName >
 HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eName. More...
class  HdrColourComponent
class  Illumination
class  Image
struct  ImageCreateParams
struct  ImageLayout
class  ImageLoader
struct  ImageLoaderConfig
 The image loading configuration. More...
class  ImageLoaderImpl
class  ImageWriter
class  ImageWriterImpl
class  IndexedRangeT
 A range inside a sequence. More...
struct  InfoLoggerStreambufTraitsT
 Streambuf traits for info logging. More...
struct  Is16FComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 16 bits components. More...
struct  Is16SComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 16 bits components. More...
struct  Is16UComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 16 bits components. More...
struct  Is32FComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 32 bits components. More...
struct  Is32SComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 32 bits components. More...
struct  Is32UComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 32 bits components. More...
struct  Is64FComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 64 bits components. More...
struct  Is64SComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 64 bits components. More...
struct  Is64UComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 64 bits components. More...
struct  Is8SComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 8 bits components. More...
struct  Is8SRGBComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 8 bits components. More...
struct  Is8UComponents
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 8 bits components. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eDouble >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eFloat >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt16 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt32 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt64 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt8 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eLongDouble >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt16 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt32 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt64 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt8 >
 Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type. More...
struct  IsChangeTrackedT
struct  IsChangeTrackedT< ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > >
struct  IsChangeTrackedT< GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > >
struct  IsColourFormat
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a colour. More...
struct  IsCompressed
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format is compressed. More...
struct  IsD16UComponent
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 16 bits depth component. More...
struct  IsD24UComponent
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 24 bits depth component. More...
struct  IsD32FComponent
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 32 bits depth component. More...
struct  IsDepthFormat
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a depth pixel. More...
struct  IsDepthStencilFormat
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a depth or stencil pixel. More...
struct  IsGroupChangeTrackedT
struct  IsGroupChangeTrackedT< GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > >
struct  IsLengthT
struct  IsLengthT< LengthT< TypeT > >
struct  IsRangedValueT
struct  IsRangedValueT< RangedValue< T > >
struct  IsS8UComponent
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses only an unsigned 8 bits stencil component. More...
struct  IsSpeedT
struct  IsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Microseconds > >
struct  IsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Milliseconds > >
struct  IsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Nanoseconds > >
struct  IsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Seconds > >
struct  IsStencilFormat
 Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a stencil pixel. More...
struct  IteratorTraits
struct  IteratorTraits< TypeT * >
struct  KernelBoxFilterT
struct  KernelLanczosFilterT
class  Ktx2ImageLoader
 Image loader based on libktx. More...
struct  LargerTyperT
 Retrieves the type larger than the given one. More...
class  LengthT
 Length helper class. More...
class  Line2D
 2D line equation More...
class  Line3D
 3D line equation More...
struct  Ln
 Neperian Logarithm using template implementation. More...
class  Loader
 Main resource loader class. More...
class  LoaderException
 Resource loading exception. More...
class  Logger
class  LoggerImpl
class  LoggerInstance
class  LoggerStreambufT
struct  LoggerStreamT
struct  LogN
 Neperian Logarithm recursive case. More...
struct  LogN< 0, T >
 Neperian Logarithm end case. More...
class  LuminousIntensity
class  Matrix
 Templated column major matrix representation. More...
struct  MaxValue
 Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time. More...
struct  MaxValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(A >=B) > >
 Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time. More...
struct  MaxValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(B > A) > >
 Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time. More...
struct  Message
 Message representation. More...
struct  MinValue
 Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time. More...
struct  MinValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(A<=B) > >
 Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time. More...
struct  MinValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(B< A) > >
 Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time. More...
class  NamedBaseT
 Class for named elements. More...
struct  NoInit
 Structure used to construct objects but without initialisation. More...
class  NonAlignedMemoryAllocator
class  NonCopyable
class  NonMovable
class  OwnedBy
 Class used to have an object owned by another one. More...
struct  ParserEnumTraits
 Parser parameter helper structure. More...
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BillboardSize >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BillboardType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BlendMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BorderPosition >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::FogType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::GlobalIlluminationType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::HAlign >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::InterpolatorType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LightType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LimitedType< VkCompareOp > >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LimitedType< VkPrimitiveTopology > >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::MovableType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ParallaxOcclusionMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ParticleFormat >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ShadowType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextLineSpacingMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextTexturingMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextWrappingMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::VAlign >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ViewportType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< LengthUnit >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkBlendFactor >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkBlendOp >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkBorderColor >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkCompareOp >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkFilter >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkImageType >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkPrimitiveTopology >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkSamplerAddressMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkSamplerMipmapMode >
struct  ParserEnumTraits< VkShaderStageFlagBits >
struct  ParserFunctionAndParams
 The parser function and expected parameters. More...
class  ParserParameter
 Specified parser parameter. More...
class  ParserParameter< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText >
 ParserParameter specialisation for ePARAMETER_TYPE_BITWISE_ORED_CHECKED_TEXT. More...
class  ParserParameter< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText >
 ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText. More...
class  ParserParameter< ParameterType::eCheckedText >
 ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText. More...
class  ParserParameter< ParameterType::eName >
 ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eName. More...
class  ParserParameter< Type, std::enable_if_t< !hasBaseParameterTypeV< Type > &&!isArithmeticTypeV< Type > > >
 Specified parser parameter. More...
class  ParserParameter< Type, std::enable_if_t< IsArithmeticType< Type >::value > >
 Specified parser parameter. More...
class  ParserParameterBase
struct  ParserParameterHelper
 Parser parameter helper structure. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBool >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBool. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eCheckedText >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eDouble >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eDouble. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eFloat >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eFloat. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eHdrRgbaColour >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eHdrColour. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eHdrRgbColour >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eHdrColour. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt16 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt16. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt32 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt32. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt64 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt64. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt8 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt8. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eLongDouble >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eLongDouble. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eName >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eName. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePath >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePath. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePixelFormat >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePixelFormat. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2D >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2D. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2F >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2F. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2I >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2I. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2U >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2U. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3D >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3D. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3F >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3F. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3I >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3I. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3U >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3U. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4D >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4D. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4F >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4F. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4I >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4I. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4U >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4U. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePosition >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePosition. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRectangle >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eRectangle. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRgbaColour >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eColour. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRgbColour >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eColour. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eSize >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eSize. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eText >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eText. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt16 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt16. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt32 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt32. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt64 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt64. More...
struct  ParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt8 >
 ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt8. More...
class  ParserParameterTypeException
 Exception thrown when the user tries to retrieve a parameter of a wrong type. More...
class  Path
class  PerlinNoiseT
 3D Perlin noise generator. More...
class  Pixel
 Pixel definition. More...
struct  PixelComponentsT
 Holds colour/depth/stencil PixelComponentsT helper functions. More...
struct  PixelDefinitionsT
 Helper struct that holds pixel size, toString and converion functions. More...
struct  PixelIterator
 Pixel buffer iterator. More...
class  PlaneEquation
class  Point
 Templated static dimensions point representation. More...
struct  PointComponentGetT
struct  PointComponentGetT< LengthT< TypeT > >
struct  PointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 2u > >
struct  PointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 3u > >
struct  PointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 4u > >
struct  PointData
 Data holder for a point. More...
struct  PointData< T, 2u >
struct  PointData< T, 3u >
struct  PointData< T, 4u >
struct  PointTyperT
struct  PointTyperT< LengthT< SrcT >, DstCompT >
struct  PointTyperT< Point< SrcCompT, CountT >, DstCompT >
class  Position
union  PositionData
struct  Power
 Power recursive case. More...
struct  Power< T, 0 >
 Power end case. More...
struct  Power< T, 1 >
 Power end case. More...
class  PreciseTimer
class  PreprocessedFile
class  ProgramConsole
struct  PtAssignOperators
 Point assignment operators. More...
struct  PtOperators
 Point operators. More...
class  PxBuffer
 Pixel buffer class, with pixel format as a template param. More...
class  PxBufferBase
struct  PxBufferConvertOptions
struct  PxCompressionSupport
class  QuaternionT
 Quaternion representation class. More...
class  Range
 A range class. More...
class  RangedValue
 A value inside a range. More...
struct  RangedValueGetterT
struct  RangedValueGetterT< RangedValue< T > >
class  RangeSequenceT
 A contiguous ranges sequence. More...
class  Rectangle
union  RectangleData
struct  RegexFormat
 Gives the regex format for given type. More...
struct  RegexFormat< double >
 RegexFormat specialisation for double. More...
struct  RegexFormat< float >
 RegexFormat specialisation for float. More...
struct  RegexFormat< HdrRgbaColour >
 RegexFormat specialisation for HdrRgbaColour. More...
struct  RegexFormat< HdrRgbColour >
 RegexFormat specialisation for HdrRgbColour. More...
struct  RegexFormat< int16_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for int16_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< int32_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for int32_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< int64_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for int64_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< int8_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for int8_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< long double >
 RegexFormat specialisation for long double. More...
struct  RegexFormat< RgbaColour >
 RegexFormat specialisation for RgbaColour. More...
struct  RegexFormat< RgbColour >
 RegexFormat specialisation for RgbColour. More...
struct  RegexFormat< uint16_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for uint16_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< uint32_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for uint32_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< uint64_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for uint64_t. More...
struct  RegexFormat< uint8_t >
 RegexFormat specialisation for uint8_t. More...
class  ResourceCacheBaseT
 Base class for an element cache. More...
class  ResourceCacheT
 Base class for an element cache. More...
class  ResourceCacheT< castor3d::AnimatedObjectGroup, String, castor3d::AnimatedObjectGroupCacheTraits >
 AnimatedObjectGroup cache. More...
class  ResourceCacheT< castor3d::Material, String, castor3d::MaterialCacheTraits >
 Material collection, with additional functions. More...
class  ResourceCacheT< castor3d::Overlay, String, castor3d::OverlayCacheTraits >
 Overlay collection, with additional add and remove functions to manage Z-Index. More...
class  ResourceCacheT< castor3d::Plugin, String, castor3d::PluginCacheTraits >
 Plug-ins cache. More...
class  ResourceCacheT< Font, String, FontCacheTraits >
class  ResourceCacheT< Image, String, ImageCacheTraits >
struct  ResourceCacheTraitsBaseT
struct  ResourceCacheTraitsT
struct  ResourceCacheTraitsT< Font, String >
struct  ResourceCacheTraitsT< Image, String >
struct  ResourceCleanerT
 Cached resource cleaner. More...
struct  ResourceInitialiserT
 Cached resource initialiser. More...
struct  ResourceMergerT
 Cached resources merger. More...
class  ResourceT
 External resource representation. More...
class  RgbaColourT
 RGBA colour representation. More...
class  RgbColourT
 RGB colour representation. More...
class  ScopeGuard
 Class used to execute code at scope exit. More...
class  SignalT
 Basic signal class. More...
class  SimplexNoiseT
 3D Simplex noise generator. More...
struct  SingleComponentT
 Gives the format of a single component of a pixel format. More...
class  Size
union  SizeData
class  SpeedT
 A speed. More...
struct  SpeedTraitsT
 The traits for aspeed. More...
struct  SpeedTraitsT< AngleT< ValueT > >
struct  SpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 2 > >
struct  SpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 3 > >
struct  SpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 4 > >
class  SphericalVertex
class  SpinMutex
class  SquareMatrix
 Templated column major square matrix representation. More...
class  StbImageLoader
 Image loader based on stb_image. More...
class  StbImageWriter
struct  StringHash
class  TextFile
 Text file class. More...
struct  TextLineMetrics
 The metrics for a line of text. More...
class  TextLoaderT
struct  TextMetrics
 The metrics for a text. More...
class  TextWriter
class  TextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 1u > >
class  TextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 2u > >
class  TextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 3u > >
class  TextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 4u > >
class  TextWriter< double >
class  TextWriter< float >
class  TextWriter< Font >
class  TextWriter< int16_t >
class  TextWriter< int32_t >
class  TextWriter< int64_t >
class  TextWriter< int8_t >
class  TextWriter< Point< ValueT, 1u > >
class  TextWriter< Point< ValueT, 2u > >
class  TextWriter< Point< ValueT, 3u > >
class  TextWriter< Point< ValueT, 4u > >
class  TextWriter< Position >
class  TextWriter< QuaternionT< ValueT > >
class  TextWriter< RgbaColourT< ComponentT > >
class  TextWriter< RgbColourT< ComponentT > >
class  TextWriter< Size >
class  TextWriter< String >
class  TextWriter< uint16_t >
class  TextWriter< uint32_t >
class  TextWriter< uint64_t >
class  TextWriter< uint8_t >
class  TextWriterBase
class  TextWriterT
 Partial castor::Writer specialisation for text files. More...
class  ThreadPool
struct  TraceLoggerStreambufTraitsT
 Streambuf traits for trace logging. More...
class  TSConnectionT
 Connection to a thread safe signal. More...
class  TSSignalT
 Thread safe signal class. More...
class  UnicityException
class  Unique
 Representation of a Unique instance class. More...
class  UnsupportedFormatException
struct  ValueParser
 Helper structure to parse a value. More...
struct  WarningLoggerStreambufTraitsT
 Streambuf traits for warning logging. More...
class  WebPImageLoader
 Image loader based on libwebp. More...
class  WhiteNoise
class  WorkerThread
class  Writer
 Main resource writer class. More...
class  XpmImageLoader
class  ZipArchive


concept  FloatingT
concept  Vector2T
concept  Vector3T
concept  Vector4T
concept  Vector2fT
concept  Vector3fT
concept  Vector4fT
concept  Vector2dT
concept  Vector3dT
concept  Vector4dT


using s8 = int8_t
using u8 = uint8_t
using byte = uint8_t
using s16 = int16_t
using u16 = uint16_t
using s32 = int32_t
using u32 = uint32_t
using s64 = int64_t
using u64 = uint64_t
using usize = size_t
using f32 = float
using f64 = double
using xchar = char
using mbchar = char
using wchar = wchar_t
using u32char = char32_t
using String = std::basic_string< xchar >
using StringView = std::basic_string_view< xchar >
using StringStream = std::basic_stringstream< xchar >
using OutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< xchar >
using InputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< xchar >
using OutputStream = std::basic_ostream< xchar >
using InputStream = std::basic_istream< xchar >
using MbString = std::basic_string< mbchar >
using MbStringView = std::basic_string_view< mbchar >
using MbStringStream = std::basic_stringstream< mbchar >
using MbOutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< mbchar >
using MbInputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< mbchar >
using MbOutputStream = std::basic_ostream< mbchar >
using MbInputStream = std::basic_istream< mbchar >
using WString = std::basic_string< wchar >
using WStringView = std::basic_string_view< wchar >
using WStringStream = std::basic_stringstream< wchar >
using WOutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< wchar >
using WInputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< wchar >
using WOutputStream = std::basic_ostream< wchar >
using WInputStream = std::basic_istream< wchar >
using U32String = std::basic_string< u32char >
using U32StringView = std::basic_string_view< u32char >
using U32StringStream = std::basic_stringstream< u32char >
using U32OutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< u32char >
using U32InputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< u32char >
using U32OutputStream = std::basic_ostream< u32char >
using U32InputStream = std::basic_istream< u32char >
template<class FuncT >
using Function = std::function< FuncT >
template<typename FirstT , typename SecondT >
using Pair = std::pair< FirstT, SecondT >
template<typename KeyT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using Set = std::set< KeyT, PredT, AllocT >
template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using Map = std::map< KeyT, DataT, PredT, AllocT >
template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using MultiMap = std::multimap< KeyT, DataT, PredT, AllocT >
template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using MultiSet = std::multiset< KeyT, PredT, AllocT >
template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename HashT = std::hash< KeyT >, typename KeyEqT = std::equal_to<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using UnorderedMap = std::unordered_map< KeyT, DataT, HashT, KeyEqT, AllocT >
template<typename KeyT , typename HashT = std::hash< KeyT >, typename KeyEqT = std::equal_to<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using UnorderedSet = std::unordered_set< KeyT, HashT, KeyEqT >
template<typename DataT , typename AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using Vector = std::vector< DataT, AllocT >
template<typename DataT , typename AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using List = std::list< DataT, AllocT >
template<typename DataT , size_t SizeT>
using Array = std::array< DataT, SizeT >
template<class DataT , class AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using Deque = std::deque< DataT, AllocT >
template<typename DataT , class ContainerT = Deque< DataT >>
using Stack = std::stack< DataT, ContainerT >
template<typename DataT >
using StringMap = Map< String, DataT >
template<typename DataT >
using UnorderedStringMap = std::unordered_map< String, DataT, StringHash, std::equal_to<> >
using StringSet = std::set< String >
using UnorderedStringSet = std::unordered_set< String, StringHash, std::equal_to<> >
using Seconds = std::chrono::seconds
using Milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds
using Microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds
using Nanoseconds = std::chrono::nanoseconds
template<typename Lockable >
using UniqueLock = std::unique_lock< Lockable >
using Mutex = std::mutex
using RecursiveMutex = std::recursive_mutex
using CheckedMutex = CheckedMutexT< castor::Mutex >
template<class DataT >
using NotNullT = DataT *
template<class DataT >
using ReferenceWrapper = std::reference_wrapper< DataT >
template<class DataT >
using SharedPtr = std::shared_ptr< DataT >
template<typename TypeT , class DelT = std::default_delete< TypeT >>
using RawUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< TypeT, DelT >
template<typename TypeT >
using UniquePtr = RawUniquePtr< TypeT, Deleter< TypeT > >
using FileOpenModes = castor::FlagCombination< File :: OpenMode >
using FileCreateModes = castor::FlagCombination< File :: CreateMode >
using ContextDeleterPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< ContextDeleter >
using FontRes = FontCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using FontResPtr = FontCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using ImageCacheTraits = ResourceCacheTraitsT< Image, String >
using ImageCache = ResourceCacheT< Image, String, ImageCacheTraits >
using ImageRes = ImageCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using ImageResPtr = ImageCacheTraits::ElementObsT
template<typename CharT >
using TraceLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, TraceLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >
template<typename CharT >
using DebugLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, DebugLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >
template<typename CharT >
using InfoLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, InfoLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >
template<typename CharT >
using WarningLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, WarningLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >
template<typename CharT >
using ErrorLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, ErrorLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >
template<typename T >
using QuaternionDataT = PointData< T, 4u >
template<typename T >
using UnRangedValueT = typename RangedValueGetterT< T >::Type
using VoidFnType = void( CU_stdcall * )( )
using BuddyAllocator = BuddyAllocatorT< BuddyAllocatorTraits >
STL typedefs
using Regex = std::basic_regex< xchar >
using RegexIterator = std::regex_iterator< String::const_iterator >
using MatchResults = std::match_results< String::const_iterator >
using MessageQueue = Deque< Message >
 The message queue.
using LogCallback = castor::Function< void( MbString const & text, LogType type, bool newLine ) >
 Logging callback function.
using LoggerInstancePtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< LoggerInstance >


enum class  UnicityError { eNoInstance = 0 , eAnInstance = 1 , eCount , eMin = eNoInstance }
 Unicity errors enumeration. More...
enum class  LogType : uint8_t {
  eTrace , eDebug , eInfo , eWarning ,
  eError , eCount
 Defines the various log types. More...
File Parser
enum class  ParameterType : uint8_t {
  eText = 0 , eName = 1 , ePath = 2 , eCheckedText = 3 ,
  eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText = 4 , eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText = 5 , eBool = 6 , eInt8 = 7 ,
  eInt16 = 8 , eInt32 = 9 , eInt64 = 10 , eUInt8 = 11 ,
  eUInt16 = 12 , eUInt32 = 13 , eUInt64 = 14 , eFloat = 15 ,
  eDouble = 16 , eLongDouble = 17 , ePixelFormat = 18 , ePoint2I = 19 ,
  ePoint3I = 20 , ePoint4I = 21 , ePoint2U = 22 , ePoint3U = 23 ,
  ePoint4U = 24 , ePoint2F = 25 , ePoint3F = 26 , ePoint4F = 27 ,
  ePoint2D = 28 , ePoint3D = 29 , ePoint4D = 30 , eSize = 31 ,
  ePosition = 32 , eRectangle = 33 , eRgbColour = 34 , eRgbaColour = 35 ,
  eHdrRgbColour = 36 , eHdrRgbaColour = 37 , eCount , eMin = eText
 Parser function parameter types enumeration. More...


