![]() |
Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Namespaces | |
namespace | rq |
namespace | shader |
Concepts | |
concept | UploadDataT |
concept | ControlFlagTypeT |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ChunkType : uint64_t { eUnknown = makeChunkID( ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ) , eCmshFile = makeChunkID( 'C', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'F', 'I', 'L', 'E' ) , eCmshHeader = makeChunkID( 'C', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'H', 'D', 'E', 'R' ) , eCmshVersion = makeChunkID( 'C', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'V', 'R', 'S', 'N' ) , eName = makeChunkID( 'N', 'A', 'M', 'E', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ) , eMesh = makeChunkID( 'M', 'E', 'S', 'H', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ) , eSkeleton = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L', 'E', 'T', 'O', 'N' ) , eSkeletonGlobalInverse = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L', 'G', 'I', 'M', 'X' ) , eSkeletonBone = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L', 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E' ) , eSkeletonNode = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'D', 'E' ) , eBoneParentName = makeChunkID( 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E', 'P', 'A', 'R', 'T' ) , eBoneOffsetMatrix = makeChunkID( 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E', 'O', 'M', 'T', 'X' ) , eSubmesh = makeChunkID( 'S', 'U', 'B', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'H', ' ' ) , eSubmeshTopology = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'O', 'P', 'O' ) , eSubmeshVertexCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'V', 'X', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshBoneCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'B', 'N', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshBones = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E' ) , eSubmeshMatrixCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'X', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshMatrices = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'R', 'X' ) , eAnimable = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'I', 'M', 'A', 'B', 'L', 'E' ) , eAnimation = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'M', 'A', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N' ) , eAnimLength = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'M', 'L', 'E', 'N', 'G', 'T' ) , eSkeletonAnimation = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L', 'A', 'N', 'I', 'M' ) , eMeshAnimation = makeChunkID( 'M', 'E', 'S', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'I', 'M' ) , eAnimInterpolator = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'M', 'I', 'N', 'T', 'E', 'R' ) , eAnimationObject = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'S', 'K', 'O', 'B', 'J', 'T' ) , eSkeletonAnimationNode = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'S', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'D', 'E' ) , eSkeletonAnimationBone = makeChunkID( 'A', 'N', 'S', 'K', 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E' ) , eMovingTransform = makeChunkID( 'M', 'V', 'N', 'G', 'T', 'S', 'F', 'M' ) , eBonesComponent = makeChunkID( 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E', 'C', 'O', 'M', 'P' ) , eKeyframeCount = makeChunkID( 'K', 'F', 'R', 'M', 'C', 'O', 'N', 'T' ) , eKeyframes = makeChunkID( 'K', 'E', 'Y', 'F', 'R', 'M', 'E', 'S' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrame = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'R', 'M' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameTime = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'T', 'M' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectType = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'Y' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectName = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'N' ) , eSubmeshFaceCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'F', 'C', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshIndexComponentCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'F', 'C', 'C', 'P', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshIndexCount = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'I', 'C', 'C', 'T' ) , eSubmeshFaces = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'E' ) , eSubmeshIndices = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'I', 'D', 'C', 'S' ) , eSceneNodeAnimation = makeChunkID( 'S', 'C', 'N', 'D', 'A', 'N', 'I', 'M' ) , eSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame = makeChunkID( 'S', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'R', 'M' ) , eSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrameTime = makeChunkID( 'S', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'T', 'M' ) , eSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrameTranslate = makeChunkID( 'S', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'T', 'R' ) , eSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrameRotate = makeChunkID( 'S', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'R', 'T' ) , eSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrameScale = makeChunkID( 'S', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'S', 'L' ) , eBoneId = makeChunkID( 'B', 'O', 'N', 'E', 'I', 'D', ' ', ' ' ) , eSubmeshVertex = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'V', 'R', 'T', 'X' ) , eSubmeshPositions = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'P', 'O', 'S', 'I' ) , eSubmeshNormals = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'R', 'M' ) , eSubmeshTangents = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'A', 'N', 'G' ) , eSubmeshTexcoords0 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'E', 'X', 'C' ) , eSubmeshTexcoords1 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'E', 'X', '1' ) , eSubmeshTexcoords2 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'E', 'X', '2' ) , eSubmeshTexcoords3 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'E', 'X', '3' ) , eSubmeshColours = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'C', 'O', 'L', 'R' ) , eMeshAnimationKeyFrame = makeChunkID( 'M', 'S', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'R', 'M' ) , eMeshAnimationKeyFrameTime = makeChunkID( 'M', 'S', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'T', 'M' ) , eMeshAnimationKeyFrameBufferData = makeChunkID( 'M', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'D', 'T' ) , eMeshAnimationKeyFrameSubmeshID = makeChunkID( 'M', 'S', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'I', 'D' ) , eMeshAnimationKeyFrameBufferSize = makeChunkID( 'M', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'S', 'Z' ) , eMorphComponent = makeChunkID( 'M', 'O', 'R', 'P', 'C', 'O', 'M', 'P' ) , eMorphTargetBufferSize = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'S', 'Z' ) , eMorphTargetPositions = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'P', 'O' ) , eMorphTargetNormals = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'N', 'M' ) , eMorphTargetTangents = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', 'A' ) , eMorphTargetTexcoords0 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', 'X' ) , eMorphTargetTexcoords1 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', '1' ) , eMorphTargetTexcoords2 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', '2' ) , eMorphTargetTexcoords3 = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', '3' ) , eMorphTargetColours = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'K', 'F', 'C', 'L' ) , eMeshMorphTarget = makeChunkID( 'M', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'M', 'P', 'T', 'G' ) , eMeshMorphTargetTime = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H', 'M', 'T', 'T', 'M' ) , eMeshMorphTargetSubmeshID = makeChunkID( 'M', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'M', 'T', 'I', 'D' ) , eMeshMorphTargetWeights = makeChunkID( 'M', 'H', 'A', 'N', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectTransform = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'T' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectTranslate = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'R' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectRotate = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'O' ) , eSkeletonAnimationKeyFrameObjectScale = makeChunkID( 'S', 'K', 'A', 'N', 'K', 'F', 'O', 'S' ) , eSubmeshTangentsMikkt = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'M', 'K', 'T', 'A', 'N' ) , eMorphTargetTangentsMikkt = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'M', 'K', 'M', 'T', 'A' ) , eSubmeshBitangents = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'M', 'K', 'B', 'I', 'T' ) , eMorphTargetBitangents = makeChunkID( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'M', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'I' ) } |
Binary data chunk types enumeration. More... | |
enum class | GUISection : uint32_t { eGUI = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'G', 'U', 'I' ) , eTheme = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'G', 'T', 'H' ) , eButtonStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'B', 'T' ) , eEditStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'E', 'D' ) , eComboStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'C', 'X' ) , eListStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'L', 'B' ) , eSliderStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'S', 'L' ) , eStaticStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'T', 'S', 'T' ) , ePanelStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'N', 'S', 'T' ) , eProgressStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'G', 'S', 'T' ) , eExpandablePanelStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'X', 'P', 'S', 'T' ) , eFrameStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'F', 'M', 'S', 'T' ) , eScrollBarStyle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'C', 'S', 'T' ) , eButton = CU_MakeSectionName( 'B', 'U', 'T', 'N' ) , eStatic = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'T', 'T', 