CU_API void * alignedAlloc (size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocates aligned memory.
CU_API void alignedFree (void *memory)
 Deallocates aligned memory.
template<typename T >
T * alignedAlloc (size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocates aligned memory.
template<int A>
class CU_Alignas (A) Aligned
template<typename T >
class CU_Alignas (alignof(T)) AlignedFrom
 CU_DeclareVector (byte, Byte)
 CU_DeclareVector (s32, Int32)
 CU_DeclareVector (u32, UInt32)
 CU_DeclareVector (MbString, MbString)
 CU_DeclareVector (String, String)
 CU_DeclareVector (StringView, StringView)
 CU_DeclareVector (MbStringView, MbStringView)
 CU_DeclareMap (String, uint32_t, UInt32Str)
 CU_DeclareMap (String, uint64_t, UInt64Str)
 CU_DeclareMap (String, bool, BoolStr)
 CU_DeclareMap (String, String, StrStr)
 CU_DeclareSet (String, Str)
 CU_DeclareMap (uint32_t, String, StrUInt32)
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_stringstream< CharT > makeStringStreamT ()
StringStream makeStringStream ()
CU_API String makeString (MbStringView const &in)
CU_API String makeString (WStringView const &in)
CU_API String makeString (U32StringView const &in)
CU_API MbString toUtf8 (WStringView in)
CU_API WString toSystemWide (MbStringView in)
CU_API U32String toUtf8U32String (StringView in)
String makeString (MbString const &in)
String makeString (WString const &in)
String makeString (U32String const &in)
String makeString (mbchar const *in)
String makeString (wchar const *in)
String makeString (u32char const *in)
String makeString (mbchar const *in, size_t length)
String makeString (wchar const *in, size_t length)
String makeString (u32char const *in, size_t length)
MbString toUtf8 (MbStringView in)
MbString toUtf8 (MbString const &in)
MbString toUtf8 (mbchar const *in)
MbString toUtf8 (mbchar const *in, size_t length)
MbString toUtf8 (WString const &in)
MbString toUtf8 (wchar const *in, size_t length)
MbString toUtf8 (wchar const *in)
WString toSystemWide (MbString const &in)
WString toSystemWide (mbchar const *in, size_t length)
WString toSystemWide (mbchar const *in)
WString toSystemWide (WStringView in)
WString toSystemWide (WString const &in)
WString toSystemWide (wchar const *in)
WString toSystemWide (wchar const *in, size_t length)
U32String toUtf8U32String (String const &in)
U32String toUtf8U32String (xchar const *in, size_t length)
template<typename Lockable >
UniqueLock< Lockable > makeUniqueLock (Lockable &lockable)
template<typename BaseT , typename DerivedT , typename ... ParamsT>
UniquePtr< BaseT > makeUniqueDerived (ParamsT &&... params)
template<typename TypeT , typename ... ParamsT>
UniquePtr< TypeT > makeUnique (ParamsT &&... params)
template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
UniquePtr< TypeU > ptrCast (UniquePtr< TypeT > ptr)
template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
UniquePtr< TypeU > ptrRefCast (UniquePtr< TypeT > &ptr)
template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
RawUniquePtr< TypeU > ptrCast (RawUniquePtr< TypeT > ptr)
template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
RawUniquePtr< TypeU > ptrRefCast (RawUniquePtr< TypeT > &ptr)
template<typename T >
BinaryFileoperator<< (BinaryFile &file, T const &toWrite)
 open mode dependant write function
template<typename T >
BinaryFileoperator>> (BinaryFile &file, T &toRead)
 open mode dependant read function
constexpr bool isBigEndian () noexcept
 Detects if the current system is big endian.
constexpr bool isLittleEndian () noexcept
 Detects if the current system is little endian.
template<typename T >
constexpr T & switchEndianness (T &value) noexcept
 Convert from little or big endian to the other.
template<typename T >
constexpr T switchEndianness (T const &value)
 Convert from little or big endian to the other.
template<typename T >
constexpr T & systemEndianToBigEndian (T &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T systemEndianToBigEndian (T const &value)
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & systemEndianToBigEndian (Array< T, N > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > systemEndianToBigEndian (Array< T, N > const &value)
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr Vector< T > & systemEndianToBigEndian (Vector< T > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr Vector< T > systemEndianToBigEndian (Vector< T > const &value)
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T & systemEndianToLittleEndian (T &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T systemEndianToLittleEndian (T const &value)
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & systemEndianToLittleEndian (Array< T, N > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > systemEndianToLittleEndian (Array< T, N > const &value)
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > & systemEndianToLittleEndian (Vector< T > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > systemEndianToLittleEndian (Vector< T > const &value)
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T & bigEndianToSystemEndian (T &value) noexcept
 Convert the given big endian value to system endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T bigEndianToSystemEndian (T const &value)
 Convert the given big endian value to system endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & bigEndianToSystemEndian (Array< T, N > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > bigEndianToSystemEndian (Array< T, N > const &value)
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > & bigEndianToSystemEndian (Vector< T > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > bigEndianToSystemEndian (Vector< T > const &value)
 Convert the given value to big endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T & littleEndianToSystemEndian (T &value) noexcept
 Convert the given little endian value to system endian if needed.
template<typename T >
constexpr T littleEndianToSystemEndian (T const &value)
 Convert the given little endian value to system endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & littleEndianToSystemEndian (Array< T, N > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > littleEndianToSystemEndian (Array< T, N > const &value)
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > & littleEndianToSystemEndian (Vector< T > &value) noexcept
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
template<typename T >
Vector< T > littleEndianToSystemEndian (Vector< T > const &value)
 Convert the given value to little endian if needed.
CU_API bool fileOpen (FILE *&file, std::filesystem::path const &path, char const *mode)
 Opens a file.
CU_API bool fileOpen64 (FILE *&file, std::filesystem::path const &path, char const *mode)
 Opens a file.
CU_API bool fileSeek (FILE *file, int64_t offset, int origin)
 Seeks into a file.
CU_API int64_t fileTell (FILE *file)
 Retrieves the file cursor position.
CU_API Path operator/ (Path const &lhs, Path const &rhs)
 Appends 2 paths. adds the separator if needed.
CU_API Path operator/ (Path const &lhs, String const &rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API Path operator/ (Path const &lhs, char const *rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API Path operator/ (Path const &lhs, wchar_t const *rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API Path operator/ (String const &lhs, Path const &rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API Path operator/ (char const *lhs, Path const &rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API Path operator/ (wchar_t const *lhs, Path const &rhs)
 adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed
CU_API std::filesystem::path makePath (StringView str)
template<typename T >
TextFileoperator<< (TextFile &file, T const &toWrite)
 open mode dependant write function
template<typename T >
TextFileoperator>> (TextFile &file, T &toRead)
 open mode dependant read function
template<typename IterT >
bool operator== (ArrayView< IterT > const &lhs, ArrayView< IterT > const &rhs)
template<typename IterT >
bool operator!= (ArrayView< IterT > const &lhs, ArrayView< IterT > const &rhs)
template<typename IterT , typename ValueT = typename IteratorTraits< IterT >::value_type>
ArrayView< ValueT > makeArrayView (IterT begin, IterT end)
template<typename ValueT >
ArrayView< ValueT > makeArrayView (ValueT *begin, ValueT *end)
template<typename IterT >
auto makeArrayView (IterT begin, uint32_t size)
template<typename IterT >
auto makeArrayView (IterT begin, uint64_t size)
template<typename ValueT , size_t N>
auto makeArrayView (ValueT(&buffer)[N])
 CU_DeclareArrayView (byte, Byte)
 CU_DeclareArrayView (s32, Int32)
 CU_DeclareArrayView (u32, UInt32)
 CU_DeclareArrayView (byte const, ConstByte)
 CU_DeclareArrayView (s32 const, ConstInt32)
 CU_DeclareArrayView (u32 const, ConstUInt32)
template<typename InitFunc , typename CleanFunc >
BlockGuard< CleanFunc > makeBlockGuard (InitFunc init, CleanFunc clean)
 Helper function to declare a BlockGuard.
template<typename CleanFunc >
BlockGuard< CleanFunc > makeBlockGuard (CleanFunc clean)
 Helper function to declare a BlockGuard.
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ValueT const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (ValueT const &lhs, ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ValueT const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (ValueT const &lhs, ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ControlT , typename ValueT >
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > makeChangeTrackedT (ValueT const &value)
template<typename ValueT >
ChangeTracked< ValueT > makeChangeTracked (ValueT const &value)
template<typename FlagTypeT , typename IteratorTraitsT >
constexpr bool operator== (FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const &lhs, FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const &rhs)
template<typename FlagTypeT , typename IteratorTraitsT >
constexpr bool operator!= (FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const &lhs, FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool hasAll (T const &value, U const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAll (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAll (FlagType const &value, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAll (typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const &value, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAll (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAll (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool hasAny (T const &value, U const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool hasAny (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType , typename Type >
constexpr bool hasAny (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, Type const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool checkFlag (T const &value, U const &flag) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool checkFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagType const &flag) noexcept
template<typename FlagType , typename Type >
constexpr bool checkFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, Type const &flag) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & addFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > &value, FlagType const &flag) noexcept
 adds a flag to the given value.
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & addFlags (FlagCombination< FlagType > &value, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &flags) noexcept
 adds a flag combination to the given value.
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & remFlags (FlagCombination< FlagType > &value, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &flags) noexcept
 Removes a flag combination from the given value.
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & remFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > &value, FlagType const &flag) noexcept
 Removes a flag from the given value.
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > addFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagType const &flag) noexcept
 adds a flag to the given value.
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > remFlag (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &value, FlagType const &flag) noexcept
 Removes a flag from the given value.
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ValueT const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (ValueT const &lhs, GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator== (GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, ValueT const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (ValueT const &lhs, GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool operator!= (GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &lhs, GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > makeGroupChangeTracked (ControlT &dirty, ValueT const &value)
template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename TraitsT , typename ... ParametersT>
ResourceCachePtrT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT > makeCache (ParametersT &&... parameters)
 Creates a cache.
template<typename ScopeExitFuncType >
ScopeGuard< ScopeExitFuncType > makeScopeGuard (ScopeExitFuncType const &function)
 Helper function to create a ScopeGuard.
CU_API void cuLogError (char const *const description) noexcept
CU_API void cuFailure (char const *const description) noexcept
template<typename ContextT >
ContextDeleterPtr makeContextDeleter ()
template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeParameter ()
 Creates a parameter of given type.
template<ParameterType Type, typename ... Params>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeDefaultedParameter (ParserParameterValueType< Type > defaultValue, Params &&... params)
 Creates a parameter of given type.
template<ParameterType Type, typename T >
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeParameter (Range< T > const &range)
 Creates a parameter of given type.
template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeParameter (StringView name, UInt32StrMap const &values)
 Creates a parameter of given type.
template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeParameter (StringView name, UInt64StrMap const &values)
 Creates a parameter of given type.
template<ParameterType Type, typename EnumType >
ParserParameterBaseSPtr makeParameter ()
 Creates a parameter of given type.
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, bool &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, int8_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, uint8_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, int16_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, uint16_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, int32_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, uint32_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, int64_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, uint64_t &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, float &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, double &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, long double &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, String &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Path &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, PixelFormat &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point2i &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point3i &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point4i &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point2ui &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point3ui &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point4ui &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point2f &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point3f &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point4f &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point2d &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point3d &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Point4d &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Size &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Position &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, Rectangle &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, RgbColour &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, RgbaColour &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, HdrRgbColour &value)
CU_API void getParameterValue (ParserParameterBase const &parameter, HdrRgbaColour &value)
CU_API StringView getTypeName (ParameterType type)
 Retrieves the given parameter type's name.
bool operator== (BoundingBox const &lhs, BoundingBox const &rhs)
bool operator!= (BoundingBox const &lhs, BoundingBox const &rhs)
bool operator== (BoundingSphere const &lhs, BoundingSphere const &rhs)
bool operator!= (BoundingSphere const &lhs, BoundingSphere const &rhs)
CU_API bool operator== (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 Equality operator.
CU_API bool operator!= (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 Inequality operator.
template<typename T >
float operator+ (ColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 addition assignment operator
template<typename T >
float operator- (ColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Substraction assignment operator.
template<typename T >
float operator/ (ColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Division assignment operator.
template<typename T >
float operator* (ColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Multiplication assignment operator.
CU_API float operator+ (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 addition operator
CU_API float operator- (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 Subtraction operator.
CU_API float operator* (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
CU_API float operator/ (ColourComponent const &lhs, ColourComponent const &rhs)
 Division operator.
CU_API bool operator== (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 Equality operator.
CU_API bool operator!= (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 Inequality operator.
template<typename T >
float operator+ (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 addition assignment operator
template<typename T >
float operator- (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Substraction assignment operator.
template<typename T >
float operator/ (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Division assignment operator.
template<typename T >
float operator* (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, T const &rhs)
 Multiplication assignment operator.
CU_API float operator+ (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 addition operator
CU_API float operator- (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 Subtraction operator.
CU_API float operator* (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
CU_API float operator/ (HdrColourComponent const &lhs, HdrColourComponent const &rhs)
 Division operator.
CU_API bool convertToNormalMap (float strength, Image &image) noexcept
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, ImageCache, CU_API)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getSliceSize (ImageLayout const &layout)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getSliceMipSize (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getLayerSize (ImageLayout const &layout)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getLayerMipSize (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getSliceOffset (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getSliceMipOffset (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getLayerOffset (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::DeviceSize getLayerMipOffset (ImageLayout const &layout, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::Buffer getBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase &buffer)
ImageLayout::ConstBuffer getBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer)
ImageLayout::Buffer getLayerBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase &buffer, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::Buffer getLayerMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::ConstBuffer getLayerBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::ConstBuffer getLayerMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
bool hasLayerBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index)
bool hasLayerMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::Buffer getSliceBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase &buffer, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::Buffer getSliceMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
ImageLayout::ConstBuffer getSliceBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index)
ImageLayout::ConstBuffer getSliceMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
bool hasSliceBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index)
bool hasSliceMipBuffer (ImageLayout const &layout, PxBufferBase const &buffer, uint32_t index, uint32_t level)
template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
bool operator== (Pixel< FT > const &lhs, Pixel< FU > const &rhs)
 Equality operator.
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint8_t getX8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int8_t getX8S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint16_t getX16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int16_t getX16S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int16_t getX16F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint32_t getX32U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int32_t getX32S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
float getX32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint64_t getX64U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int64_t getX64S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
double getX64F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX8S (uint8_t *buffer, int8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX16S (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX16F (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX32U (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX32S (uint8_t *buffer, int32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX64U (uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX64S (uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void setX64F (uint8_t *buffer, double value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t getR8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t getR8S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t getR16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getR16S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getR16F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t getR32U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t getR32S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
float getR32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t getR64U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t getR64S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
double getR64F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t getG8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t getG8S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t getG16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getG16S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getG16F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t getG32U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t getG32S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
float getG32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t getG64U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t getG64S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
double getG64F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t getB8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t getB8S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t getB16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getB16S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getB16F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t getB32U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t getB32S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
float getB32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t getB64U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t getB64S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
double getB64F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t getA8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t getA8S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t getA16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getA16S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t getA16F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t getA32U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t getA32S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
float getA32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t getA64U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t getA64S (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
double getA64F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t getD16U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t getD24U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
float getD32F (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t getS8U (uint8_t const *buffer)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR8S (uint8_t *buffer, int8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR16S (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR16F (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR32S (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR32U (uint8_t *buffer, int32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR64U (uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR64S (uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setR64F (uint8_t *buffer, double value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG8S (uint8_t *buffer, int8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG16S (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG16F (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG32U (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG32S (uint8_t *buffer, int32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG64U (uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG64S (uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setG64F (uint8_t *buffer, double value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB8S (uint8_t *buffer, int8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB16S (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB16F (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB32U (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB32S (uint8_t *buffer, int32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB64U (uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB64S (uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setB64F (uint8_t *buffer, double value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA8S (uint8_t *buffer, int8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA16S (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA16F (uint8_t *buffer, int16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA32U (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA32S (uint8_t *buffer, int32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA64U (uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA64S (uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setA64F (uint8_t *buffer, double value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setD16U (uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setD24U (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setD32F (uint8_t *buffer, float value)
template<PixelFormat PFT>
void setS8U (uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t value)
template<PixelFormat PF>
float getR32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel colour component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setR32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel, float value)
 Function to define pixel colour component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t getR8U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel red component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setR8U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint8_t value)
 Function to define pixel red component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
float getG32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel green component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setG32F (Pixel< PF > &pixel, float value)
 Function to define pixel green component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t getG8U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel green component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setG8U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint8_t value)
 Function to define pixel green component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
float getB32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel blue component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setB32F (Pixel< PF > &pixel, float value)
 Function to define pixel blue component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t getB8U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel blue component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setB8U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint8_t value)
 Function to define pixel blue component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
float getA32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel alpha component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setA32F (Pixel< PF > &pixel, float value)
 Function to define pixel alpha component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t getA8U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel alpha component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setA8U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint8_t value)
 Function to define pixel alpha component in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
float getD32F (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel depth component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setD32F (Pixel< PF > &pixel, float value)
 Function to define pixel depth component in float.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint16_t getD16U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel depth component in uint16_t.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setD16U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint16_t value)
 Function to define pixel depth component in uint16_t.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint32_t getD24U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel depth component in uint32_t, with 24 relevant bits.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setD24U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint32_t value)
 Function to define pixel depth component in uint32_t, with 24 relevant bits.
template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t getS8U (Pixel< PF > const &pixel)
 Function to retrieve pixel depth stencil in byte.
template<PixelFormat PF>
void setS8U (Pixel< PF > &pixel, uint8_t value)
 Function to define pixel depth stencil in byte.
PixelComponents getPixelComponents (PixelFormat format)
template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF > operator+ (ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &it, size_t offset)
template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF > operator- (ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &it, size_t offset)
template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type operator- (ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &lhs, ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &rhs)
template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type operator- (PixelIterator< PF > const &lhs, ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &rhs)
template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type operator- (ConstPixelIterator< PF > const &lhs, PixelIterator< PF > const &rhs)
bool decompressBC1Block (uint8_t const *bitstring, uint8_t *pixelBuffer)
bool decompressBC3Block (uint8_t const *bitstring, uint8_t *pixelBuffer)
bool decompressBC5Block (uint8_t const *bitstring, uint8_t *pixelBuffer)
constexpr VkDeviceSize getBytesPerPixel (PixelFormat format)
 Function to retrieve Pixel size without templates.
CU_API String getFormatName (PixelFormat format)
 Function to retrieve pixel format name.
constexpr uint8_t getComponentsCount (PixelFormat format)
 Function to retrieve the number of components of a pixel format.
constexpr bool hasAlpha (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool hasComponent (PixelFormat format, PixelComponent component)
constexpr PixelFormat getSingleComponent (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt8 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt8 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt16 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt16 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt32 (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isInt32 (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool isFloatingPoint (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isFloatingPoint (VkFormat format)
constexpr bool isCompressed (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
 Tells if the given format is an SRGB one.
constexpr bool isRGFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isBGRFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isRGBAFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isARGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isBGRAFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isABGRFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat getSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat getNonSRGBFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool isDepthOrStencilFormat (PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelFormat getPFWithoutAlpha (PixelFormat format)
 Retrieves the pixel format without alpha that is close to the one given.
constexpr PixelFormat getPFWithAlpha (PixelFormat format)
 Retrieves the pixel format with alpha that is close to the one given.
constexpr uint32_t getComponentIndex (PixelComponent component)
constexpr uint32_t getComponentIndex (PixelComponent component, PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelComponent getIndexComponent (uint32_t index, PixelFormat format)
constexpr PixelComponents getComponents (PixelFormat format)
CU_API PixelFormat getFormatByName (StringView formatName)
 Function to retrieve pixel format from a name.
CU_API PixelFormat getPixelFormat (PixelFormat format, PixelComponents components)
CU_API void convertPixel (PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *&src, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *&dst)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API void convertBuffer (Size const &srcDimensions, Size const &dstDimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
static void convertBuffer (Size const &dimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API void compressBuffer (PxBufferConvertOptions const *options, std::atomic_bool const *interrupt, Size const &srcDimensions, Size const &dstDimensions, PixelFormat srcFormat, uint8_t const *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcSize, PixelFormat dstFormat, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstSize)
 Function to perform convertion without templates.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr decompressBuffer (PxBufferBase const &src)
 Decompresses the given compressed pixel buffer.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr extractComponent (PxBufferBaseRPtr src, PixelComponent component)
 Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.
CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr extractComponents (PxBufferBaseRPtr src, PixelComponents component)
 Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.
CU_API void copyBufferComponents (PixelComponents srcComponents, PixelComponents dstComponents, PxBufferBase const &srcBuffer, PxBufferBase &dstBuffer)
 Copies some pixel components from a source buffer into pixel components of a destination buffer.
template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF > operator+ (PixelIterator< PF > it, size_t offset)
template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF > operator- (PixelIterator< PF > it, size_t offset)
template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF >::difference_type operator- (PixelIterator< PF > const &lhs, PixelIterator< PF > const &rhs)
CU_API bool operator== (Position const &a, Position const &b)
 Equality operator.
CU_API bool operator!= (Position const &a, Position const &b)
 Difference operator.
static String getPredefinedName (PredefinedRgbaColour predefined)
 Retrieves predefined colour name.
static PredefinedRgbaColour getPredefinedRgba (String const &name)
 Retrieves predefined colour from a name.
template<typename ComponentType >
bool operator== (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Equality operator.
template<typename ComponentType >
bool operator!= (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Inequality operator.
template<typename ComponentType >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator+ (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 addition operator
template<typename ComponentType >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator- (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Substraction operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator+ (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 addition operator
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator- (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Subtraction operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator* (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > operator/ (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Division operator.
Point3ub toRGBByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.
Point3ub toBGRByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.
Point4ub toRGBAByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.
Point4ub toBGRAByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.
Point4ub toARGBByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.
Point4ub toABGRByte (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f toRGBFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f toBGRFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toRGBAFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toARGBFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toABGRFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toBGRAFloat (RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.
uint32_t toRGBPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGB format (0x00RRGGBB).
uint32_t toBGRPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGR format (0x00BBGGRR).
uint32_t toARGBPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ARGB format (0xAARRGGBB).
uint32_t toRGBAPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGBA format (0xRRGGBBAA).
uint32_t toABGRPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).
uint32_t toBGRAPacked (RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGRA format (0xBBGGRRAA).
static String getPredefinedName (PredefinedRgbColour predefined)
 Retrieves predefined colour name.
static PredefinedRgbColour getPredefinedRgb (String const &name)
 Retrieves predefined colour from a name.
template<typename ComponentType >
bool operator== (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Equality operator.
template<typename ComponentType >
bool operator!= (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Inequality operator.
template<typename ComponentType >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator+ (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 addition operator
template<typename ComponentType >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator- (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &rhs)
 Substraction operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator+ (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 addition operator
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator- (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Subtraction operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator* (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > operator/ (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &lhs, T rhs)
 Division operator.
Point3ub toRGBByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.
Point3ub toBGRByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.
Point4ub toRGBAByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.
Point4ub toBGRAByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.
Point4ub toARGBByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.
Point4ub toABGRByte (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f toRGBFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f toBGRFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toRGBAFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toARGBFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toABGRFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.
template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f toBGRAFloat (RgbColourT< ComponentType > const &colour)
 Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.
uint32_t toRGBPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGB format (0x00RRGGBB).
uint32_t toBGRPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGR format (0x00BBGGRR).
uint32_t toARGBPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ARGB format (0xAARRGGBB).
uint32_t toRGBAPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGBA format (0xRRGGBBAA).
uint32_t toABGRPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).
uint32_t toBGRAPacked (RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const &colour)
 Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGRA format (0xBBGGRRAA).
CU_API bool operator== (Size const &a, Size const &b) noexcept
 Equality operator.
CU_API bool operator!= (Size const &a, Size const &b) noexcept
 Difference operator.
Size operator<< (Size const &lhs, uint32_t rhs) noexcept
Size operator>> (Size const &lhs, uint32_t rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > acosT (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.
template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > asinT (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.
template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > atanT (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > atan2T (double y, double x)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
static AngleT< float > acosf (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.
static AngleT< float > asinf (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.
static AngleT< float > atanf (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
static AngleT< float > atan2f (double y, double x)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
static AngleT< double > acosd (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.
static AngleT< double > asind (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.
static AngleT< double > atand (double value)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
static AngleT< double > atan2d (double y, double x)
 Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr TypeT convert (TypeT const &value, LengthUnit from, LengthUnit to) noexcept
template<std::integral TypeT>
constexpr TypeT divRoundUp (TypeT num, TypeT denom)
 Division rounded up.
CU_API bool operator== (PlaneEquation const &lhs, PlaneEquation const &rhs)
 Checks if this plane is equal to another one.
CU_API bool operator!= (PlaneEquation const &lhs, PlaneEquation const &rhs)
 Checks if this plane is different from another one.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator+ (QuaternionT< T > const &lhs, QuaternionT< T > const &rhs)
 addition operator
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator- (QuaternionT< T > const &lhs, QuaternionT< T > const &rhs)
 Substraction operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator* (QuaternionT< T > const &lhs, QuaternionT< T > const &rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator* (QuaternionT< T > const &lhs, double rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator* (QuaternionT< T > const &lhs, float rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator* (double lhs, QuaternionT< T > const &rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator* (float lhs, QuaternionT< T > const &rhs)
 Multiplication operator.
template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > operator- (QuaternionT< T > const &quat)
 Negation operator.
template<typename CharT , typename T >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &stream, QuaternionT< T > const &quat)
 Stream operator.
template<typename T >
Range< T > makeRange (T const &min, T const &max) noexcept
 Helper function to create a range.
template<typename T >
RangedValue< T > makeRangedValue (T const &value, T const &min, T const &max) noexcept
 Helper function to create a ranged value.
template<typename T >
RangeSequenceT< T > makeRangeSequence (Vector< T > const &sequence)
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > makeSpeed (ValueT const &value)
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > makeSpeed (ValueT const &value, DurationT const &)
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > operator+ (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const &lhs, ValueU const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > operator- (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const &lhs, ValueU const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > operator* (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const &lhs, ValueU const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > operator/ (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const &lhs, ValueU const &rhs) noexcept
static constexpr uint32_t getBitSize (uint64_t value)
static constexpr uint32_t getBitSize (uint32_t value)
static constexpr uint32_t getNextPowerOfTwo (uint32_t value)
static constexpr bool isPowerOfTwo (uint32_t value)
CU_API OutputStreamoperator<< (OutputStream &stream, CpuInformations const &object)
 Output stream operator.
template<typename T >
uint32_t hashCombine32 (uint32_t &hash, T const &rhs)
template<typename T >
uint32_t hashCombinePtr32 (uint32_t &hash, T const &rhs)
template<typename T >
uint64_t hashCombine64 (uint64_t &hash, T const &rhs)
template<typename T >
uint64_t hashCombinePtr64 (uint64_t &hash, T const &rhs)
template<typename T >
size_t hashCombine (size_t &hash, T const &rhs)
template<typename T >
size_t hashCombinePtr (size_t &hash, T const &rhs)
CU_API void getLocaltime (std::tm *tm, time_t const *time)
template<typename T , size_t N>
size_t getCountOf (T const(&data)[N])
template<typename NoiseT >
FractalNoiseT< NoiseT > makeFractalNoise (uint32_t octaves, NoiseT noise)
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &stream, format::Indent const &ind)
 Stream operator.
template<typename CharT , typename PrefixT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &stream, format::BasePrefixerT< CharT, PrefixT > const &)
 Stream operator.
template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool operator== (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool operator!= (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > operator<< (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, int rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > operator>> (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, int rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > operator& (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > operator| (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > operator^ (DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &lhs, DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool operator== (typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &lhs, typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool operator!= (typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &lhs, typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit operator| (typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &lhs, bool rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit operator& (typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &lhs, bool rhs)
template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit operator^ (typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const &lhs, bool rhs)

Comparison operators.

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool operator== (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool operator== (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool operator!= (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool operator!= (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept

Binary operators.

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator& (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator| (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator^ (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator& (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator| (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator^ (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator& (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator| (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > operator^ (FlagCombination< FlagType > const &lhs, FlagCombination< FlagType > const &rhs) noexcept
Comparison operators.
bool operator== (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
bool operator!= (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
bool operator< (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
bool operator> (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
bool operator<= (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
bool operator>= (Glyph const &lhs, Glyph const &rhs)
template<typename Type >
bool operator== (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
auto operator<=> (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (Illumination const &lhs, Illumination const &rhs) noexcept
auto operator<=> (Illumination const &lhs, Illumination const &rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (LuminousIntensity const &lhs, LuminousIntensity const &rhs) noexcept
auto operator<=> (LuminousIntensity const &lhs, LuminousIntensity const &rhs) noexcept
Arithmetic operators.
template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > operator+ (Pixel< FT > const &lhs, Pixel< FU > const &rhs)
template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > operator- (Pixel< FT > const &lhs, Pixel< FU > const &rhs)
template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > operator/ (Pixel< FT > const &lhs, Pixel< FU > const &rhs)
template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > operator* (Pixel< FT > const &lhs, Pixel< FU > const &rhs)
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator+ (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator- (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator+ (TypeT const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator- (TypeT const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator+ (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, TypeT const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator- (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, TypeT const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator* (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > operator/ (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator+ (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator- (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator* (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator/ (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator+ (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator- (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator* (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator/ (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator+ (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator- (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator* (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
operator/ (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
Arihmetic operators.
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator+ (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator- (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator* (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator/ (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, AngleT< Type > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator* (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > operator/ (AngleT< Type > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator== (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator!= (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator- (Coords< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator+ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator- (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator* (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator/ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator+ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator- (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator* (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator/ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator+ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator- (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator* (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > operator/ (Coords< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Stringoperator<< (String &out, Coords< T, Count > const &in)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Stringoperator>> (String &in, Coords< T, Count > &out)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &out, Coords< T, Count > const &in)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename CharT >
std::basic_istream< CharT > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT > &in, Coords< T, Count > &out)
Logic operators.
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator== (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator!= (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator< (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator>= (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator> (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename TypeT >
bool operator<= (LengthT< TypeT > const &lhs, LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator== (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator> (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator< (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, T const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator== (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator> (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator< (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (T const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator== (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator> (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator< (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (RangedValue< T > const &lhs, RangedValue< T > const &rhs) noexcept
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
bool operator== (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
bool operator!= (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator+ (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator- (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U , uint32_t ColumnsU>
Matrix< T, ColumnsU, Rows > operator* (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< U, ColumnsU, Columns > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Point< T, Rows > operator* (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, Point< U, Columns > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Point< T, Columns > operator* (Point< T, Rows > const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator+ (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator- (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator+ (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator- (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator* (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator/ (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator+ (T const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator- (T const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator* (T const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > operator- (Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
Stringoperator<< (String &stream, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &matrix)
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
Stringoperator>> (String &stream, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > &matrix)
template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &stream, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &matrix)
template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
std::basic_istream< CharT > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT > &stream, Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > &matrix)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator== (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator!= (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator== (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator!= (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator== (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool operator!= (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Point< T, TCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator+ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator* (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator/ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator+ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator* (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator/ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, Coords< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator+ (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator* (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator/ (Coords< T, TCount > const &lhs, Point< U, UCount > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator+ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator* (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator/ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator+ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator- (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator* (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > operator/ (Point< T, TCount > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename DstCompT , typename SrcT >
constexpr PointTypeT< SrcT, DstCompT > pointCast (SrcT const &src) noexcept
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Stringoperator<< (String &out, Point< T, TCount > const &in)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Stringoperator>> (String &in, Point< T, TCount > &out)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &out, Point< T, TCount > const &in)
template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename CharT >
std::basic_istream< CharT > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT > &in, Point< T, TCount > &out)
template<typename ValueT , typename DurationT , typename TraitsT >
bool operator== (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const &lhs, SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const &rhs)
template<typename ValueT , typename DurationT , typename TraitsT >
auto operator<=> (SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const &lhs, SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
bool operator== (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
bool operator!= (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator+ (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< U, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator- (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< U, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator* (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< U, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t Columns>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator* (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, Matrix< U, Columns, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator+ (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator- (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator* (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, U const *rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator+ (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator- (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator* (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator/ (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &lhs, T const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t Rows>
Matrix< T, Count, Rows > operator* (Matrix< U, Count, Rows > const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator+ (T const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator- (T const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator* (T const &lhs, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > operator- (SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &rhs)
template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Count>
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &streamOut, SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &matrix)
template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Count>
std::basic_istream< CharT > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT > &streamIn, SquareMatrix< T, Count > &matrix)


static NoInit constexpr noInit
static const MbString ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT = "Unknown object type"
static Array< MbStringView, size_t(UnicityError::eCount) > const STR_UNICITY_ERROR
 Unicity error texts.
template<ParameterType Type>
bool constexpr isArithmeticTypeV = IsArithmeticType< Type >::value
template<details::ValueTypeT DataT, DataT ... ValuesT>
static DataT minValueT = details::MinRecT< DataT, ValuesT... >::value
template<details::ValueTypeT DataT, DataT ... ValuesT>
static DataT constexpr maxValueT = details::MaxRecT< DataT, ValuesT... >::value
template<typename T >
static bool constexpr isRangedValueT = IsRangedValueT< T >::value
template<typename ValueT >
static bool constexpr isSpeedT = IsSpeedT< ValueT >::value


enum class  FileType : uint8_t { eBinary = 0 , eText = 1 , eCount , eMin = eBinary }
 castor::Loader supported file types enumeration More...
 CU_DeclareVector (Path, Path)


enum class  PixelFormat : uint32_t { CUPF_ENUM_VALUE , eCount , eMin = eUNDEFINED }
 Pixel format enumeration. More...
enum class  PredefinedRgbaColour : uint32_t {
  eTransparentBlack = 0x00000000 , eLowAlphaBlack = 0x00000040 , eMedAlphaBlack = 0x0000007F , eHighAlphaBlack = 0x000000BF ,
  eOpaqueBlack = 0x000000FF , eTransparentDarkBlue = 0x00007F00 , eLowAlphaDarkBlue = 0x00007F40 , eMedAlphaDarkBlue = 0x00007F7F ,
  eHighAlphaDarkBlue = 0x00007FBF , eOpaqueDarkBlue = 0x00007FFF , eTransparentBlue = 0x0000FF00 , eLowAlphaBlue = 0x0000FF40 ,
  eMedAlphaBlue = 0x0000FF7F , eHighAlphaBlue = 0x0000FFBF , eOpaqueBlue = 0x0000FFFF , eTransparentDarkGreen = 0x007F0000 ,
  eLowAlphaDarkGreen = 0x007F0040 , eMedAlphaDarkGreen = 0x007F007F , eHighAlphaDarkGreen = 0x007F00BF , eOpaqueDarkGreen = 0x007F00FF ,
  eTransparentGreen = 0x00FF0000 , eLowAlphaGreen = 0x00FF0040 , eMedAlphaGreen = 0x00FF007F , eHighAlphaGreen = 0x00FF00BF ,
  eOpaqueGreen = 0x00FF00FF , eTransparentDarkRed = 0x7F000000 , eLowAlphaDarkRed = 0x7F000040 , eMedAlphaDarkRed = 0x7F00007F ,
  eHighAlphaDarkRed = 0x7F0000BF , eOpaqueDarkRed = 0x7F0000FF , eTransparentRed = 0xFF000000 , eLowAlphaRed = 0xFF000040 ,
  eMedAlphaRed = 0xFF00007F , eHighAlphaRed = 0xFF0000BF , eOpaqueRed = 0xFF0000FF , eTransparentLightBlue = 0x7F7FFF00 ,
  eLowAlphaLightBlue = 0x7F7FFF40 , eMedAlphaLightBlue = 0x7F7FFF7F , eHighAlphaLightBlue = 0x7F7FFFBF , eOpaqueLightBlue = 0x7F7FFFFF ,
  eTransparentLightGreen = 0x7FFF7F00 , eLowAlphaLightGreen = 0x7FFF7F40 , eMedAlphaLightGreen = 0x7FFF7F7F , eHighAlphaLightGreen = 0x7FFF7FBF ,
  eOpaqueLightGreen = 0x7FFF7FFF , eTransparentLightRed = 0xFF7F7F00 , eLowAlphaLightRed = 0xFF7F7F40 , eMedAlphaLightRed = 0xFF7F7F7F ,
  eHighAlphaLightRed = 0xFF7F7FBF , eOpaqueLightRed = 0xFF7F7FFF , eTransparentWhite = 0xFFFFFF00 , eLowAlphaWhite = 0xFFFFFF40 ,
  eMedAlphaWhite = 0xFFFFFF7F , eHighAlphaWhite = 0xFFFFFFBF , eOpaqueWhite = 0xFFFFFFFF
 Predefined colours enumeration. More...
enum class  PredefinedRgbColour : uint32_t {
  eBlack = 0x000000FF , eDarkBlue = 0x00007FFF , eBlue = 0x0000FFFF , eDarkGreen = 0x007F00FF ,
  eGreen = 0x00FF00FF , eDarkRed = 0x7F0000FF , eRed = 0xFF0000FF , eLightBlue = 0x7F7FFFFF ,
  eLightGreen = 0x7FFF7FFF , eLightRed = 0xFF7F7FFF , eWhite = 0xFFFFFFFF
 Predefined colours enumeration. More...
enum class  RgbaComponent : uint8_t {
  eRed = 0 , eGreen = 1 , eBlue = 2 , eAlpha = 3 ,
  eCount , eMin = eRed
 RgbaColourT components enumeration. More...
enum class  RgbComponent : uint8_t {
  eRed = 0 , eGreen = 1 , eBlue = 2 , eCount ,
  eMin = eRed
 RgbColourT components enumeration. More...
enum class  Intersection : uint8_t {
  eIn = 0 , eOut = 1 , eIntersect = 2 , eCount ,
  eMin = eIn
 Intersection types. More...
enum class  PixelComponent : uint8_t {
  eRed = 0x01 , eGreen = 0x02 , eBlue = 0x04 , eAlpha = 0x08 ,
  eDepth = 0x10 , eStencil = 0x20
 Pixel PixelComponentsT enumeration. More...
using BoundingContainer2D = BoundingContainer< 2 >
 Typedef on a 2 dimensions BoundingContainer.
using BoundingContainer3D = BoundingContainer< 3 >
 Typedef on a 3 dimensions BoundingContainer.
using UbPixel = Pixel< PixelFormat::eR8G8B8A8_UNORM >
 Typedef over a pixel in A8R8G8B8 format.
using PixelComponents = castor::FlagCombination< PixelComponent >
template<typename TypeT >
using LargerTypeT = typename LargerTyperT< TypeT >::Type
using FontCacheTraits = ResourceCacheTraitsT< Font, String >
using ImageLoaderPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< ImageLoaderImpl >
using ImageWriterPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< ImageWriterImpl >
using PixelBuffer = PxBuffer< PixelFormat::eR8G8B8A8_UNORM >
using FontCache = ResourceCacheT< Font, String, FontCacheTraits >
using RgbColour = RgbColourT< ColourComponent >
using RgbaColour = RgbaColourT< ColourComponent >
using HdrRgbColour = RgbColourT< HdrColourComponent >
using HdrRgbaColour = RgbaColourT< HdrColourComponent >
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static PixelFormat constexpr singleComponentV = SingleComponentT< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isColourFormatV = IsColourFormat< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isDepthFormatV = IsDepthFormat< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isStencilFormatV = IsStencilFormat< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isDepthStencilFormatV = IsDepthStencilFormat< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isCompressedV = IsCompressed< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr hasAlphaV = HasAlpha< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is8SRGBComponentsV = Is8SRGBComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is8UComponentsV = Is8UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is16UComponentsV = Is16UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is32UComponentsV = Is32UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is64UComponentsV = Is64UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is8SComponentsV = Is8SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is16SComponentsV = Is16SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is32SComponentsV = Is32SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is64SComponentsV = Is64SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is16FComponentsV = Is16FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is32FComponentsV = Is32FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr is64FComponentsV = Is64FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isD16UComponentV = IsD16UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isD24UComponentV = IsD24UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isD32FComponentV = IsD32FComponent< PixelFormatT >::value
template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
static bool constexpr isS8UComponentV = IsS8UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value
CU_API String getName (PixelComponent const &component)
CU_API String getName (PixelComponents const &components)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, BoundingBox, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, BoundingSphere, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, Image, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, Font, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, PxBufferBase, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, FontCache, CU_API)
CU_API bool hasAlphaChannel (Image const &image)