'C' ) , eSlider = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'L', 'D', 'R' ) , eComboBox = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'M', 'B', 'O' ) , eListBox = CU_MakeSectionName( 'L', 'S', 'B', 'X' ) , eEdit = CU_MakeSectionName( 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T' ) , ePanel = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'A', 'N', 'L' ) , eProgress = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'R', 'G', 'S' ) , eExpandablePanel = CU_MakeSectionName( 'X', 'P', 'N', 'L' ) , eExpandablePanelHeader = CU_MakeSectionName( 'X', 'P', 'H', 'D' ) , eExpandablePanelExpand = CU_MakeSectionName( 'X', 'P', 'X', 'p' ) , eExpandablePanelContent = CU_MakeSectionName( 'X', 'P', 'C', 'T' ) , eFrame = CU_MakeSectionName( 'F', 'R', 'A', 'M' ) , eFrameContent = CU_MakeSectionName( 'F', 'M', 'C', 'T' ) , eBoxLayout = CU_MakeSectionName( 'B', 'X', 'L', 'T' ) , eLayoutCtrl = CU_MakeSectionName( 'L', 'T', 'C', 'T' ) } |
enum class | ControlType : uint8_t { eNone = 0 , ePanel = 1 , eStatic = 2 , eEdit = 3 , eSlider = 4 , eComboBox = 5 , eListBox = 6 , eButton = 7 , eExpandablePanel = 8 , eFrame = 9 , eScrollBar = 10 , eProgress = 11 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
Enumeration of supported control types. More... | |
enum class | ControlEvent : uint8_t { eDrag = 0 , eDrop = 1 , eCount , eMin = eDrag } |
Enumeration of supported control events. More... | |
enum class | ComboBoxEvent : uint8_t { eSelected = 0 , eCount , eMin = eSelected } |
Enumeration of supported combobox events. More... | |
enum class | EditEvent : uint8_t { eUpdated = 0 , eReturn = 1 , eCount , eMin = eUpdated } |
Enumeration of supported edit events. More... | |
enum class | ExpandablePanelEvent : uint8_t { eExpand = 0 , eRetract = 1 , eCount , eMin = eExpand } |
Enumeration of supported expandable panel events. More... | |
enum class | ListBoxEvent : uint8_t { eSelected = 0 , eCount , eMin = eSelected } |
Enumeration of supported listbox events. More... | |
enum class | ButtonEvent : uint8_t { eClicked = 0 , eCount , eMin = eClicked } |
Enumeration of supported button events. More... | |
enum class | SliderEvent : uint8_t { eThumbRelease = 0 , eThumbTrack = 1 , eCount , eMin = eThumbRelease } |
Enumeration of supported slider events. More... | |
enum class | ScrollBarEvent : uint8_t { eThumbRelease = 0 , eThumbTrack = 1 , eCount , eMin = eThumbRelease } |
Enumeration of supported combobox events. More... | |
enum class | ControlFlag : ControlFlagType { eAlwaysOnTop = 0x0000000000000001 , eMovable = 0x0000000000000002 , eResizable = 0x0000000000000004 } |
Listbox control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | ComboBoxFlag : ControlFlagType { eReadOnly = 0x0000000000000100 } |
Combo control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | EditFlag : ControlFlagType { eProcessEnter = 0x0000000000001000 , eMultiline = 0x0000000000002000 , eProcessTab = 0x0000000000004000 , eWordWrap = 0x0000000000008000 } |
Edit control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | SliderFlag : ControlFlagType { eHorizontal = 0x0000000000100000 , eVertical = 0x0000000000200000 } |
Slider control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | StaticFlag : ControlFlagType { eHAlignLeft = 0x0000000001000000 , eHAlignCenter = 0x0000000002000000 , eHAlignRight = 0x0000000004000000 , eVAlignTop = 0x0000000010000000 , eVAlignCenter = 0x0000000020000000 , eVAlignBottom = 0x0000000040000000 } |
Static control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | ScrollBarFlag : ControlFlagType { eHorizontal = 0x0000000100000000 , eVertical = 0x0000000200000000 } |
ScrollBar control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | ProgressFlag : ControlFlagType { eLeftRight = 0x0000001000000000 , eRightLeft = 0x0000002000000000 , eTopBottom = 0x0000004000000000 , eBottomTop = 0x0000008000000000 , eHasTitle = 0x0000010000000000 } |
Progress control supported flags. More... | |
enum class | GuiEvent : uint8_t { eShowMessageBox = 0 , eResizeParent = 1 , eCount , eMin = eShowMessageBox } |
Enumeration of supported GUI events in ControlInfos. More... | |
enum class | RoughnessMode { eRoughness , eGlossiness , eShininess } |
enum class | ClusterDebugDisplay { eNone = 0 , eClustersAABB = 1 , eLightsAABB = 2 , eLightsBVH = 3 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
enum class | OverlayBindingId : uint32_t { eMaterials , eTexConfigs , eTexAnims , eCamera , eHdrConfig , eOverlays , eOverlaysIDs , eOverlaysSurfaces , eOverlaysFont } |
The descriptor binding indices for overlay rendering. More... | |
enum class | QueueFamilyFlag { eNone = 0x00 , ePresent = 0x01 , eGraphics = 0x02 , eTransfer = 0x04 , eCompute = 0x08 } |