enum class  LengthUnit {
  eKilometre = 0 , eMetre = 1 , eCentimetre = 2 , eMillimetre = 3 ,
  eYard = 4 , eFoot = 5 , eInch = 6 , eCount ,
  eMin = eKilometre
using Angle = AngleT< float >
template<typename T >
using Point2 = Point< T, 2 >
template<typename T >
using Point3 = Point< T, 3 >
template<typename T >
using Point4 = Point< T, 4 >
template<typename T >
using Coords2 = Coords< T, 2 >
template<typename T >
using Coords3 = Coords< T, 3 >
template<typename T >
using Coords4 = Coords< T, 4 >
template<typename T >
using Matrix2x2 = SquareMatrix< T, 2 >
template<typename T >
using Matrix3x3 = SquareMatrix< T, 3 >
template<typename T >
using Matrix4x4 = SquareMatrix< T, 4 >
using Length = LengthT< float >
using Quaternion = QuaternionT< float >
using QuaternionArray = Vector< Quaternion >
using Vector2f = LengthT< Point2f >
using Vector3f = LengthT< Point3f >
using Vector4f = LengthT< Point4f >
using Vector2d = LengthT< Point2d >
using Vector3d = LengthT< Point3d >
using Vector4d = LengthT< Point4d >
template<typename SrcT , typename DstCompT >
using PointTypeT = typename PointTyperT< SrcT, DstCompT >::Type
template<typename TypeT >
using PointComponentT = typename PointComponentGetT< TypeT >::Type
template<typename Type >
static constexpr Type Pi { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 ) }
template<typename Type >
static constexpr Type PiMult2 { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 * 2.0 ) }
template<typename Type >
static constexpr Type Tau { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 * 2.0 ) }
template<typename Type >
static constexpr Type PiDiv2 { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 / 2.0 ) }
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isLengthV = IsLengthT< TypeT >::value
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isFloatingV
template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT , uint32_t CountT>
static constexpr bool isPointV
template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
static constexpr bool isPoint2V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 2u >
template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
static constexpr bool isPoint3V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 3u >
template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
static constexpr bool isPoint4V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 4u >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint2f = isPoint2V< TypeT, float >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint3f = isPoint3V< TypeT, float >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint4f = isPoint4V< TypeT, float >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint2d = isPoint2V< TypeT, double >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint3d = isPoint3V< TypeT, double >
template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr bool isPoint4d = isPoint4V< TypeT, double >
CU_API String getName (LengthUnit value)
 CU_DeclarePoint (bool, 4, b)
 CU_DeclarePoint (bool, 3, b)
 CU_DeclarePoint (bool, 2, b)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int8_t, 4, c)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int8_t, 3, c)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int8_t, 2, c)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint8_t, 4, ub)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint8_t, 3, ub)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint8_t, 2, ub)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int16_t, 4, s)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int16_t, 3, s)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int16_t, 2, s)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint16_t, 4, us)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint16_t, 3, us)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint16_t, 2, us)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int32_t, 4, i)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int32_t, 3, i)
 CU_DeclarePoint (int32_t, 2, i)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint32_t, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint32_t, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclarePoint (uint32_t, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclarePoint (float, 4, f)
 CU_DeclarePoint (float, 3, f)
 CU_DeclarePoint (float, 2, f)
 CU_DeclarePoint (double, 4, d)
 CU_DeclarePoint (double, 3, d)
 CU_DeclarePoint (double, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareCoord (bool, 4, b)
 CU_DeclareCoord (bool, 3, b)
 CU_DeclareCoord (bool, 2, b)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int8_t, 4, c)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int8_t, 3, c)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int8_t, 2, c)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint8_t, 4, ub)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint8_t, 3, ub)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint8_t, 2, ub)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int16_t, 4, s)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int16_t, 3, s)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int16_t, 2, s)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint16_t, 4, us)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint16_t, 3, us)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint16_t, 2, us)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int32_t, 4, i)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int32_t, 3, i)
 CU_DeclareCoord (int32_t, 2, i)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint32_t, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint32_t, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclareCoord (uint32_t, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclareCoord (float, 4, f)
 CU_DeclareCoord (float, 3, f)
 CU_DeclareCoord (float, 2, f)
 CU_DeclareCoord (double, 4, d)
 CU_DeclareCoord (double, 3, d)
 CU_DeclareCoord (double, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (bool, 4, b)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (bool, 3, b)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (bool, 2, b)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int8_t, 4, c)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int8_t, 3, c)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int8_t, 2, c)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint8_t, 4, ub)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint8_t, 3, ub)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint8_t, 2, ub)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int16_t, 4, s)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int16_t, 3, s)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int16_t, 2, s)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint16_t, 4, us)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint16_t, 3, us)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint16_t, 2, us)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int32_t, 4, i)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int32_t, 3, i)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (int32_t, 2, i)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint32_t, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint32_t, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (uint32_t, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (float, 4, f)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (float, 3, f)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (float, 2, f)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (double, 4, d)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (double, 3, d)
 CU_DeclareConstCoord (double, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (bool, 4, b)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (bool, 3, b)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (bool, 2, b)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (int32_t, 4, i)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (int32_t, 3, i)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (int32_t, 2, i)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (uint32_t, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (uint32_t, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (uint32_t, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (float, 4, f)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (float, 3, f)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (float, 2, f)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (double, 4, d)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (double, 3, d)
 CU_DeclareSqMtx (double, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 2, 3, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 2, 4, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 3, 2, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 3, 4, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 4, 2, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (bool, 4, 3, b)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 2, 3, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 2, 4, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 3, 2, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 3, 4, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 4, 2, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (int32_t, 4, 3, i)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 2, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 2, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 3, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 3, 4, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 4, 2, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (uint32_t, 4, 3, ui)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 2, 3, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 2, 4, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 3, 2, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 3, 4, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 4, 2, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (float, 4, 3, f)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 2, 3, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 2, 4, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 3, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 3, 4, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 4, 2, d)
 CU_DeclareMtx (double, 4, 3, d)
CU_API Point3f operator* (Matrix4x4f const &lhs, Point3f const &rhs)
CU_API Point3f operator* (Point3f const &lhs, Matrix4x4f const &rhs)
CU_API Point4f operator* (Matrix4x4f const &lhs, Point4f const &rhs)
CU_API Point4f operator* (Point4f const &lhs, Matrix4x4f const &rhs)


template<typename ResT , typename KeyT >
using ResourcePtrT = UniquePtr< ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > >
 Pointer to a resource view.
template<typename ResT , typename KeyT >
using ResourceObsT = ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > *
 Pointer to a resource view.
using Named = NamedBaseT< String >
using DynamicBitset = DynamicBitsetT< uint32_t >
template<typename ValueT >
using ChangeTracked = ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, bool >
template<typename ValueT >
using AtomicChangeTracked = ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, std::atomic_bool >
template<typename ValueT >
using GroupChangeTracked = GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, bool >
template<typename ValueT >
using AtomicGroupChangeTracked = GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, std::atomic_bool >
using OnCacheChangedFunction = castor::Function< void() >
using OnCacheChanged = SignalT< OnCacheChangedFunction >
using OnCacheChangedConnection = ConnectionT< OnCacheChanged >
template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename TraitsT >
using ResourceCachePtrT = UniquePtr< ResourceCacheT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT > >
template<typename T >
static bool constexpr isChangeTrackedT = IsChangeTrackedT< T >::value
template<typename T >
static bool constexpr isGroupChangeTrackedT = IsGroupChangeTrackedT< T >::value
template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename ... ParametersT>
ResourcePtrT< ResT, KeyT > makeResource (ParametersT &&... params)

Parsers holders

using SectionId = uint32_t
 The type for a section ID.
template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
using ParserParameterValueType = typename ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::ValueType
using ParserParameterBaseSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< ParserParameterBase >
using ParserFunction = castor::Function< bool( FileParserContext &, void *, ParserParameterArray const & ) >
 Parser function definition.
using RawParserFunction = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, void *, ParserParameterArray const & )
template<typename BlockContextT >
using ParserFunctionT = castor::Function< bool( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & ) >
 Parser function definition.
template<typename BlockContextT >
using RawParserFunctionT = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & )
using SectionAttributeParsers = Map< SectionId, ParserFunctionAndParams >
 The parsers sorted per section. This will be used to store the functions associated to a unique token.
using AttributeParsers = StringMap< SectionAttributeParsers >
 The parsers sorted per token name.
using UserContextCreator = castor::Function< void * ( FileParserContext & ) >
 User defined parsing context creator.
template<typename BlockContextT >
using BlockParserFunctionT = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & )
static constexpr SectionId PreviousSection = ( (castor::SectionId( 'P' ) << 24 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'R' ) << 16 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'E' ) << 8 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'V' ) << 0 ) )
 Indicates that the next section for a parser is the previous one.
template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
ParameterType constexpr ParserParameterParamType = ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::ParamType
template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
StringView constexpr ParserParameterStringType = ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::StringType
template<ParameterType Type>
bool constexpr hasBaseParameterTypeV = HasBaseParameterType< Type >::value
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, FileParserContext, CU_API)
 CU_DeclareVector (ParserParameterBaseSPtr, ParserParameter)
CU_API void addParser (AttributeParsers &parsers, uint32_t oldSection, uint32_t newSection, String const &name, ParserFunction function, ParserParameterArray params=ParserParameterArray{})
 Adds a parser function to the parsers list.
static void addParser (AttributeParsers &parsers, uint32_t section, String const &name, ParserFunction function, ParserParameterArray params=ParserParameterArray{})
 Adds a parser function to the parsers list.
template<typename SectionT , typename BlockContextT >
void addParserT (AttributeParsers &parsers, SectionT section, String const &name, BlockParserFunctionT< BlockContextT > function, ParserParameterArray params=ParserParameterArray{})
template<typename SectionT , typename SectionU , typename BlockContextT >
void addParserT (AttributeParsers &parsers, SectionT oldSection, SectionU newSection, String const &name, BlockParserFunctionT< BlockContextT > function, ParserParameterArray params=ParserParameterArray{})


static const String cuEmptyString
 CU_DeclareSmartPtr (castor, DynamicLibrary, CU_API)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Angle

typedef AngleT< float > castor::Angle = AngleT< float >

◆ Array

template<typename DataT , size_t SizeT>
using castor::Array = std::array< DataT, SizeT >

◆ AtomicChangeTracked

template<typename ValueT >
using castor::AtomicChangeTracked = ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, std::atomic_bool >

◆ AtomicGroupChangeTracked

template<typename ValueT >
using castor::AtomicGroupChangeTracked = GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, std::atomic_bool >

◆ AttributeParsers

The parsers sorted per token name.

◆ BlockParserFunctionT

template<typename BlockContextT >
using castor::BlockParserFunctionT = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & )

◆ BoundingContainer2D

Typedef on a 2 dimensions BoundingContainer.

◆ BoundingContainer3D

Typedef on a 3 dimensions BoundingContainer.

◆ BuddyAllocator

◆ byte

using castor::byte = uint8_t

◆ ChangeTracked

template<typename ValueT >
using castor::ChangeTracked = ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, bool >

◆ CheckedMutex

◆ ContextDeleterPtr

◆ Coords2

template<typename T >
using castor::Coords2 = Coords< T, 2 >

◆ Coords3

template<typename T >
using castor::Coords3 = Coords< T, 3 >

◆ Coords4

template<typename T >
using castor::Coords4 = Coords< T, 4 >

◆ DebugLoggerStreambufT

template<typename CharT >
using castor::DebugLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, DebugLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >

◆ Deque

template<class DataT , class AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using castor::Deque = std::deque< DataT, AllocT >

◆ DynamicBitset

◆ ErrorLoggerStreambufT

template<typename CharT >
using castor::ErrorLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, ErrorLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >

◆ f32

using castor::f32 = float

◆ f64

using castor::f64 = double

◆ FileCreateModes

◆ FileOpenModes

◆ FontCache

◆ FontCacheTraits

◆ FontRes

◆ FontResPtr

◆ Function

template<class FuncT >
using castor::Function = std::function< FuncT >

◆ GroupChangeTracked

template<typename ValueT >
using castor::GroupChangeTracked = GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, bool >

◆ HdrRgbaColour

◆ HdrRgbColour

◆ ImageCache

◆ ImageCacheTraits

◆ ImageLoaderPtr

◆ ImageRes

◆ ImageResPtr

◆ ImageWriterPtr

◆ InfoLoggerStreambufT

template<typename CharT >
using castor::InfoLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, InfoLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >

◆ InputStream

using castor::InputStream = std::basic_istream< xchar >

◆ InputStringStream

using castor::InputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< xchar >

◆ LargerTypeT

template<typename TypeT >
using castor::LargerTypeT = typename LargerTyperT< TypeT >::Type

◆ Length

using castor::Length = LengthT< float >

◆ List

template<typename DataT , typename AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using castor::List = std::list< DataT, AllocT >

◆ LogCallback

using castor::LogCallback = castor::Function< void( MbString const & text, LogType type, bool newLine ) >

Logging callback function.

[in]textThe logged text.
[in]typeThe log type.
[in]newLineTells if we add the end line character.

◆ LoggerInstancePtr

◆ Map

template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using castor::Map = std::map< KeyT, DataT, PredT, AllocT >

◆ MatchResults

using castor::MatchResults = std::match_results< String::const_iterator >

◆ Matrix2x2

template<typename T >
using castor::Matrix2x2 = SquareMatrix< T, 2 >

◆ Matrix3x3

template<typename T >
using castor::Matrix3x3 = SquareMatrix< T, 3 >

◆ Matrix4x4

template<typename T >
using castor::Matrix4x4 = SquareMatrix< T, 4 >

◆ mbchar

using castor::mbchar = char

◆ MbInputStream

using castor::MbInputStream = std::basic_istream< mbchar >

◆ MbInputStringStream

using castor::MbInputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< mbchar >

◆ MbOutputStream

using castor::MbOutputStream = std::basic_ostream< mbchar >

◆ MbOutputStringStream

using castor::MbOutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< mbchar >

◆ MbString

using castor::MbString = std::basic_string< mbchar >

◆ MbStringStream

using castor::MbStringStream = std::basic_stringstream< mbchar >

◆ MbStringView

using castor::MbStringView = std::basic_string_view< mbchar >

◆ MessageQueue

The message queue.

◆ Microseconds

using castor::Microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds

◆ Milliseconds

using castor::Milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds

◆ MultiMap

template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using castor::MultiMap = std::multimap< KeyT, DataT, PredT, AllocT >

◆ MultiSet

template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using castor::MultiSet = std::multiset< KeyT, PredT, AllocT >

◆ Mutex

using castor::Mutex = std::mutex

◆ Named

◆ Nanoseconds

using castor::Nanoseconds = std::chrono::nanoseconds

◆ NotNullT

template<class DataT >
using castor::NotNullT = DataT *

◆ OnCacheChanged

◆ OnCacheChangedConnection

◆ OnCacheChangedFunction

◆ OutputStream

using castor::OutputStream = std::basic_ostream< xchar >

◆ OutputStringStream

using castor::OutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< xchar >

◆ Pair

template<typename FirstT , typename SecondT >
using castor::Pair = std::pair< FirstT, SecondT >

◆ ParserFunction

using castor::ParserFunction = castor::Function< bool( FileParserContext &, void *, ParserParameterArray const & ) >

Parser function definition.

[in]parserThe file parser.
[in]blockThe block context, if any.
[in]paramsThe params contained in the line.
true if a brace is to be opened on next line.

◆ ParserFunctionT

template<typename BlockContextT >
using castor::ParserFunctionT = castor::Function< bool( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & ) >

Parser function definition.

[in]parserThe file parser.
[in]blockThe block context, if any.
[in]paramsThe params contained in the line.
true if a brace is to be opened on next line.

◆ ParserParameterBaseSPtr

◆ ParserParameterValueType

template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
using castor::ParserParameterValueType = typename ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::ValueType

◆ PixelBuffer

using castor::PixelBuffer = PxBuffer< PixelFormat::eR8G8B8A8_UNORM >

◆ PixelComponents

◆ Point2

template<typename T >
using castor::Point2 = Point< T, 2 >

◆ Point3

template<typename T >
using castor::Point3 = Point< T, 3 >

◆ Point4

template<typename T >
using castor::Point4 = Point< T, 4 >

◆ PointComponentT

template<typename TypeT >
using castor::PointComponentT = typename PointComponentGetT< TypeT >::Type

◆ PointTypeT

template<typename SrcT , typename DstCompT >
using castor::PointTypeT = typename PointTyperT< SrcT, DstCompT >::Type

◆ Quaternion

using castor::Quaternion = QuaternionT< float >

◆ QuaternionArray

◆ QuaternionDataT

template<typename T >
using castor::QuaternionDataT = PointData< T, 4u >

◆ RawParserFunction

using castor::RawParserFunction = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, void *, ParserParameterArray const & )

◆ RawParserFunctionT

template<typename BlockContextT >
using castor::RawParserFunctionT = bool( * )( FileParserContext &, BlockContextT *, ParserParameterArray const & )

◆ RawUniquePtr

template<typename TypeT , class DelT = std::default_delete< TypeT >>
using castor::RawUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< TypeT, DelT >

◆ RecursiveMutex

using castor::RecursiveMutex = std::recursive_mutex

◆ ReferenceWrapper

template<class DataT >
using castor::ReferenceWrapper = std::reference_wrapper< DataT >

◆ Regex

using castor::Regex = std::basic_regex< xchar >

◆ RegexIterator

using castor::RegexIterator = std::regex_iterator< String::const_iterator >

◆ ResourceCachePtrT

template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename TraitsT >
using castor::ResourceCachePtrT = UniquePtr< ResourceCacheT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT > >

◆ ResourceObsT

template<typename ResT , typename KeyT >
using castor::ResourceObsT = ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > *

Pointer to a resource view.

◆ ResourcePtrT

template<typename ResT , typename KeyT >
using castor::ResourcePtrT = UniquePtr< ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > >

Pointer to a resource view.

◆ RgbaColour

◆ RgbColour

◆ s16

using castor::s16 = int16_t

◆ s32

using castor::s32 = int32_t

◆ s64

using castor::s64 = int64_t

◆ s8

using castor::s8 = int8_t

◆ Seconds

using castor::Seconds = std::chrono::seconds

◆ SectionAttributeParsers

The parsers sorted per section. This will be used to store the functions associated to a unique token.

◆ SectionId

using castor::SectionId = uint32_t

The type for a section ID.

◆ Set

template<typename KeyT , typename PredT = std::less<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using castor::Set = std::set< KeyT, PredT, AllocT >

◆ SharedPtr

template<class DataT >
using castor::SharedPtr = std::shared_ptr< DataT >

◆ Stack

template<typename DataT , class ContainerT = Deque< DataT >>
using castor::Stack = std::stack< DataT, ContainerT >

◆ String

using castor::String = std::basic_string< xchar >

◆ StringMap

template<typename DataT >
using castor::StringMap = Map< String, DataT >

◆ StringSet

using castor::StringSet = std::set< String >

◆ StringStream

using castor::StringStream = std::basic_stringstream< xchar >

◆ StringView

using castor::StringView = std::basic_string_view< xchar >

◆ TraceLoggerStreambufT

template<typename CharT >
using castor::TraceLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, TraceLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >

◆ u16

using castor::u16 = uint16_t

◆ u32

using castor::u32 = uint32_t

◆ u32char

using castor::u32char = char32_t

◆ U32InputStream

using castor::U32InputStream = std::basic_istream< u32char >

◆ U32InputStringStream

using castor::U32InputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< u32char >

◆ U32OutputStream

using castor::U32OutputStream = std::basic_ostream< u32char >

◆ U32OutputStringStream

using castor::U32OutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< u32char >

◆ U32String

using castor::U32String = std::basic_string< u32char >

◆ U32StringStream

using castor::U32StringStream = std::basic_stringstream< u32char >

◆ U32StringView

using castor::U32StringView = std::basic_string_view< u32char >

◆ u64

using castor::u64 = uint64_t

◆ u8

using castor::u8 = uint8_t

◆ UbPixel

using castor::UbPixel = Pixel< PixelFormat::eR8G8B8A8_UNORM >

Typedef over a pixel in A8R8G8B8 format.


◆ UniqueLock

template<typename Lockable >
using castor::UniqueLock = std::unique_lock< Lockable >

◆ UniquePtr

template<typename TypeT >
using castor::UniquePtr = RawUniquePtr< TypeT, Deleter< TypeT > >

◆ UnorderedMap

template<typename KeyT , typename DataT , typename HashT = std::hash< KeyT >, typename KeyEqT = std::equal_to<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< Pair< KeyT const, DataT > >>
using castor::UnorderedMap = std::unordered_map< KeyT, DataT, HashT, KeyEqT, AllocT >

◆ UnorderedSet

template<typename KeyT , typename HashT = std::hash< KeyT >, typename KeyEqT = std::equal_to<>, typename AllocT = std::allocator< KeyT >>
using castor::UnorderedSet = std::unordered_set< KeyT, HashT, KeyEqT >

◆ UnorderedStringMap

template<typename DataT >
using castor::UnorderedStringMap = std::unordered_map< String, DataT, StringHash, std::equal_to<> >

◆ UnorderedStringSet

using castor::UnorderedStringSet = std::unordered_set< String, StringHash, std::equal_to<> >

◆ UnRangedValueT

template<typename T >
using castor::UnRangedValueT = typename RangedValueGetterT< T >::Type

◆ UserContextCreator

User defined parsing context creator.

◆ usize

using castor::usize = size_t

◆ Vector

template<typename DataT , typename AllocT = std::allocator< DataT >>
using castor::Vector = std::vector< DataT, AllocT >

◆ Vector2d

using castor::Vector2d = LengthT< Point2d >

◆ Vector2f

using castor::Vector2f = LengthT< Point2f >

◆ Vector3d

using castor::Vector3d = LengthT< Point3d >

◆ Vector3f

using castor::Vector3f = LengthT< Point3f >

◆ Vector4d

using castor::Vector4d = LengthT< Point4d >

◆ Vector4f

using castor::Vector4f = LengthT< Point4f >

◆ VoidFnType

using castor::VoidFnType = void( CU_stdcall * )( )

◆ WarningLoggerStreambufT

template<typename CharT >
using castor::WarningLoggerStreambufT = LoggerStreambufT< CharT, WarningLoggerStreambufTraitsT< CharT > >

◆ wchar

using castor::wchar = wchar_t

◆ WInputStream

using castor::WInputStream = std::basic_istream< wchar >

◆ WInputStringStream

using castor::WInputStringStream = std::basic_istringstream< wchar >

◆ WOutputStream

using castor::WOutputStream = std::basic_ostream< wchar >

◆ WOutputStringStream

using castor::WOutputStringStream = std::basic_ostringstream< wchar >

◆ WString

using castor::WString = std::basic_string< wchar >

◆ WStringStream

using castor::WStringStream = std::basic_stringstream< wchar >

◆ WStringView

using castor::WStringView = std::basic_string_view< wchar >

◆ xchar

using castor::xchar = char

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FileType

enum class castor::FileType : uint8_t

castor::Loader supported file types enumeration


Binary file.


Text file.


◆ Intersection

enum class castor::Intersection : uint8_t

Intersection types.

Enumerates the different intersection types.

Completely inside.


Completely outside.




◆ LengthUnit

enum class castor::LengthUnit

◆ LogType

enum class castor::LogType : uint8_t

Defines the various log types.


Trace type log.


Debug type log.


Information type log.


Warning type log.


Error type log.


Log types count.

◆ ParameterType

enum class castor::ParameterType : uint8_t

Parser function parameter types enumeration.


◆ PixelComponent

enum class castor::PixelComponent : uint8_t

Pixel PixelComponentsT enumeration.













◆ PixelFormat

enum class castor::PixelFormat : uint32_t

Pixel format enumeration.


◆ PredefinedRgbaColour

enum class castor::PredefinedRgbaColour : uint32_t

Predefined colours enumeration.


◆ PredefinedRgbColour

enum class castor::PredefinedRgbColour : uint32_t

Predefined colours enumeration.


◆ RgbaComponent

enum class castor::RgbaComponent : uint8_t

RgbaColourT components enumeration.


Red component


Green component


Blue component


Alpha component


◆ RgbComponent

enum class castor::RgbComponent : uint8_t

RgbColourT components enumeration.


Red component


Green component


Blue component


◆ UnicityError

enum class castor::UnicityError

Unicity errors enumeration.


Function Documentation

◆ acosd()

static AngleT< double > castor::acosd ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.

[in]valueThe cosine value

◆ acosf()

static AngleT< float > castor::acosf ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.

[in]valueThe cosine value

◆ acosT()

template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > castor::acosT ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given cosine value.

[in]valueThe cosine value

◆ addFlag() [1/2]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & castor::addFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > & value,
FlagType const & flag )

adds a flag to the given value.

[in,out]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag to add.
The value.

◆ addFlag() [2/2]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::addFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagType const & flag )

adds a flag to the given value.

[in]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag to add.
The new value.

◆ addFlags()

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & castor::addFlags ( FlagCombination< FlagType > & value,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & flags )

adds a flag combination to the given value.

[in,out]valueThe value.
[in]flagsThe flag combination to add.
The value.

◆ addParser() [1/2]

CU_API void castor::addParser ( AttributeParsers & parsers,
uint32_t oldSection,
uint32_t newSection,
String const & name,
ParserFunction function,
ParserParameterArray params = ParserParameterArray{} )

Adds a parser function to the parsers list.

[in,out]parsersReceives the added parser.
[in]oldSectionThe parser section onto which the function is applied.
[in]newSectionThe parser section resulting of the application oof the function.
[in]nameThe parser name.
[in]functionThe parser function.
[in]paramsThe expected parameters.

Referenced by castor3d::CU_DeclareAttributeParser().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addParser() [2/2]

static void castor::addParser ( AttributeParsers & parsers,
uint32_t section,
String const & name,
ParserFunction function,
ParserParameterArray params = ParserParameterArray{} )

Adds a parser function to the parsers list.

[in,out]parsersReceives the added parser.
[in]sectionThe parser section.
[in]nameThe parser name.
[in]functionThe parser function.
[in]paramsThe expected parameters.

◆ addParserT() [1/2]

template<typename SectionT , typename SectionU , typename BlockContextT >
void castor::addParserT ( AttributeParsers & parsers,
SectionT oldSection,
SectionU newSection,
String const & name,
BlockParserFunctionT< BlockContextT > function,
ParserParameterArray params = ParserParameterArray{} )

◆ addParserT() [2/2]

template<typename SectionT , typename BlockContextT >
void castor::addParserT ( AttributeParsers & parsers,
SectionT section,
String const & name,
BlockParserFunctionT< BlockContextT > function,
ParserParameterArray params = ParserParameterArray{} )

◆ alignedAlloc() [1/2]

CU_API void * castor::alignedAlloc ( size_t alignment,
size_t size )

Allocates aligned memory.

[in]alignmentThe alignment value, must be a power of two.
[in]sizeThe wanted size.
The allocated memory, nullptr on error.

Referenced by alignedAlloc(), and castor::AlignedMemoryAllocator< Align >::allocate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alignedAlloc() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T * castor::alignedAlloc ( size_t alignment,
size_t size )

Allocates aligned memory.

[in]alignmentThe alignment value, must be a power of two.
[in]sizeThe wanted size.
The allocated memory, nullptr on error.

References alignedAlloc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ alignedFree()

CU_API void castor::alignedFree ( void * memory)

Deallocates aligned memory.

[in]memoryThe memory.

Referenced by castor::AlignedMemoryAllocator< Align >::deallocate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ asind()

static AngleT< double > castor::asind ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.

[in]valueThe sine value

◆ asinf()

static AngleT< float > castor::asinf ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.

[in]valueThe sine value

◆ asinT()

template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > castor::asinT ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given sine value.

[in]valueThe sine value

◆ atan2d()

static AngleT< double > castor::atan2d ( double y,
double x )

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]y,xThe tangent values

◆ atan2f()

static AngleT< float > castor::atan2f ( double y,
double x )

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]y,xThe tangent values

◆ atan2T()

template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > castor::atan2T ( double y,
double x )

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]y,xThe tangent values

◆ atand()

static AngleT< double > castor::atand ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]valueThe tangent value

◆ atanf()

static AngleT< float > castor::atanf ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]valueThe tangent value

◆ atanT()

template<typename Type >
static AngleT< Type > castor::atanT ( double value)

Computes this angle's value from the given tangent value.

[in]valueThe tangent value

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [1/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( Array< T, N > & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [2/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( Array< T, N > const & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T & castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( T & value)

Convert the given big endian value to system endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [4/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( T const & value)

Convert the given big endian value to system endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [5/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > & castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( Vector< T > & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bigEndianToSystemEndian() [6/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > castor::bigEndianToSystemEndian ( Vector< T > const & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkFlag() [1/3]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::checkFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagType const & flag )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag looked for.
true if flags contain flag.

◆ checkFlag() [2/3]

template<typename FlagType , typename Type >
constexpr bool castor::checkFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
Type const & flag )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag looked for.
true if flags contain flag.

◆ checkFlag() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool castor::checkFlag ( T const & value,
U const & flag )

◆ compressBuffer()

CU_API void castor::compressBuffer ( PxBufferConvertOptions const * options,
std::atomic_bool const * interrupt,
Size const & srcDimensions,
Size const & dstDimensions,
PixelFormat srcFormat,
uint8_t const * srcBuffer,
uint32_t srcSize,
PixelFormat dstFormat,
uint8_t * dstBuffer,
uint32_t dstSize )

Function to perform convertion without templates.

[in]optionsThe convertion options.
[in]interruptTells if the convertion is to be interrupted.
[in]srcDimensionsThe source dimensions.
[in]dstDimensionsThe destination dimensions (used only when block compressing).
[in]srcFormatThe source format.
[in]srcBufferThe source buffer.
[in]srcSizeThe source size.
[in]dstFormatThe destination format.
[in]dstBufferThe destination buffer.
[in]dstSizeThe destination size.

◆ convert()

template<typename TypeT >
static constexpr TypeT castor::convert ( TypeT const & value,
LengthUnit from,
LengthUnit to )

◆ convertBuffer() [1/2]

static void castor::convertBuffer ( Size const & dimensions,
PixelFormat srcFormat,
uint8_t const * srcBuffer,
uint32_t srcSize,
PixelFormat dstFormat,
uint8_t * dstBuffer,
uint32_t dstSize )

Function to perform convertion without templates.

[in]dimensionsThe source dimensions.
[in]srcFormatThe source format.
[in]srcBufferThe source buffer.
[in]srcSizeThe source size.
[in]dstFormatThe destination format.
[in]dstBufferThe destination buffer.
[in]dstSizeThe destination size.

References convertBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convertBuffer() [2/2]

CU_API void castor::convertBuffer ( Size const & srcDimensions,
Size const & dstDimensions,
PixelFormat srcFormat,
uint8_t const * srcBuffer,
uint32_t srcSize,
PixelFormat dstFormat,
uint8_t * dstBuffer,
uint32_t dstSize )

Function to perform convertion without templates.

[in]srcDimensionsThe source dimensions.
[in]dstDimensionsThe destination dimensions (used only when block compressing).
[in]srcFormatThe source format.
[in]srcBufferThe source buffer.
[in]srcSizeThe source size.
[in]dstFormatThe destination format.
[in]dstBufferThe destination buffer.
[in]dstSizeThe destination size.

Referenced by convertBuffer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertPixel()

CU_API void castor::convertPixel ( PixelFormat srcFormat,
uint8_t const *& src,
PixelFormat dstFormat,
uint8_t *& dst )

Function to perform convertion without templates.

[in]srcFormatThe source format
[in,out]srcThe source pixel
[in]dstFormatThe destination format
[in,out]dstThe destination pixel

Referenced by castor::Image::setPixel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertToNormalMap()

CU_API bool castor::convertToNormalMap ( float strength,
Image & image )

◆ copyBufferComponents()

CU_API void castor::copyBufferComponents ( PixelComponents srcComponents,
PixelComponents dstComponents,
PxBufferBase const & srcBuffer,
PxBufferBase & dstBuffer )

Copies some pixel components from a source buffer into pixel components of a destination buffer.

[in]srcComponentsThe components to read from the source buffer.
[in]dstComponentsThe components to write into the destination buffer.
[in]srcBufferThe source buffer.
[in,out]dstBufferThe destination buffer.

◆ CU_Alignas() [1/2]

template<int A>
class castor::CU_Alignas ( A )

◆ CU_Alignas() [2/2]

template<typename T >
class castor::CU_Alignas ( alignof(T) )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [1/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( byte const ,
ConstByte  )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [2/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( byte ,
Byte  )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [3/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( s32 const ,
ConstInt32  )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [4/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( s32 ,
Int32  )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [5/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( u32 const ,
ConstUInt32  )

◆ CU_DeclareArrayView() [6/6]

castor::CU_DeclareArrayView ( u32 ,
UInt32  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [1/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( bool ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [2/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( bool ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [3/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( bool ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [4/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( double ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [5/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( double ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [6/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( double ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [7/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( float ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [8/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( float ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [9/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( float ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [10/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int16_t ,
2 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [11/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int16_t ,
3 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [12/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int16_t ,
4 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [13/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int32_t ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [14/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int32_t ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [15/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int32_t ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [16/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int8_t ,
2 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [17/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int8_t ,
3 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [18/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( int8_t ,
4 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [19/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint16_t ,
2 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [20/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint16_t ,
3 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [21/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint16_t ,
4 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [22/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [23/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [24/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [25/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint8_t ,
2 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [26/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint8_t ,
3 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareConstCoord() [27/27]

castor::CU_DeclareConstCoord ( uint8_t ,
4 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [1/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( bool ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [2/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( bool ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [3/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( bool ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [4/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( double ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [5/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( double ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [6/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( double ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [7/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( float ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [8/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( float ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [9/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( float ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [10/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int16_t ,
2 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [11/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int16_t ,
3 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [12/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int16_t ,
4 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [13/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int32_t ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [14/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int32_t ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [15/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int32_t ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [16/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int8_t ,
2 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [17/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int8_t ,
3 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [18/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( int8_t ,
4 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [19/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint16_t ,
2 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [20/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint16_t ,
3 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [21/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint16_t ,
4 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [22/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [23/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [24/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [25/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint8_t ,
2 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [26/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint8_t ,
3 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareCoord() [27/27]

castor::CU_DeclareCoord ( uint8_t ,
4 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareMap() [1/5]

castor::CU_DeclareMap ( String ,
bool ,
BoolStr  )

◆ CU_DeclareMap() [2/5]

castor::CU_DeclareMap ( String ,
String ,
StrStr  )

◆ CU_DeclareMap() [3/5]

castor::CU_DeclareMap ( String ,
uint32_t ,
UInt32Str  )

◆ CU_DeclareMap() [4/5]

castor::CU_DeclareMap ( String ,
uint64_t ,
UInt64Str  )

◆ CU_DeclareMap() [5/5]

castor::CU_DeclareMap ( uint32_t ,
String ,
StrUInt32  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [1/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
2 ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [2/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
2 ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [3/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
3 ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [4/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
3 ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [5/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
4 ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [6/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( bool ,
4 ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [7/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
2 ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [8/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
2 ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [9/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
3 ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [10/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
3 ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [11/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
4 ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [12/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( double ,
4 ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [13/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
2 ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [14/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
2 ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [15/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
3 ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [16/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
3 ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [17/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
4 ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [18/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( float ,
4 ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [19/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
2 ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [20/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
2 ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [21/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
3 ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [22/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
3 ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [23/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
4 ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [24/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( int32_t ,
4 ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [25/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [26/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [27/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [28/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [29/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareMtx() [30/30]

castor::CU_DeclareMtx ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [1/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( bool ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [2/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( bool ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [3/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( bool ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [4/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( double ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [5/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( double ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [6/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( double ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [7/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( float ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [8/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( float ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [9/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( float ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [10/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int16_t ,
2 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [11/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int16_t ,
3 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [12/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int16_t ,
4 ,
s  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [13/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int32_t ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [14/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int32_t ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [15/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int32_t ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [16/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int8_t ,
2 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [17/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int8_t ,
3 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [18/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( int8_t ,
4 ,
c  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [19/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint16_t ,
2 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [20/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint16_t ,
3 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [21/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint16_t ,
4 ,
us  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [22/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [23/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [24/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [25/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint8_t ,
2 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [26/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint8_t ,
3 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclarePoint() [27/27]

castor::CU_DeclarePoint ( uint8_t ,
4 ,
ub  )

◆ CU_DeclareSet()

castor::CU_DeclareSet ( String ,
Str  )

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [1/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
BoundingBox ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [2/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
BoundingSphere ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [3/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
DynamicLibrary ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [4/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
FileParserContext ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [5/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
Font ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [6/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
FontCache ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [7/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
Image ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [8/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
ImageCache ,

◆ CU_DeclareSmartPtr() [9/9]

castor::CU_DeclareSmartPtr ( castor ,
PxBufferBase ,

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [1/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( bool ,
2 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [2/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( bool ,
3 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [3/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( bool ,
4 ,
b  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [4/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( double ,
2 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [5/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( double ,
3 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [6/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( double ,
4 ,
d  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [7/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( float ,
2 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [8/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( float ,
3 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [9/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( float ,
4 ,
f  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [10/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( int32_t ,
2 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [11/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( int32_t ,
3 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [12/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( int32_t ,
4 ,
i  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [13/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( uint32_t ,
2 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [14/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( uint32_t ,
3 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareSqMtx() [15/15]

castor::CU_DeclareSqMtx ( uint32_t ,
4 ,
ui  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [1/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( byte ,
Byte  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [2/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( MbString ,
MbString  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [3/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( MbStringView ,
MbStringView  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [4/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( ParserParameterBaseSPtr ,
ParserParameter  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [5/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( Path ,
Path  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [6/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( s32 ,
Int32  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [7/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( String ,
String  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [8/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( StringView ,
StringView  )

◆ CU_DeclareVector() [9/9]

castor::CU_DeclareVector ( u32 ,
UInt32  )

◆ cuFailure()

CU_API void castor::cuFailure ( char const *const description)

◆ cuLogError()

CU_API void castor::cuLogError ( char const *const description)

◆ decompressBC1Block()

bool castor::decompressBC1Block ( uint8_t const * bitstring,
uint8_t * pixelBuffer )

◆ decompressBC3Block()

bool castor::decompressBC3Block ( uint8_t const * bitstring,
uint8_t * pixelBuffer )

◆ decompressBC5Block()

bool castor::decompressBC5Block ( uint8_t const * bitstring,
uint8_t * pixelBuffer )

◆ decompressBuffer()

CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::decompressBuffer ( PxBufferBase const & src)

Decompresses the given compressed pixel buffer.

[in]srcThe compressed pixel buffer.
The decompressed pixel buffer.

◆ divRoundUp()

template<std::integral TypeT>
constexpr TypeT castor::divRoundUp ( TypeT num,
TypeT denom )

Division rounded up.

◆ extractComponent()

CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::extractComponent ( PxBufferBaseRPtr src,
PixelComponent component )

Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.

[in]srcThe source buffer.
[in]componentThe component to extract.
A castor::PixelFormat::eR8 buffer containing the extracted component, nullptr if source didn't have the wanted component.

◆ extractComponents()

CU_API PxBufferBaseUPtr castor::extractComponents ( PxBufferBaseRPtr src,
PixelComponents component )

Extracts pixel component values from a source buffer holding alpha and puts it in a destination buffer.

[in]srcThe source buffer.
[in]componentThe component to extract.
A castor::PixelFormat::eR8 buffer containing the extracted component, nullptr if source didn't have the wanted component.

◆ fileOpen()

CU_API bool castor::fileOpen ( FILE *& file,
std::filesystem::path const & path,
char const * mode )

Opens a file.

[out]fileReceives the file descriptor
[in]pathThe file path
[in]modeThe opening mode
true on success

◆ fileOpen64()

CU_API bool castor::fileOpen64 ( FILE *& file,
std::filesystem::path const & path,
char const * mode )

Opens a file.

[out]fileReceives the file descriptor
[in]pathThe file path
[in]modeThe opening mode
true on success

◆ fileSeek()

CU_API bool castor::fileSeek ( FILE * file,
int64_t offset,
int origin )

Seeks into a file.

[in]fileThe file descriptor
[in]offsetThe seek offset
[in]originThe seek origin
true on success

◆ fileTell()

CU_API int64_t castor::fileTell ( FILE * file)

Retrieves the file cursor position.

[out]fileThe file descriptor
The position

◆ getA16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getA16F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getA16S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t castor::getA16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
float castor::getA32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel alpha component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getA32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
float castor::getA32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t castor::getA32S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t castor::getA32U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
double castor::getA64F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t castor::getA64S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t castor::getA64U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t castor::getA8S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getA8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t castor::getA8U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel alpha component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getA8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t castor::getA8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getB16F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getB16S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t castor::getB16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
float castor::getB32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel blue component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getB32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
float castor::getB32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t castor::getB32S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t castor::getB32U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
double castor::getB64F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t castor::getB64S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t castor::getB64U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t castor::getB8S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getB8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t castor::getB8U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel blue component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getB8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t castor::getB8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getBitSize() [1/2]

static constexpr uint32_t castor::getBitSize ( uint32_t value)

References getBitSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getBitSize() [2/2]

static constexpr uint32_t castor::getBitSize ( uint64_t value)

Referenced by getBitSize(), and getNextPowerOfTwo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBuffer() [1/2]

ImageLayout::Buffer castor::getBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase & buffer )

References castor::ImageLayout::buffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getBuffer() [2/2]

ImageLayout::ConstBuffer castor::getBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer )

References castor::ImageLayout::buffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getBytesPerPixel()

constexpr VkDeviceSize castor::getBytesPerPixel ( PixelFormat format)

Function to retrieve Pixel size without templates.