enum class | CSCNSection : uint32_t { eRoot = CU_MakeSectionName( 'R', 'O', 'O', 'T' ) , eScene = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'C', 'N', 'E' ) , eWindow = CU_MakeSectionName( 'W', 'N', 'D', 'W' ) , eSampler = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'M', 'P', 'R' ) , eCamera = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'A', 'M', 'R' ) , eViewport = CU_MakeSectionName( 'V', 'W', 'P', 'T' ) , eLight = CU_MakeSectionName( 'L', 'G', 'H', 'T' ) , eNode = CU_MakeSectionName( 'N', 'O', 'D', 'E' ) , eObject = CU_MakeSectionName( 'O', 'B', 'J', 'T' ) , eObjectMaterials = CU_MakeSectionName( 'O', 'M', 'T', 'L' ) , eFont = CU_MakeSectionName( 'F', 'O', 'N', 'T' ) , ePanelOverlay = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'O', 'V', 'L' ) , eBorderPanelOverlay = CU_MakeSectionName( 'B', 'O', 'V', 'L' ) , eTextOverlay = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'O', 'V', 'L' ) , eMesh = CU_MakeSectionName( 'M', 'E', 'S', 'H' ) , eSubmesh = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'M', 'S', 'H' ) , eMaterial = CU_MakeSectionName( 'M', 'T', 'R', 'L' ) , ePass = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'A', 'S', 'S' ) , eTextureUnit = CU_MakeSectionName( 'U', 'N', 'I', 'T' ) , eRenderTarget = CU_MakeSectionName( 'R', 'T', 'G', 'R' ) , eShaderProgram = CU_MakeSectionName( 'G', 'L', 'S', 'L' ) , eShaderStage = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'P', 'G', 'M' ) , eUBOVariable = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'U', 'B', 'V' ) , eBillboard = CU_MakeSectionName( 'B', 'L', 'B', 'd' ) , eBillboardList = CU_MakeSectionName( 'B', 'L', 'B', 'L' ) , eAnimGroup = CU_MakeSectionName( 'A', 'N', 'G', 'P' ) , eAnimation = CU_MakeSectionName( 'A', 'N', 'M', 'T' ) , eSkybox = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'K', 'B', 'X' ) , eParticleSystem = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'L', 'S', 'M' ) , eParticle = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'T', 'C', 'L' ) , eSsao = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'S', 'A', 'O' ) , eHdrConfig = CU_MakeSectionName( 'H', 'D', 'R', 'C' ) , eShadows = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'H', 'D', 'W' ) , eMeshDefaultMaterials = CU_MakeSectionName( 'M', 'M', 'T', 'L' ) , eLpv = CU_MakeSectionName( 'L', 'P', 'V', 'I' ) , eRaw = CU_MakeSectionName( 'R', 'A', 'W', 'S' ) , ePcf = CU_MakeSectionName( 'P', 'C', 'F', 'S' ) , eVsm = CU_MakeSectionName( 'V', 'S', 'M', 'S' ) , eRsm = CU_MakeSectionName( 'R', 'S', 'M', 'S' ) , eTextureAnimation = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'X', 'A', 'N' ) , eVoxelConeTracing = CU_MakeSectionName( 'V', 'C', 'T', 'C' ) , eTextureTransform = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'X', 'T', 'R' ) , eSceneImport = CU_MakeSectionName( 'I', 'M', 'P', 'T' ) , eSkeleton = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'K', 'E', 'L' ) , eMorphAnimation = CU_MakeSectionName( 'M', 'T', 'A', 'N' ) , eTextureRemapChannel = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'X', 'R', 'C' ) , eTextureRemap = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'X', 'R', 'P' ) , eClusters = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'L', 'S', 'T' ) , eTexture = CU_MakeSectionName( 'T', 'X', 'U', 'R' ) , eColourGrading = CU_MakeSectionName( 'C', 'L', 'G', 'D' ) , eSdfFont = CU_MakeSectionName( 'S', 'D', 'F', 'T' ) , eLightingModel = CU_MakeSectionName( 'L', 'G', 'M', 'L' ) , eDefaultLightingModel = CU_MakeSectionName( 'D', 'L', 'M', 'L' ) } |
Defines all the sections and subsections of a scene file. More... | |
Functions | |
template<typename DataT > | |
InterpolatorPtr< DataT > | makeInterpolator (InterpolatorType type) |
constexpr uint32_t | makeCmshVersion (uint32_t maj, uint32_t min, uint32_t rev) |
Creates a cmsh version number. | |
constexpr uint32_t | getCmshMajor (uint32_t version) |
constexpr uint32_t | getCmshMinor (uint32_t version) |
constexpr uint32_t | getCmshRevision (uint32_t version) |
uint64_t constexpr | makeChunkID (char a, char b, char c, char d, char e, char f, char g, char h) |
Creates a chunk ID. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (ChunkType &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (bool const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (bool &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (int8_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (int8_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (uint8_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (uint8_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (int16_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (int16_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (uint16_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (uint16_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (int32_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (int32_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (uint32_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (uint32_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (int64_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (int64_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (uint64_t const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (uint64_t &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (float const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (float &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (double const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (double &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (long double const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (long double &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T > | |