[in]formatThe pixel format

Referenced by castor::WhiteNoise::generate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getComponentIndex() [1/2]

constexpr uint32_t castor::getComponentIndex ( PixelComponent component)
The index matching the given PixelComponent.

◆ getComponentIndex() [2/2]

constexpr uint32_t castor::getComponentIndex ( PixelComponent component,
PixelFormat format )
The index matching the given PixelComponent and PixelFormat.

◆ getComponents()

constexpr PixelComponents castor::getComponents ( PixelFormat format)
The PixelComponents matching the given PixelFormat.

◆ getComponentsCount()

constexpr uint8_t castor::getComponentsCount ( PixelFormat format)

Function to retrieve the number of components of a pixel format.

[in]formatThe pixel format

◆ getCountOf()

template<typename T , size_t N>
size_t castor::getCountOf ( T const(&) data[N])
The buffer's elements count.

◆ getD16U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint16_t castor::getD16U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel depth component in uint16_t.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getD16U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t castor::getD16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getD24U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint32_t castor::getD24U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel depth component in uint32_t, with 24 relevant bits.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getD24U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t castor::getD24U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getD32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
float castor::getD32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel depth component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getD32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
float castor::getD32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getFormatByName()

CU_API PixelFormat castor::getFormatByName ( StringView formatName)

Function to retrieve pixel format from a name.

[in]formatNameThe pixel format name

◆ getFormatName()

CU_API String castor::getFormatName ( PixelFormat format)

Function to retrieve pixel format name.

[in]formatThe pixel format

◆ getG16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getG16F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getG16S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t castor::getG16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
float castor::getG32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel green component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getG32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
float castor::getG32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t castor::getG32S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t castor::getG32U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
double castor::getG64F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t castor::getG64S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t castor::getG64U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t castor::getG8S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getG8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t castor::getG8U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel green component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getG8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t castor::getG8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getIndexComponent()

constexpr PixelComponent castor::getIndexComponent ( uint32_t index,
PixelFormat format )
The PixelComponent matching the given index and PixelFormat.

◆ getLayerBuffer() [1/2]

ImageLayout::Buffer castor::getLayerBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerBuffer().

Referenced by castor::Image::getBuffer(), and castor::Image::getBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLayerBuffer() [2/2]

ImageLayout::ConstBuffer castor::getLayerBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLayerMipBuffer() [1/2]

ImageLayout::Buffer castor::getLayerMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerMipBuffer().

Referenced by castor::Image::getBuffer(), and castor::Image::getBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLayerMipBuffer() [2/2]

ImageLayout::ConstBuffer castor::getLayerMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerMipBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLayerMipOffset()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getLayerMipOffset ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerMipOffset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLayerMipSize()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getLayerMipSize ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerMipSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLayerOffset()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getLayerOffset ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::layerOffset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLayerSize()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getLayerSize ( ImageLayout const & layout)

References castor::ImageLayout::layerSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLocaltime()

CU_API void castor::getLocaltime ( std::tm * tm,
time_t const * time )
See also

◆ getName() [1/3]

CU_API String castor::getName ( LengthUnit value)

◆ getName() [2/3]

CU_API String castor::getName ( PixelComponent const & component)

◆ getName() [3/3]

CU_API String castor::getName ( PixelComponents const & components)

◆ getNextPowerOfTwo()

static constexpr uint32_t castor::getNextPowerOfTwo ( uint32_t value)

References getBitSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getNonSRGBFormat()

constexpr PixelFormat castor::getNonSRGBFormat ( PixelFormat format)
The non SRGB format matching format, format if not found.

◆ getParameterValue() [1/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
bool & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [2/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
double & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [3/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
float & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [4/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
HdrRgbaColour & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [5/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
HdrRgbColour & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [6/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
int16_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [7/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
int32_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [8/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
int64_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [9/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
int8_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [10/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
long double & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [11/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Path & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [12/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
PixelFormat & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [13/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point2d & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [14/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point2f & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [15/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point2i & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [16/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point2ui & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [17/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point3d & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [18/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point3f & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [19/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point3i & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [20/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point3ui & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [21/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point4d & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [22/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point4f & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [23/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point4i & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [24/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Point4ui & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [25/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Position & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [26/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Rectangle & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [27/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
RgbaColour & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [28/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
RgbColour & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [29/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
Size & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [30/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
String & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [31/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
uint16_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [32/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
uint32_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [33/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
uint64_t & value )

◆ getParameterValue() [34/34]

CU_API void castor::getParameterValue ( ParserParameterBase const & parameter,
uint8_t & value )

◆ getPFWithAlpha()

constexpr PixelFormat castor::getPFWithAlpha ( PixelFormat format)

Retrieves the pixel format with alpha that is close to the one given.

[in]formatThe pixel format
The given pixel format if none found

◆ getPFWithoutAlpha()

constexpr PixelFormat castor::getPFWithoutAlpha ( PixelFormat format)

Retrieves the pixel format without alpha that is close to the one given.

[in]formatThe pixel format
The given pixel format if none found

◆ getPixelComponents()

PixelComponents castor::getPixelComponents ( PixelFormat format)

◆ getPixelFormat()

CU_API PixelFormat castor::getPixelFormat ( PixelFormat format,
PixelComponents components )
The pixel format matching the given format and components.

Referenced by castor::Image::setPixel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPredefinedName() [1/2]

static String castor::getPredefinedName ( PredefinedRgbaColour predefined)

Retrieves predefined colour name.

[in]predefinedThe predefined colour
The colour name

◆ getPredefinedName() [2/2]

static String castor::getPredefinedName ( PredefinedRgbColour predefined)

Retrieves predefined colour name.

[in]predefinedThe predefined colour
The colour name

◆ getPredefinedRgb()

static PredefinedRgbColour castor::getPredefinedRgb ( String const & name)

Retrieves predefined colour from a name.

[in]nameThe predefined colour name
The predefined colour

◆ getPredefinedRgba()

static PredefinedRgbaColour castor::getPredefinedRgba ( String const & name)

Retrieves predefined colour from a name.

[in]nameThe predefined colour name
The predefined colour

◆ getR16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getR16F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int16_t castor::getR16S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint16_t castor::getR16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
float castor::getR32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel colour component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getR32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
float castor::getR32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int32_t castor::getR32S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint32_t castor::getR32U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
double castor::getR64F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int64_t castor::getR64S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint64_t castor::getR64U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
int8_t castor::getR8S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getR8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t castor::getR8U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel red component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getR8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t castor::getR8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getS8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
uint8_t castor::getS8U ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel)

Function to retrieve pixel depth stencil in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
The component value

◆ getS8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
uint8_t castor::getS8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getSingleComponent()

constexpr PixelFormat castor::getSingleComponent ( PixelFormat format)
The single component format for given pixel format.

◆ getSliceBuffer() [1/2]

ImageLayout::Buffer castor::getSliceBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceBuffer() [2/2]

ImageLayout::ConstBuffer castor::getSliceBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceMipBuffer() [1/2]

ImageLayout::Buffer castor::getSliceMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceMipBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceMipBuffer() [2/2]

ImageLayout::ConstBuffer castor::getSliceMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceMipBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceMipOffset()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getSliceMipOffset ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceMipOffset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceMipSize()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getSliceMipSize ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceMipSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceOffset()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getSliceOffset ( ImageLayout const & layout,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceOffset().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSliceSize()

ImageLayout::DeviceSize castor::getSliceSize ( ImageLayout const & layout)

References castor::ImageLayout::sliceSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSRGBFormat()

constexpr PixelFormat castor::getSRGBFormat ( PixelFormat format)
The SRGB format matching format, format if not found.

◆ getTypeName()

CU_API StringView castor::getTypeName ( ParameterType type)

Retrieves the given parameter type's name.

[in]typeThe parameter type.

◆ getX16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int16_t castor::getX16F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int16_t castor::getX16S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint16_t castor::getX16U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX32F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
float castor::getX32F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int32_t castor::getX32S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint32_t castor::getX32U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
double castor::getX64F ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int64_t castor::getX64S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint64_t castor::getX64U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
int8_t castor::getX8S ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ getX8U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
uint8_t castor::getX8U ( uint8_t const * buffer)

◆ hasAll() [1/6]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasAll() [2/6]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagType const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasAll() [3/6]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

References hasAll().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasAll() [4/6]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( FlagType const & value,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasAll() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( T const & value,
U const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

Referenced by hasAll(), and hasAll().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasAll() [6/6]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAll ( typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const & value,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

References hasAll().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasAlpha()

constexpr bool castor::hasAlpha ( PixelFormat format)
false if format is depth, stencil or one without alpha.

◆ hasAlphaChannel()

CU_API bool castor::hasAlphaChannel ( Image const & image)

◆ hasAny() [1/3]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::hasAny ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagType const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasAny() [2/3]

template<typename FlagType , typename Type >
constexpr bool castor::hasAny ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
Type const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasAny() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool castor::hasAny ( T const & value,
U const & rhs )
[in]valueThe value.
[in]rhsThe flags looked for.
true if flags contain any of rhs.

◆ hasComponent()

constexpr bool castor::hasComponent ( PixelFormat format,
PixelComponent component )
[in]formatThe pixel format.
[in]componentThe pixel component.
true if the given pixel format contains the wanted pixel component.

◆ hashCombine()

template<typename T >
size_t castor::hashCombine ( size_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hashCombine32()

template<typename T >
uint32_t castor::hashCombine32 ( uint32_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hashCombine64()

template<typename T >
uint64_t castor::hashCombine64 ( uint64_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hashCombinePtr()

template<typename T >
size_t castor::hashCombinePtr ( size_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hashCombinePtr32()

template<typename T >
uint32_t castor::hashCombinePtr32 ( uint32_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hashCombinePtr64()

template<typename T >
uint64_t castor::hashCombinePtr64 ( uint64_t & hash,
T const & rhs )

◆ hasLayerBuffer()

bool castor::hasLayerBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::hasLayerBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasLayerMipBuffer()

bool castor::hasLayerMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::hasLayerMipBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasSliceBuffer()

bool castor::hasSliceBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index )

References castor::ImageLayout::hasSliceBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasSliceMipBuffer()

bool castor::hasSliceMipBuffer ( ImageLayout const & layout,
PxBufferBase const & buffer,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t level )

References castor::ImageLayout::hasSliceMipBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isABGRFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isABGRFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an ABGR format.

◆ isARGBFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isARGBFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an ARGB format.

◆ isBGRAFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isBGRAFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an BGRA format.

◆ isBGRFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isBGRFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an BGR format.

◆ isBigEndian()

constexpr bool castor::isBigEndian ( )

◆ isCompressed()

constexpr bool castor::isCompressed ( PixelFormat format)
true if the given pixel format is a compressed one.

◆ isDepthOrStencilFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isDepthOrStencilFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is a depth and/or stencil format.

◆ isFloatingPoint() [1/2]

constexpr bool castor::isFloatingPoint ( PixelFormat format)
true if the given pixel format is a floating point one.

Referenced by isFloatingPoint().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isFloatingPoint() [2/2]

constexpr bool castor::isFloatingPoint ( VkFormat format)

References isFloatingPoint().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isInt16() [1/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt16 ( PixelFormat format)
true if the given pixel format is a int16 one.

Referenced by isInt16().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInt16() [2/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt16 ( VkFormat format)

References isInt16().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isInt32() [1/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt32 ( PixelFormat format)
true if the given pixel format is a int32 one.

Referenced by isInt32().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInt32() [2/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt32 ( VkFormat format)

References isInt32().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isInt8() [1/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt8 ( PixelFormat format)
true if the given pixel format is a int8 one.

Referenced by isInt8().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInt8() [2/2]

constexpr bool castor::isInt8 ( VkFormat format)

References isInt8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isLittleEndian()

constexpr bool castor::isLittleEndian ( )

◆ isPowerOfTwo()

static constexpr bool castor::isPowerOfTwo ( uint32_t value)

◆ isRGBAFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isRGBAFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an RGBA format.

◆ isRGBFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isRGBFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an RGB format.

◆ isRGFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isRGFormat ( PixelFormat format)
true if format is an RG format.

◆ isSRGBFormat()

constexpr bool castor::isSRGBFormat ( PixelFormat format)

Tells if the given format is an SRGB one.

[in]formatThe pixel format

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [1/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( Array< T, N > & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [2/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( Array< T, N > const & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T & castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( T & value)

Convert the given little endian value to system endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [4/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( T const & value)

Convert the given little endian value to system endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [5/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > & castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( Vector< T > & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ littleEndianToSystemEndian() [6/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > castor::littleEndianToSystemEndian ( Vector< T > const & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeArrayView() [1/5]

template<typename IterT , typename ValueT = typename IteratorTraits< IterT >::value_type>
ArrayView< ValueT > castor::makeArrayView ( IterT begin,
IterT end )

◆ makeArrayView() [2/5]

template<typename IterT >
auto castor::makeArrayView ( IterT begin,
uint32_t size )

References makeArrayView().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeArrayView() [3/5]

template<typename IterT >
auto castor::makeArrayView ( IterT begin,
uint64_t size )

References makeArrayView().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeArrayView() [4/5]

template<typename ValueT >
ArrayView< ValueT > castor::makeArrayView ( ValueT * begin,
ValueT * end )

◆ makeArrayView() [5/5]

template<typename ValueT , size_t N>
auto castor::makeArrayView ( ValueT(&) buffer[N])

References makeArrayView().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeBlockGuard() [1/2]

template<typename CleanFunc >
BlockGuard< CleanFunc > castor::makeBlockGuard ( CleanFunc clean)

Helper function to declare a BlockGuard.

[in]cleanThe action executed on destruction.
The block guard.

◆ makeBlockGuard() [2/2]

template<typename InitFunc , typename CleanFunc >
BlockGuard< CleanFunc > castor::makeBlockGuard ( InitFunc init,
CleanFunc clean )

Helper function to declare a BlockGuard.

[in]initThe action executed on construction.
[in]cleanThe action executed on destruction.
The block guard.

◆ makeCache()

template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename TraitsT , typename ... ParametersT>
ResourceCachePtrT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT > castor::makeCache ( ParametersT &&... parameters)

Creates a cache.

[in]parametersThe cache ctor parameters.

◆ makeChangeTracked()

template<typename ValueT >
ChangeTracked< ValueT > castor::makeChangeTracked ( ValueT const & value)

◆ makeChangeTrackedT()

template<typename ControlT , typename ValueT >
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > castor::makeChangeTrackedT ( ValueT const & value)

◆ makeContextDeleter()

template<typename ContextT >
ContextDeleterPtr castor::makeContextDeleter ( )

◆ makeDefaultedParameter()

template<ParameterType Type, typename ... Params>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeDefaultedParameter ( ParserParameterValueType< Type > defaultValue,
Params &&... params )

Creates a parameter of given type.

The created parameter.

◆ makeFractalNoise()

template<typename NoiseT >
FractalNoiseT< NoiseT > castor::makeFractalNoise ( uint32_t octaves,
NoiseT noise )

References makeFractalNoise().

Referenced by makeFractalNoise().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeGroupChangeTracked()

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > castor::makeGroupChangeTracked ( ControlT & dirty,
ValueT const & value )

◆ makeParameter() [1/5]

template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeParameter ( )

Creates a parameter of given type.

The created parameter.

◆ makeParameter() [2/5]

template<ParameterType Type, typename EnumType >
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeParameter ( )

Creates a parameter of given type.

The created parameter.

References eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText, eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText, and eCheckedText.

◆ makeParameter() [3/5]

template<ParameterType Type, typename T >
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeParameter ( Range< T > const & range)

Creates a parameter of given type.

The created parameter.

References eDouble, eFloat, eInt16, eInt32, eInt64, eInt8, eLongDouble, eUInt16, eUInt32, eUInt64, and eUInt8.

◆ makeParameter() [4/5]

template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeParameter ( StringView name,
UInt32StrMap const & values )

Creates a parameter of given type.

[in]nameThe parameter type name.
[in]valuesThe values used to validate the parsed value.
The created parameter.

References eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText, and eCheckedText.

◆ makeParameter() [5/5]

template<ParameterType Type>
ParserParameterBaseSPtr castor::makeParameter ( StringView name,
UInt64StrMap const & values )

Creates a parameter of given type.

[in]nameThe parameter type name.
[in]valuesThe values used to validate the parsed value.
The created parameter.

References eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText.

◆ makePath()

CU_API std::filesystem::path castor::makePath ( StringView str)

◆ makeRange()

template<typename T >
Range< T > castor::makeRange ( T const & min,
T const & max )

Helper function to create a range.

[in]min,maxThe range.
The created range.

Referenced by makeRangedValue().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeRangedValue()

template<typename T >
RangedValue< T > castor::makeRangedValue ( T const & value,
T const & min,
T const & max )

Helper function to create a ranged value.

[in]valueThe value.
[in]min,maxThe range.
The created ranged value.

References makeRange().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeRangeSequence()

template<typename T >
RangeSequenceT< T > castor::makeRangeSequence ( Vector< T > const & sequence)

◆ makeResource()

template<typename ResT , typename KeyT , typename ... ParametersT>
ResourcePtrT< ResT, KeyT > castor::makeResource ( ParametersT &&... params)

Resource creation helper.

◆ makeScopeGuard()

template<typename ScopeExitFuncType >
ScopeGuard< ScopeExitFuncType > castor::makeScopeGuard ( ScopeExitFuncType const & function)

Helper function to create a ScopeGuard.

[in]functionThe function.
The ScopeGuard.

◆ makeSpeed() [1/2]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::makeSpeed ( ValueT const & value)

◆ makeSpeed() [2/2]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::makeSpeed ( ValueT const & value,
DurationT const &  )

◆ makeString() [1/12]

String castor::makeString ( mbchar const * in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [2/12]

String castor::makeString ( mbchar const * in,
size_t length )

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [3/12]

String castor::makeString ( MbString const & in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [4/12]

CU_API String castor::makeString ( MbStringView const & in)

◆ makeString() [5/12]

String castor::makeString ( u32char const * in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [6/12]

String castor::makeString ( u32char const * in,
size_t length )

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [7/12]

String castor::makeString ( U32String const & in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [8/12]

CU_API String castor::makeString ( U32StringView const & in)

◆ makeString() [9/12]

String castor::makeString ( wchar const * in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [10/12]

String castor::makeString ( wchar const * in,
size_t length )

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [11/12]

String castor::makeString ( WString const & in)

References makeString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeString() [12/12]

CU_API String castor::makeString ( WStringView const & in)

◆ makeStringStream()

StringStream castor::makeStringStream ( )

◆ makeStringStreamT()

template<typename CharT >
std::basic_stringstream< CharT > castor::makeStringStreamT ( )
A std::stringstream using C locale.

◆ makeUnique()

template<typename TypeT , typename ... ParamsT>
UniquePtr< TypeT > castor::makeUnique ( ParamsT &&... params)

◆ makeUniqueDerived()

template<typename BaseT , typename DerivedT , typename ... ParamsT>
UniquePtr< BaseT > castor::makeUniqueDerived ( ParamsT &&... params)

◆ makeUniqueLock()

template<typename Lockable >
UniqueLock< Lockable > castor::makeUniqueLock ( Lockable & lockable)

Referenced by castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::add(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::addNew(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::cleanup(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::clear(), castor::TSSignalT< Function >::connect(), castor3d::UserInputListener::doAddHandler(), castor3d::UserInputListener::doGetHandlers(), castor3d::UserInputListener::doHasHandlers(), castor3d::UserInputListener::doRemoveHandler(), castor::format::BasicIndentBufferManagerT< CharT, traits >::erase(), castor::format::BasicPrefixBufferManagerT< prefix_type, CharT, traits >::erase(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::find(), castor3d::RenderTargetCache::forEach(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::forEach(), castor3d::RenderTargetCache::forEach(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::forEach(), castor3d::Engine::forEachFont(), castor::format::BasicIndentBufferManagerT< CharT, traits >::getBuffer(), castor::format::BasicPrefixBufferManagerT< prefix_type, CharT, traits >::getBuffer(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::getObjectCount(), castor::format::BasicIndentBufferManagerT< CharT, traits >::insert(), castor::format::BasicPrefixBufferManagerT< prefix_type, CharT, traits >::insert(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::isEmpty(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::mergeInto(), castor3d::ObjectCacheBaseT< ObjT, KeyT, TraitsT >::mergeInto(), castor::TSSignalT< Function >::operator()(), castor::TSSignalT< Function >::operator()(), castor::TSSignalT< Function >::operator=(), castor::LoggerStreambufT< CharT, TraitsT >::overflow(), castor3d::EventHandler::pushEvent(), castor3d::EventHandler::pushEvent(), castor3d::EventHandler::pushEvent(), castor::LoggerInstance::pushMessage(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::remove(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::rename(), castor::format::BasicIndentBufferManagerT< CharT, traits >::size(), castor::format::BasicPrefixBufferManagerT< prefix_type, CharT, traits >::size(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::tryAdd(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::tryAddNew(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::tryFind(), castor::ResourceCacheBaseT< ResT, KeyT, TraitsT >::tryRemove(), castor::TSSignalT< Function >::TSSignalT(), castor::format::BasicIndentBufferManagerT< CharT, traits >::~BasicIndentBufferManagerT(), castor::format::BasicPrefixBufferManagerT< prefix_type, CharT, traits >::~BasicPrefixBufferManagerT(), castor3d::EventHandler::~EventHandler(), castor::TSConnectionT< SignalT >::~TSConnectionT(), and castor::TSSignalT< Function >::~TSSignalT().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [1/32]

template<typename IterT >
bool castor::operator!= ( ArrayView< IterT > const & lhs,
ArrayView< IterT > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [2/32]

bool castor::operator!= ( BoundingBox const & lhs,
BoundingBox const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [3/32]

bool castor::operator!= ( BoundingSphere const & lhs,
BoundingSphere const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [4/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [5/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ValueT const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [6/32]

CU_API bool castor::operator!= ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

Inequality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to compare

◆ operator!=() [7/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator!= ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [8/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator!= ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [9/32]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool castor::operator!= ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [10/32]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::operator!= ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [11/32]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::operator!= ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagType const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [12/32]

template<typename FlagTypeT , typename IteratorTraitsT >
constexpr bool castor::operator!= ( FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const & lhs,
FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [13/32]

bool castor::operator!= ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [14/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [15/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ValueT const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [16/32]

CU_API bool castor::operator!= ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

Inequality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to compare

◆ operator!=() [17/32]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator!= ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [18/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
bool castor::operator!= ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [19/32]

CU_API bool castor::operator!= ( PlaneEquation const & lhs,
PlaneEquation const & rhs )

Checks if this plane is different from another one.

◆ operator!=() [20/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator!= ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [21/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator!= ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [22/32]

CU_API bool castor::operator!= ( Position const & a,
Position const & b )

Difference operator.

[in]a,bThe positions to compare
false if positions have same coordinates

◆ operator!=() [23/32]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator!= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [24/32]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator!= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [25/32]

template<typename ComponentType >
bool castor::operator!= ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Inequality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to compare

◆ operator!=() [26/32]

template<typename ComponentType >
bool castor::operator!= ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Inequality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to compare

◆ operator!=() [27/32]

CU_API bool castor::operator!= ( Size const & a,
Size const & b )

Difference operator.

[in]a,bThe sizes to compare
false if sizes have same dimensions

◆ operator!=() [28/32]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
bool castor::operator!= ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [29/32]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator!= ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [30/32]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool castor::operator!= ( typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & lhs,
typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & rhs )

◆ operator!=() [31/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( ValueT const & lhs,
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [32/32]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator!= ( ValueT const & lhs,
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

References operator==().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator&() [1/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > castor::operator& ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator&() [2/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator& ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )

◆ operator&() [3/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator& ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagType const & rhs )

◆ operator&() [4/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator& ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const & rhs )

◆ operator&() [5/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit castor::operator& ( typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & lhs,
bool rhs )

◆ operator*() [1/42]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator* ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [2/42]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator* ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator*() [3/42]

CU_API float castor::operator* ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [4/42]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator* ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Multiplication assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [5/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator* ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [6/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator* ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [7/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator* ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator*() [8/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator* ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [9/42]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator* ( double lhs,
QuaternionT< T > const & rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhsThe scalar to multiply
[in]rhsThe Quaternion object to multiply
The multiplication result

◆ operator*() [10/42]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator* ( float lhs,
QuaternionT< T > const & rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhsThe scalar to multiply
[in]rhsThe Quaternion object to multiply
The multiplication result

◆ operator*() [11/42]

CU_API float castor::operator* ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [12/42]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator* ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Multiplication assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [13/42]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator* ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator*() [14/42]

CU_API Point3f castor::operator* ( Matrix4x4f const & lhs,
Point3f const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [15/42]

CU_API Point4f castor::operator* ( Matrix4x4f const & lhs,
Point4f const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [16/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U , uint32_t ColumnsU>
Matrix< T, ColumnsU, Rows > castor::operator* ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< U, ColumnsU, Columns > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [17/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Point< T, Rows > castor::operator* ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Point< U, Columns > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [18/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator* ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [19/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t Rows>
Matrix< T, Count, Rows > castor::operator* ( Matrix< U, Count, Rows > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [20/42]

template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > castor::operator* ( Pixel< FT > const & lhs,
Pixel< FU > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [21/42]

CU_API Point3f castor::operator* ( Point3f const & lhs,
Matrix4x4f const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [22/42]

CU_API Point4f castor::operator* ( Point4f const & lhs,
Matrix4x4f const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [23/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Point< T, Columns > castor::operator* ( Point< T, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [24/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator* ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [25/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator* ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [26/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator* ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [27/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator* ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator*() [28/42]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator* ( QuaternionT< T > const & lhs,
double rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhsThe Quaternion object to multiply
[in]rhsThe scalar to multiply
The multiplication result

◆ operator*() [29/42]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator* ( QuaternionT< T > const & lhs,
float rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhsThe Quaternion object to multiply
[in]rhsThe scalar to multiply
The multiplication result

◆ operator*() [30/42]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator* ( QuaternionT< T > const & lhs,
QuaternionT< T > const & rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhsThe first Quaternion object to multiply
[in]rhsThe second Quaternion object to multiply
The multiplication result

◆ operator*() [31/42]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator* ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [32/42]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator* ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [33/42]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator* ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [34/42]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator* ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Multiplication operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to multiply
Result of lhs * rhs

◆ operator*() [35/42]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::operator* ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const & lhs,
ValueU const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [36/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t Columns>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator* ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [37/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator* ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< U, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [38/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator* ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [39/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator* ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator*() [40/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator* ( T const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [41/42]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator* ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [42/42]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator* ( T const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [1/36]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator+ ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [2/36]

CU_API float castor::operator+ ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [3/36]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator+ ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

addition assignment operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [4/36]

template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF > castor::operator+ ( ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & it,
size_t offset )

◆ operator+() [5/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator+ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [6/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator+ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [7/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator+ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator+() [8/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator+ ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [9/36]

CU_API float castor::operator+ ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [10/36]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator+ ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

addition assignment operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [11/36]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator+ ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [12/36]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator+ ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
TypeT const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [13/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator+ ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

name Arithmetic operators.

◆ operator+() [14/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator+ ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [15/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator+ ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator+() [16/36]

template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > castor::operator+ ( Pixel< FT > const & lhs,
Pixel< FU > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [17/36]

template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF > castor::operator+ ( PixelIterator< PF > it,
size_t offset )

◆ operator+() [18/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator+ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [19/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator+ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [20/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator+ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [21/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator+ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator+() [22/36]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator+ ( QuaternionT< T > const & lhs,
QuaternionT< T > const & rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhsThe first Quaternion object to add
[in]rhsThe second Quaternion object to add
The addition result

◆ operator+() [23/36]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator+ ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [24/36]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator+ ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [25/36]

template<typename ComponentType >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator+ ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [26/36]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator+ ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [27/36]

template<typename ComponentType >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator+ ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [28/36]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator+ ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

addition operator

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to add
Result of lhs + rhs

◆ operator+() [29/36]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::operator+ ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const & lhs,
ValueU const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [30/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator+ ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< U, Count > const & rhs )

name Arithmetic operators.

◆ operator+() [31/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator+ ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [32/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator+ ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator+() [33/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator+ ( T const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [34/36]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator+ ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [35/36]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator+ ( T const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [36/36]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator+ ( TypeT const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [1/45]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator- ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [2/45]

CU_API float castor::operator- ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

Subtraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [3/45]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator- ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Substraction assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [4/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF > castor::operator- ( ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & it,
size_t offset )

◆ operator-() [5/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type castor::operator- ( ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & lhs,
ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & rhs )

References castor::ConstPixelIterator< PF >::diffIt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [6/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type castor::operator- ( ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & lhs,
PixelIterator< PF > const & rhs )

References castor::ConstPixelIterator< PF >::diffIt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [7/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator- ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [8/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator- ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [9/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator- ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator-() [10/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator- ( Coords< T, Count > const & rhs)

name Arithmetic operators.

◆ operator-() [11/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [12/45]

CU_API float castor::operator- ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

Subtraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [13/45]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator- ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Substraction assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [14/45]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator- ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [15/45]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator- ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
TypeT const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [16/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator- ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [17/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator- ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [18/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator- ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator-() [19/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator- ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & rhs)

◆ operator-() [20/45]

template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > castor::operator- ( Pixel< FT > const & lhs,
Pixel< FU > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [21/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
ConstPixelIterator< PF >::difference_type castor::operator- ( PixelIterator< PF > const & lhs,
ConstPixelIterator< PF > const & rhs )

References castor::ConstPixelIterator< PF >::diffIt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [22/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF >::difference_type castor::operator- ( PixelIterator< PF > const & lhs,
PixelIterator< PF > const & rhs )

References castor::PixelIterator< PF >::diffIt().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [23/45]

template<PixelFormat PF>
PixelIterator< PF > castor::operator- ( PixelIterator< PF > it,
size_t offset )

◆ operator-() [24/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [25/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [26/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [27/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator-() [28/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator- ( Point< T, TCount > const & rhs)

name Arithmetic operators.

◆ operator-() [29/45]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator- ( QuaternionT< T > const & lhs,
QuaternionT< T > const & rhs )

Substraction operator.

[in]lhsThe first Quaternion object to subtract
[in]rhsThe second Quaternion object to subtract
The substraction result

◆ operator-() [30/45]

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > castor::operator- ( QuaternionT< T > const & quat)

Negation operator.

[in]quatThe Quaternion object to negate
The negation result

◆ operator-() [31/45]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator- ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [32/45]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator- ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [33/45]

template<typename ComponentType >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator- ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Substraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [34/45]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator- ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Subtraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [35/45]

template<typename ComponentType >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator- ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Substraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [36/45]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator- ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Subtraction operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to subtract
Result of lhs - rhs

◆ operator-() [37/45]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::operator- ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const & lhs,
ValueU const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [38/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator- ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< U, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [39/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator- ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [40/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator- ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator-() [41/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator- ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs)

◆ operator-() [42/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator- ( T const & lhs,
Matrix< U, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [43/45]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator- ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [44/45]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator- ( T const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [45/45]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator- ( TypeT const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [1/31]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator/ ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [2/31]

template<typename Type >
AngleT< Type > castor::operator/ ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator/() [3/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( char const * lhs,
Path const & rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe path to add
[in]rhsThe first path to add

◆ operator/() [4/31]

CU_API float castor::operator/ ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

Division operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [5/31]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator/ ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Division assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [6/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator/ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [7/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator/ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [8/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, Count > castor::operator/ ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator/() [9/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator/ ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [10/31]

CU_API float castor::operator/ ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

Division operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [11/31]

template<typename T >
float castor::operator/ ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

Division assignment operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [12/31]

template<typename TypeT >
LengthT< TypeT > castor::operator/ ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator/() [13/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows, typename U >
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > castor::operator/ ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [14/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( Path const & lhs,
char const * rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe first path to add
[in]rhsThe path to add

◆ operator/() [15/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( Path const & lhs,
Path const & rhs )

Appends 2 paths. adds the separator if needed.

[in]lhsThe first path to add
[in]rhsThe second path to add

◆ operator/() [16/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( Path const & lhs,
String const & rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe first path to add
[in]rhsThe path to add

◆ operator/() [17/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( Path const & lhs,
wchar_t const * rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe first path to add
[in]rhsThe path to add

◆ operator/() [18/31]

template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
Pixel< FT > castor::operator/ ( Pixel< FT > const & lhs,
Pixel< FU > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [19/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator/ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [20/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator/ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [21/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator/ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [22/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U >
Point< std::remove_cv_t< T >, TCount > castor::operator/ ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
U const * rhs )

◆ operator/() [23/31]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator/ ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [24/31]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator/ ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [25/31]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator/ ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Division operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [26/31]

template<typename ComponentType , typename T >
RgbColourT< ComponentType > castor::operator/ ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
T rhs )

Division operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe values to divide
Result of lhs / rhs

◆ operator/() [27/31]

template<typename DurationT , typename ValueT , typename ValueU >
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > castor::operator/ ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT > const & lhs,
ValueU const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [28/31]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U >
SquareMatrix< T, Count > castor::operator/ ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [29/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( String const & lhs,
Path const & rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe path to add
[in]rhsThe first path to add

◆ operator/() [30/31]

template<typename T >
T castor::operator/ ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [31/31]

CU_API Path castor::operator/ ( wchar_t const * lhs,
Path const & rhs )

adds a string to a path. Adds the separator if needed

[in]lhsThe path to add
[in]rhsThe first path to add

◆ operator<() [1/5]

bool castor::operator< ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator<() [2/5]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator< ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator<() [3/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator< ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator<() [4/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator< ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator<() [5/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator< ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator<<() [1/15]

template<typename T >
BinaryFile & castor::operator<< ( BinaryFile & file,
T const & toWrite )

open mode dependant write function

[in]fileThe file
[in]toWriteThe data to write in the file
A reference to this file

◆ operator<<() [2/15]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > castor::operator<< ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
int rhs )

name Bit operations.

◆ operator<<() [3/15]

CU_API OutputStream & castor::operator<< ( OutputStream & stream,
CpuInformations const & object )

Output stream operator.

[in,out]streamThe stream.
[in]objectThe object to put in the stream.
The stream.

◆ operator<<() [4/15]

Size castor::operator<< ( Size const & lhs,
uint32_t rhs )

◆ operator<<() [5/15]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & out,
Coords< T, Count > const & in )

◆ operator<<() [6/15]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & out,
Point< T, TCount > const & in )

◆ operator<<() [7/15]

template<typename CharT , typename PrefixT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & stream,
format::BasePrefixerT< CharT, PrefixT > const &  )

Stream operator.

Initializes the stream in order to prefix it.
[in]streamThe stream.

◆ operator<<() [8/15]

template<typename CharT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & stream,
format::Indent const & ind )

Stream operator.

Initializes the stream in order to indent it
[in]streamThe stream
[in]indThe indent

◆ operator<<() [9/15]

template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & stream,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & matrix )

◆ operator<<() [10/15]

template<typename CharT , typename T >
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & stream,
QuaternionT< T > const & quat )

Stream operator.

[in,out]streamThe stream.
[in]quatThe Quaternion object to put in stream.
The stream.

◆ operator<<() [11/15]

template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Count>
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & castor::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CharT > & streamOut,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & matrix )

name Stream operators.

◆ operator<<() [12/15]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
String & castor::operator<< ( String & out,
Coords< T, Count > const & in )

name Stream operators.

◆ operator<<() [13/15]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
String & castor::operator<< ( String & out,
Point< T, TCount > const & in )

name Stream operators.

◆ operator<<() [14/15]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
String & castor::operator<< ( String & stream,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & matrix )

name Stream operators.

◆ operator<<() [15/15]

template<typename T >
TextFile & castor::operator<< ( TextFile & file,
T const & toWrite )

open mode dependant write function

[in]fileThe file
[in]toWriteThe data to write in the file
A reference to this file

◆ operator<=() [1/5]

bool castor::operator<= ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator<=() [2/5]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator<= ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator<=() [3/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator<= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator<=() [4/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator<= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator<=() [5/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator<= ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator<=>() [1/4]

template<typename Type >
auto castor::operator<=> ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator<=>() [2/4]

auto castor::operator<=> ( Illumination const & lhs,
Illumination const & rhs )

◆ operator<=>() [3/4]

auto castor::operator<=> ( LuminousIntensity const & lhs,
LuminousIntensity const & rhs )

◆ operator<=>() [4/4]

template<typename ValueT , typename DurationT , typename TraitsT >
auto castor::operator<=> ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const & lhs,
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [1/37]

template<typename Type >
bool castor::operator== ( AngleT< Type > const & lhs,
AngleT< Type > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [2/37]

template<typename IterT >
bool castor::operator== ( ArrayView< IterT > const & lhs,
ArrayView< IterT > const & rhs )

Referenced by operator!=(), operator!=(), operator!=(), operator!=(), operator!=(), and operator!=().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [3/37]

bool castor::operator== ( BoundingBox const & lhs,
BoundingBox const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [4/37]

bool castor::operator== ( BoundingSphere const & lhs,
BoundingSphere const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [5/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [6/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ValueT const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [7/37]

CU_API bool castor::operator== ( ColourComponent const & lhs,
ColourComponent const & rhs )

Equality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to compare

◆ operator==() [8/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator== ( Coords< T, Count > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

name Comparison operators.

◆ operator==() [9/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator== ( Coords< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [10/37]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool castor::operator== ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & rhs )

name Logic operators.

◆ operator==() [11/37]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::operator== ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [12/37]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr bool castor::operator== ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagType const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [13/37]

template<typename FlagTypeT , typename IteratorTraitsT >
constexpr bool castor::operator== ( FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const & lhs,
FlagIterator< FlagTypeT, IteratorTraitsT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [14/37]

bool castor::operator== ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [15/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [16/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & lhs,
ValueT const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [17/37]

CU_API bool castor::operator== ( HdrColourComponent const & lhs,
HdrColourComponent const & rhs )

Equality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe components to compare

◆ operator==() [18/37]

bool castor::operator== ( Illumination const & lhs,
Illumination const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [19/37]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator== ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [20/37]

bool castor::operator== ( LuminousIntensity const & lhs,
LuminousIntensity const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [21/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
bool castor::operator== ( Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & lhs,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const & rhs )

name Logic operators.

◆ operator==() [22/37]

template<PixelFormat FT, PixelFormat FU>
bool castor::operator== ( Pixel< FT > const & lhs,
Pixel< FU > const & rhs )

Equality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe pixels to compare
true if points have same dimensions and same values

◆ operator==() [23/37]

CU_API bool castor::operator== ( PlaneEquation const & lhs,
PlaneEquation const & rhs )

Checks if this plane is equal to another one.

A plane is equal to another one if it is parallel to it and if normals and d coeff are equal

◆ operator==() [24/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator== ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Coords< U, UCount > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [25/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename U , uint32_t UCount>
bool castor::operator== ( Point< T, TCount > const & lhs,
Point< U, UCount > const & rhs )

name Logic operators.

◆ operator==() [26/37]

CU_API bool castor::operator== ( Position const & a,
Position const & b )

Equality operator.

[in]a,bThe positions to compare
true if positions have same coordinates

◆ operator==() [27/37]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator== ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [28/37]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator== ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [29/37]

template<typename ComponentType >
bool castor::operator== ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Equality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to compare

◆ operator==() [30/37]

template<typename ComponentType >
bool castor::operator== ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & lhs,
RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & rhs )

Equality operator.

[in]lhs,rhsThe colours to compare

◆ operator==() [31/37]

CU_API bool castor::operator== ( Size const & a,
Size const & b )

Equality operator.

[in]a,bThe sizes to compare
true if sizes have same dimensions

◆ operator==() [32/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename DurationT , typename TraitsT >
bool castor::operator== ( SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const & lhs,
SpeedT< ValueT, DurationT, TraitsT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [33/37]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
bool castor::operator== ( SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & lhs,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > const & rhs )

name Logic operators.

◆ operator==() [34/37]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator== ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [35/37]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
bool castor::operator== ( typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & lhs,
typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & rhs )

name Logic operators.