static size_t | getDataSize (T const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T > | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Vector< T > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T > | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Vector< T > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T > | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Vector< T > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T , size_t Count> | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Array< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , size_t Count> | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Array< T, Count > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , size_t Count> | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Array< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Point< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Point< T, Count > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Point< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Coords< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Coords< T, Count > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Coords< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows> | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows> | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Rows> | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Matrix< T, Columns, Rows > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::SquareMatrix< T, Count > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::SquareMatrix< T, Count > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::RgbColour const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::RgbColour &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::RgbColour const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::RgbaColour const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::RgbaColour &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::RgbaColour const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Size const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Size &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Size const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::Position const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::Position &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::Position const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
template<typename T > | |
static uint8_t const * | getBuffer (castor::QuaternionT< T > const &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T > | |
static uint8_t * | getBuffer (castor::QuaternionT< T > &value) |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value. | |
template<typename T > | |
static size_t | getDataSize (castor::QuaternionT< T > const &value) |
Retrieves the value binary size. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (bool const &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (int8_t const &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (uint8_t const &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (int16_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (uint16_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (int32_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (uint32_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (int64_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (uint64_t &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (float &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (double &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (long double &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T > | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::Vector< T > &values) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T , size_t Count> | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::Array< T, Count > &values) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::SquareMatrix< T, Count > &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::Point< T, Count > &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T , uint32_t Count> | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::Coords< T, Count > &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T > | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::QuaternionT< T > &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::ColourComponent &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::RgbColour &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (castor::RgbaColour &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename T > | |
static void | prepareChunkData (OldInterleavedVertexT< T > &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (InterleavedVertexNoMikk &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (InterleavedVertex &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (SubmeshAnimationBuffer &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (FaceIndices &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (LineIndices &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