◆ operator==() [36/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( ValueT const & lhs,
ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

◆ operator==() [37/37]

template<typename ValueT , typename ControlT >
bool castor::operator== ( ValueT const & lhs,
GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > const & rhs )

◆ operator>() [1/5]

bool castor::operator> ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator>() [2/5]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator> ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator>() [3/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator> ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator>() [4/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator> ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator>() [5/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator> ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator>=() [1/5]

bool castor::operator>= ( Glyph const & lhs,
Glyph const & rhs )

◆ operator>=() [2/5]

template<typename TypeT >
bool castor::operator>= ( LengthT< TypeT > const & lhs,
LengthT< TypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator>=() [3/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator>= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator>=() [4/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator>= ( RangedValue< T > const & lhs,
T const & rhs )

◆ operator>=() [5/5]

template<typename T >
bool castor::operator>= ( T const & lhs,
RangedValue< T > const & rhs )

◆ operator>>() [1/11]

template<typename T >
BinaryFile & castor::operator>> ( BinaryFile & file,
T & toRead )

open mode dependant read function

[in]fileThe file
[out]toReadThe data to read from the file
A reference to this file

◆ operator>>() [2/11]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > castor::operator>> ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
int rhs )

◆ operator>>() [3/11]

Size castor::operator>> ( Size const & lhs,
uint32_t rhs )

◆ operator>>() [4/11]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count, typename CharT >
std::basic_istream< CharT > & castor::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CharT > & in,
Coords< T, Count > & out )

◆ operator>>() [5/11]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount, typename CharT >
std::basic_istream< CharT > & castor::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CharT > & in,
Point< T, TCount > & out )

◆ operator>>() [6/11]

template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
std::basic_istream< CharT > & castor::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CharT > & stream,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > & matrix )

◆ operator>>() [7/11]

template<typename CharT , typename T , uint32_t Count>
std::basic_istream< CharT > & castor::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< CharT > & streamIn,
SquareMatrix< T, Count > & matrix )

◆ operator>>() [8/11]

template<typename T , uint32_t Count>
String & castor::operator>> ( String & in,
Coords< T, Count > & out )

◆ operator>>() [9/11]

template<typename T , uint32_t TCount>
String & castor::operator>> ( String & in,
Point< T, TCount > & out )

◆ operator>>() [10/11]

template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows>
String & castor::operator>> ( String & stream,
Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > & matrix )

◆ operator>>() [11/11]

template<typename T >
TextFile & castor::operator>> ( TextFile & file,
T & toRead )

open mode dependant read function

[in]fileThe file
[out]toReadThe data to read from the file
A reference to this file

◆ operator^() [1/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > castor::operator^ ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator^() [2/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator^ ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )

◆ operator^() [3/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator^ ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagType const & rhs )

◆ operator^() [4/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator^ ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const & rhs )

◆ operator^() [5/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit castor::operator^ ( typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & lhs,
bool rhs )

◆ operator|() [1/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > castor::operator| ( DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & lhs,
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT > const & rhs )

◆ operator|() [2/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator| ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & rhs )

◆ operator|() [3/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator| ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
FlagType const & rhs )

◆ operator|() [4/5]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::operator| ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & lhs,
typename FlagCombination< FlagType >::BaseType const & rhs )

◆ operator|() [5/5]

template<typename BlockTypeT >
DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit castor::operator| ( typename DynamicBitsetT< BlockTypeT >::Bit const & lhs,
bool rhs )

name Bit operations.

◆ pointCast()

template<typename DstCompT , typename SrcT >
constexpr PointTypeT< SrcT, DstCompT > castor::pointCast ( SrcT const & src)

◆ ptrCast() [1/2]

template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
RawUniquePtr< TypeU > castor::ptrCast ( RawUniquePtr< TypeT > ptr)

◆ ptrCast() [2/2]

template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
UniquePtr< TypeU > castor::ptrCast ( UniquePtr< TypeT > ptr)

◆ ptrRefCast() [1/2]

template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
RawUniquePtr< TypeU > castor::ptrRefCast ( RawUniquePtr< TypeT > & ptr)

◆ ptrRefCast() [2/2]

template<typename TypeU , typename TypeT >
UniquePtr< TypeU > castor::ptrRefCast ( UniquePtr< TypeT > & ptr)

◆ remFlag() [1/2]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & castor::remFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > & value,
FlagType const & flag )

Removes a flag from the given value.

[in,out]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag to remove.
The value.

◆ remFlag() [2/2]

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > castor::remFlag ( FlagCombination< FlagType > const & value,
FlagType const & flag )

Removes a flag from the given value.

[in]valueThe value.
[in]flagThe flag to remove.
The new value.

◆ remFlags()

template<typename FlagType >
constexpr FlagCombination< FlagType > & castor::remFlags ( FlagCombination< FlagType > & value,
FlagCombination< FlagType > const & flags )

Removes a flag combination from the given value.

[in,out]valueThe value.
[in]flagsThe flags to remove.
The value.

◆ setA16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA16F ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setA16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA16S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setA16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setA32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setA32F ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
float value )

Function to define pixel alpha component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setA32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setA32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA32S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int32_t value )

◆ setA32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA32U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setA64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA64F ( uint8_t * buffer,
double value )

◆ setA64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA64S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int64_t value )

◆ setA64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA64U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint64_t value )

◆ setA8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA8S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int8_t value )

◆ setA8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setA8U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint8_t value )

Function to define pixel alpha component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setA8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setA8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ setB16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB16F ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setB16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB16S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setB16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setB32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setB32F ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
float value )

Function to define pixel blue component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setB32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setB32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB32S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int32_t value )

◆ setB32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB32U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setB64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB64F ( uint8_t * buffer,
double value )

◆ setB64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB64S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int64_t value )

◆ setB64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB64U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint64_t value )

◆ setB8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB8S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int8_t value )

◆ setB8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setB8U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint8_t value )

Function to define pixel blue component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setB8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setB8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ setD16U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setD16U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint16_t value )

Function to define pixel depth component in uint16_t.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setD16U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setD16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setD24U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setD24U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint32_t value )

Function to define pixel depth component in uint32_t, with 24 relevant bits.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setD24U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setD24U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setD32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setD32F ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
float value )

Function to define pixel depth component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setD32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setD32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setG16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG16F ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setG16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG16S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setG16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setG32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setG32F ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
float value )

Function to define pixel green component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setG32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setG32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG32S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int32_t value )

◆ setG32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG32U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setG64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG64F ( uint8_t * buffer,
double value )

◆ setG64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG64S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int64_t value )

◆ setG64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG64U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint64_t value )

◆ setG8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG8S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int8_t value )

◆ setG8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setG8U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint8_t value )

Function to define pixel green component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setG8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setG8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ setR16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR16F ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setR16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR16S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setR16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setR32F() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setR32F ( Pixel< PF > const & pixel,
float value )

Function to define pixel colour component in float.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setR32F() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setR32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR32S ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setR32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR32U ( uint8_t * buffer,
int32_t value )

◆ setR64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR64F ( uint8_t * buffer,
double value )

◆ setR64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR64S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int64_t value )

◆ setR64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR64U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint64_t value )

◆ setR8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR8S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int8_t value )

◆ setR8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setR8U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint8_t value )

Function to define pixel red component in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setR8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setR8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ setS8U() [1/2]

template<PixelFormat PF>
void castor::setS8U ( Pixel< PF > & pixel,
uint8_t value )

Function to define pixel depth stencil in byte.

[in]pixelThe pixel
[in]valueThe component value

◆ setS8U() [2/2]

template<PixelFormat PFT>
void castor::setS8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ setX16F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX16F ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setX16S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX16S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int16_t value )

◆ setX16U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX16U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t value )

◆ setX32F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX32F ( uint8_t * buffer,
float value )

◆ setX32S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX32S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int32_t value )

◆ setX32U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX32U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint32_t value )

◆ setX64F()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX64F ( uint8_t * buffer,
double value )

◆ setX64S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX64S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int64_t value )

◆ setX64U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX64U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint64_t value )

◆ setX8S()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX8S ( uint8_t * buffer,
int8_t value )

◆ setX8U()

template<PixelFormat PFT, PixelComponent PCT>
void castor::setX8U ( uint8_t * buffer,
uint8_t value )

◆ switchEndianness() [1/2]

template<typename T >
constexpr T & castor::switchEndianness ( T & value)

Convert from little or big endian to the other.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

Referenced by bigEndianToSystemEndian(), bigEndianToSystemEndian(), bigEndianToSystemEndian(), bigEndianToSystemEndian(), bigEndianToSystemEndian(), bigEndianToSystemEndian(), castor3d::chunkEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), littleEndianToSystemEndian(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), castor3d::prepareChunkData(), switchEndianness(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToBigEndian(), systemEndianToLittleEndian(), systemEndianToLittleEndian(), systemEndianToLittleEndian(), systemEndianToLittleEndian(), systemEndianToLittleEndian(), and systemEndianToLittleEndian().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ switchEndianness() [2/2]

template<typename T >
constexpr T castor::switchEndianness ( T const & value)

Convert from little or big endian to the other.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [1/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( Array< T, N > & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [2/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( Array< T, N > const & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T & castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( T & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [4/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( T const & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [5/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Vector< T > & castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( Vector< T > & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToBigEndian() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Vector< T > castor::systemEndianToBigEndian ( Vector< T > const & value)

Convert the given value to big endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isBigEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [1/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > & castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( Array< T, N > & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [2/6]

template<typename T , size_t N>
constexpr Array< T, N > castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( Array< T, N > const & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T & castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( T & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [4/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr T castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( T const & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [5/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > & castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( Vector< T > & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ systemEndianToLittleEndian() [6/6]

template<typename T >
Vector< T > castor::systemEndianToLittleEndian ( Vector< T > const & value)

Convert the given value to little endian if needed.

[in,out]valueValue to be converted.

References isLittleEndian(), and switchEndianness().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toABGRByte() [1/2]

Point4ub castor::toABGRByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toABGRByte() [2/2]

Point4ub castor::toABGRByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toABGRFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toABGRFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toABGRFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toABGRFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ABGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toABGRPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toABGRPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toABGRPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toABGRPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toARGBByte() [1/2]

Point4ub castor::toARGBByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toARGBByte() [2/2]

Point4ub castor::toARGBByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toARGBFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toARGBFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toARGBFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toARGBFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in ARGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toARGBPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toARGBPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ARGB format (0xAARRGGBB).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toARGBPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toARGBPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the ARGB format (0xAARRGGBB).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toBGRAByte() [1/2]

Point4ub castor::toBGRAByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRAByte() [2/2]

Point4ub castor::toBGRAByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRAFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toBGRAFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRAFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toBGRAFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGRA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRAPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toBGRAPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGRA format (0xBBGGRRAA).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toBGRAPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toBGRAPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGRA format (0xBBGGRRAA).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toBGRByte() [1/2]

Point3ub castor::toBGRByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRByte() [2/2]

Point3ub castor::toBGRByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f castor::toBGRFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f castor::toBGRFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in BGR format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toBGRPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toBGRPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGR format (0x00BBGGRR).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toBGRPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toBGRPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the BGR format (0x00BBGGRR).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toRGBAByte() [1/2]

Point4ub castor::toRGBAByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBAByte() [2/2]

Point4ub castor::toRGBAByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBAFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toRGBAFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBAFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point4f castor::toRGBAFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGBA format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBAPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toRGBAPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGBA format (0xRRGGBBAA).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toRGBAPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toRGBAPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGBA format (0xRRGGBBAA).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toRGBByte() [1/2]

Point3ub castor::toRGBByte ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBByte() [2/2]

Point3ub castor::toRGBByte ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBFloat() [1/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f castor::toRGBFloat ( RgbaColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBFloat() [2/2]

template<typename ComponentType >
Point3f castor::toRGBFloat ( RgbColourT< ComponentType > const & colour)

Stores a colour's components into a point in RGB format.

[in]colourThe colour.
The colour's components.

◆ toRGBPacked() [1/2]

uint32_t castor::toRGBPacked ( RgbaColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGB format (0x00RRGGBB).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toRGBPacked() [2/2]

uint32_t castor::toRGBPacked ( RgbColourT< ColourComponent > const & colour)

Packs a colour's components into an uint32_t in the RGB format (0x00RRGGBB).

[in]colourThe colour.
The packed colour.

◆ toSystemWide() [1/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( mbchar const * in)

References toSystemWide().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toSystemWide() [2/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( mbchar const * in,
size_t length )

References toSystemWide().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toSystemWide() [3/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( MbString const & in)

References toSystemWide().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toSystemWide() [4/8]

CU_API WString castor::toSystemWide ( MbStringView in)

Referenced by toSystemWide(), toSystemWide(), and toSystemWide().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toSystemWide() [5/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( wchar const * in)

◆ toSystemWide() [6/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( wchar const * in,
size_t length )

◆ toSystemWide() [7/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( WString const & in)

◆ toSystemWide() [8/8]

WString castor::toSystemWide ( WStringView in)

◆ toUtf8() [1/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( mbchar const * in)

◆ toUtf8() [2/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( mbchar const * in,
size_t length )

◆ toUtf8() [3/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( MbString const & in)

◆ toUtf8() [4/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( MbStringView in)

◆ toUtf8() [5/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( wchar const * in)

References toUtf8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8() [6/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( wchar const * in,
size_t length )

References toUtf8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8() [7/8]

MbString castor::toUtf8 ( WString const & in)

References toUtf8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8() [8/8]

CU_API MbString castor::toUtf8 ( WStringView in)

Referenced by castor::Exception::Exception(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogDebug(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogDebugNoLF(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogError(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogErrorNoLF(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogInfo(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogInfoNoLF(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogTrace(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogTraceNoLF(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogWarning(), castor::LoggerInstance::lockedLogWarningNoLF(), castor::Logger::logDebug(), castor::Logger::logDebug(), castor::Logger::logDebug(), castor::Logger::logDebugNoNL(), castor::Logger::logDebugNoNL(), castor::Logger::logDebugNoNL(), castor::Logger::logError(), castor::Logger::logError(), castor::Logger::logError(), castor::Logger::logErrorNoNL(), castor::Logger::logErrorNoNL(), castor::Logger::logErrorNoNL(), castor::Logger::logInfo(), castor::Logger::logInfo(), castor::Logger::logInfo(), castor::Logger::logInfoNoNL(), castor::Logger::logInfoNoNL(), castor::Logger::logInfoNoNL(), castor::Logger::logTrace(), castor::Logger::logTrace(), castor::Logger::logTrace(), castor::Logger::logTraceNoNL(), castor::Logger::logTraceNoNL(), castor::Logger::logTraceNoNL(), castor::Logger::logWarning(), castor::Logger::logWarning(), castor::Logger::logWarning(), castor::Logger::logWarningNoNL(), castor::Logger::logWarningNoNL(), castor::Logger::logWarningNoNL(), castor3d::makeImage(), castor3d::makeShaderState(), castor::LoggerImpl::printMessage(), castor::LoggerInstance::pushMessage(), toUtf8(), toUtf8(), toUtf8(), castor3d::ChunkWriter< castor::Path >::write(), castor3d::ChunkWriter< castor::String >::write(), and castor3d::InstantUploadDataT< UploaderT >::~InstantUploadDataT().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8U32String() [1/3]

U32String castor::toUtf8U32String ( String const & in)

References toUtf8U32String().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8U32String() [2/3]

CU_API U32String castor::toUtf8U32String ( StringView in)

Referenced by toUtf8U32String(), and toUtf8U32String().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toUtf8U32String() [3/3]

U32String castor::toUtf8U32String ( xchar const * in,
size_t length )

References toUtf8U32String().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ cuEmptyString

const String castor::cuEmptyString


const MbString castor::ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT = "Unknown object type"

◆ hasAlphaV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::hasAlphaV = HasAlpha< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ hasBaseParameterTypeV

template<ParameterType Type>
bool constexpr castor::hasBaseParameterTypeV = HasBaseParameterType< Type >::value

◆ is16FComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is16FComponentsV = Is16FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is16SComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is16SComponentsV = Is16SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is16UComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is16UComponentsV = Is16UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is32FComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is32FComponentsV = Is32FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is32SComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is32SComponentsV = Is32SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is32UComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is32UComponentsV = Is32UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is64FComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is64FComponentsV = Is64FComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is64SComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is64SComponentsV = Is64SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is64UComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is64UComponentsV = Is64UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is8SComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is8SComponentsV = Is8SComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is8SRGBComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is8SRGBComponentsV = Is8SRGBComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ is8UComponentsV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::is8UComponentsV = Is8UComponents< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isArithmeticTypeV

template<ParameterType Type>
bool constexpr castor::isArithmeticTypeV = IsArithmeticType< Type >::value

◆ isChangeTrackedT

template<typename T >
bool constexpr castor::isChangeTrackedT = IsChangeTrackedT< T >::value

◆ isColourFormatV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isColourFormatV = IsColourFormat< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isCompressedV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isCompressedV = IsCompressed< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isD16UComponentV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isD16UComponentV = IsD16UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isD24UComponentV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isD24UComponentV = IsD24UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isD32FComponentV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isD32FComponentV = IsD32FComponent< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isDepthFormatV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isDepthFormatV = IsDepthFormat< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isDepthStencilFormatV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isDepthStencilFormatV = IsDepthStencilFormat< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isFloatingV

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isFloatingV
Initial value:
= std::is_same_v< float, TypeT >
|| std::is_same_v< double, TypeT >

◆ isGroupChangeTrackedT

template<typename T >
bool constexpr castor::isGroupChangeTrackedT = IsGroupChangeTrackedT< T >::value

◆ isLengthV

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isLengthV = IsLengthT< TypeT >::value

◆ isPoint2d

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint2d = isPoint2V< TypeT, double >

◆ isPoint2f

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint2f = isPoint2V< TypeT, float >

◆ isPoint2V

template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint2V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 2u >

◆ isPoint3d

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint3d = isPoint3V< TypeT, double >

◆ isPoint3f

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint3f = isPoint3V< TypeT, float >

◆ isPoint3V

template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint3V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 3u >

◆ isPoint4d

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint4d = isPoint4V< TypeT, double >

◆ isPoint4f

template<typename TypeT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint4f = isPoint4V< TypeT, float >

◆ isPoint4V

template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT >
constexpr bool castor::isPoint4V = isPointV< TypeT, CoordT, 4u >

◆ isPointV

template<typename TypeT , typename CoordT , uint32_t CountT>
constexpr bool castor::isPointV
Initial value:
= std::is_same_v< Point< CoordT, CountT >, TypeT >
|| std::is_same_v< LengthT< Point< CoordT, CountT > >, TypeT >

◆ isRangedValueT

template<typename T >
bool constexpr castor::isRangedValueT = IsRangedValueT< T >::value

◆ isS8UComponentV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isS8UComponentV = IsS8UComponent< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ isSpeedT

template<typename ValueT >
bool constexpr castor::isSpeedT = IsSpeedT< ValueT >::value

◆ isStencilFormatV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
bool constexpr castor::isStencilFormatV = IsStencilFormat< PixelFormatT >::value

◆ maxValueT

template<details::ValueTypeT DataT, DataT ... ValuesT>
DataT constexpr castor::maxValueT = details::MaxRecT< DataT, ValuesT... >::value

◆ minValueT

template<details::ValueTypeT DataT, DataT ... ValuesT>
DataT castor::minValueT = details::MinRecT< DataT, ValuesT... >::value

◆ noInit

NoInit constexpr castor::noInit

◆ ParserParameterParamType

template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
ParameterType constexpr castor::ParserParameterParamType = ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::ParamType

◆ ParserParameterStringType

template<ParameterType Type, typename ParserValueHelperT = void>
StringView constexpr castor::ParserParameterStringType = ParserParameterHelper< Type, ParserValueHelperT >::StringType

◆ Pi

template<typename Type >
constexpr Type castor::Pi { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 ) }

◆ PiDiv2

template<typename Type >
constexpr Type castor::PiDiv2 { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 / 2.0 ) }

◆ PiMult2

template<typename Type >
constexpr Type castor::PiMult2 { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 * 2.0 ) }

◆ PreviousSection

constexpr SectionId castor::PreviousSection = ( (castor::SectionId( 'P' ) << 24 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'R' ) << 16 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'E' ) << 8 ) | ( castor::SectionId( 'V' ) << 0 ) )

Indicates that the next section for a parser is the previous one.

Referenced by castor3d::CU_DeclareAttributeParser().

◆ singleComponentV

template<PixelFormat PixelFormatT>
PixelFormat constexpr castor::singleComponentV = SingleComponentT< PixelFormatT >::value


Array< MbStringView, size_t( UnicityError::eCount ) > const castor::STR_UNICITY_ERROR
Initial value:
"No instance for Unique class ",
"Duplicate instance for Unique class ",

Unicity error texts.

◆ Tau

template<typename Type >
constexpr Type castor::Tau { Type( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968 * 2.0 ) }