static void | prepareChunkData (VertexBoneData &value) |
Sets given value to big endian. | |
template<typename DataT > | |
static void | prepareChunkDataT (BinaryChunk const *chunk, DataT &value) |
Prepares chunk data for read/write. | |
template<typename T > | |
T & | chunkEndianToSystemEndian (BinaryChunk const &chunk, T &value) |
C3D_API castor::Pair< VkDeviceSize, VkDeviceSize > | adaptRange (VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize align) |
template<typename T > | |
ashes::BufferPtr< T > | makeBuffer (RenderDevice const &device, VkDeviceSize count, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
ashes::BufferBasePtr | makeBufferBase (RenderDevice const &device, VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
template<typename T > | |
ashes::VertexBufferPtr< T > | makeVertexBuffer (RenderDevice const &device, VkDeviceSize count, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
ashes::VertexBufferBasePtr | makeVertexBufferBase (RenderDevice const &device, VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
C3D_API void | createUniformPassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const &buffers, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const &buffers, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInOutStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const &buffers, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createOutputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const &buffers, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createClearableOutputStorageBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const &buffers, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createUniformPassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInOutStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createOutputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createClearableOutputStorageBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createUniformPassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createInOutStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createOutputStoragePassBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
C3D_API void | createClearableOutputStorageBinding (crg::FramePass &pass, uint32_t binding, castor::String const &name, ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const &buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
PoolUniformBufferUPtr | makePoolUniformBuffer (RenderSystem const &renderSystem, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
template<typename DataT > | |
UniformBufferUPtrT< DataT > | makeUniformBuffer (RenderSystem const &renderSystem, VkDeviceSize count, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
UniformBufferBaseUPtr | makeUniformBufferBase (RenderSystem const &renderSystem, VkDeviceSize count, VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String name, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode={}) |
template<typename DataT > | |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (UniformBufferOffsetT< DataT > const &buffer, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for uniform buffer range. | |
C3D_API castor::OutputStream & | operator<< (castor::OutputStream &stream, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
C3D_API size_t | hash (BillboardBase const &billboard, Pass const &pass) |
template<EventType EventT, typename CacheT > | |
CacheViewPtrT< CacheT, EventT > | makeCacheView (castor::String const &name, CacheT &cache, typename CacheViewTraitsT< CacheT >::ElementInitialiserT initialiser={}, typename CacheViewTraitsT< CacheT >::ElementCleanerT cleaner={}) |
C3D_API size_t | hash (Geometry const &geometry, Submesh const &submesh, Pass const &pass) |
template<typename ObjT , typename KeyT , typename TraitsT , typename ... ParametersT> | |
ObjectCachePtrT< ObjT, KeyT, TraitsT > | makeObjectCache (ParametersT &&... parameters) |
Creates an object cache. | |
castor::UniquePtr< ShaderProgramCache > | makeCache (Engine &engine) |
Creates a ashes::ShaderProgram cache. | |
castor::LoggerInstance & | getLogger (Engine const &engine) |
castor::Matrix4x4f | convert (castor::Array< float, 16 > const &value) |
VkClearColorValue | convert (castor::RgbaColour const &value) |
castor::RgbaColour | convert (VkClearColorValue const &value) |
castor::Array< float, 4u > | makeFloatArray (castor::RgbaColour const &value) |
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding | makeDescriptorSetLayoutBinding (uint32_t binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags, uint32_t descriptorCount=1u, VkSampler const *pImmutableSamplers=nullptr) |
void | addDescriptorSetLayoutBinding (ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, uint32_t &binding, VkDescriptorType descriptorType, VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags, uint32_t descriptorCount=1u, VkSampler const *pImmutableSamplers=nullptr) |
castor::Size | makeSize (VkExtent2D const &size) |
castor::Size | makeSize (VkExtent3D const &size) |
VkExtent2D | makeExtent2D (VkExtent3D const &size) |
VkExtent3D | makeExtent3D (VkExtent2D const &size) |
VkExtent2D | makeExtent2D (castor::Coords2ui const &size) |
VkExtent2D | makeExtent2D (castor::Point2ui const &size) |
VkExtent3D | makeExtent3D (castor::Coords2ui const &size) |
VkExtent3D | makeExtent3D (castor::Point2ui const &size) |
VkOffset2D | makeOffset2D (castor::Coords2i const &pos) |
VkOffset2D | makeOffset2D (castor::Point2i const &pos) |
VkOffset3D | makeOffset3D (castor::Coords2i const &pos) |
VkOffset3D | makeOffset3D (castor::Point2i const &pos) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Coords2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Point2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Coords2i const &pos, castor::Coords2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Point2i const &pos, castor::Coords2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Coords2i const &pos, castor::Point2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkViewport | makeViewport (castor::Point2i const &pos, castor::Point2ui const &size, float zMin=0.0f, float zMax=1.0f) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Coords2ui const &size) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Point2ui const &size) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Coords2i const &pos, castor::Coords2ui const &size) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Point2i const &pos, castor::Coords2ui const &size) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Coords2i const &pos, castor::Point2ui const &size) |
VkRect2D | makeScissor (castor::Point2i const &pos, castor::Point2ui const &size) |
VkClearValue | makeClearValue (float depth, uint32_t stencil=0u) |
VkClearValue | makeClearValue (uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, uint32_t a) |
VkClearValue | makeClearValue (float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f) |
template<typename EnumT > | |
castor::UInt32StrMap | getEnumMapT (EnumT min, EnumT max) |
template<typename EnumT > | |
castor::UInt32StrMap | getEnumMapT () |
bool | operator> (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
bool | operator< (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
bool | operator<= (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
bool | operator>= (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
bool | operator== (VkImageSubresourceRange const &lhs, VkImageSubresourceRange const &rhs) |
template<typename EventT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
CpuFrameEventUPtr | makeCpuFrameEvent (ParamsT &&... params) |
CpuFrameEventUPtr | makeCpuFunctorEvent (CpuEventType type, CpuFunctorEvent::Functor functor) |
Helper function to create a functor event. | |
template<typename T > | |
CpuFrameEventUPtr | makeCpuCleanupEvent (T &object) |
Helper function to create a cleanup event. | |
template<typename T > | |
CpuFrameEventUPtr | makeCpuInitialiseEvent (T &object) |
Helper function to create an initialise event. | |
template<typename EventT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
GpuFrameEventUPtr | makeGpuFrameEvent (ParamsT &&... params) |
GpuFrameEventUPtr | makeGpuFunctorEvent (GpuEventType type, GpuFunctorEvent::Functor functor) |
Helper function to create a functor event. | |
template<typename T > | |
GpuFrameEventUPtr | makeGpuCleanupEvent (T &object) |
Helper function to create a cleanup event. | |
template<typename T > | |
GpuFrameEventUPtr | makeGpuInitialiseEvent (T &object) |
Helper function to create an initialise event. | |
C3D_API bool | isLayoutControl (ControlType type) |
C3D_API bool | isLayoutControl (Control const &control) |
C3D_API bool | isScrollableControl (ControlType type) |
C3D_API bool | isScrollableControl (Control const &control) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (GuiContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (GuiContext const &context) |
C3D_API castor::AttributeParsers | createGuiParsers () |
C3D_API castor::StrUInt32Map | createGuiSections () |
void | setMaterialColour (Pass const &pass, castor::HdrRgbColour const &colour) |
castor::HdrRgbColour const & | getMaterialColour (Pass const &pass) |
MaterialObs | createMaterial (Engine &engine, castor::String const &name, castor::HdrRgbColour const &colour) |
C3D_API bool | isStylesHolder (ControlType type) |
C3D_API bool | isStylesHolder (ControlStyle const &style) |
bool | parseImportParameters (Parameters const ¶meters, castor::Point3f &scale, castor::Quaternion &orientation) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (MaterialContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (MaterialContext const &context) |
template<typename ComponentT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
ComponentT * | createPassComponent (Pass &pass, ParamsT &&... params) |
template<typename ComponentT > | |
void | createDefaultTextureComponent (Pass &pass) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (PassContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (PassContext const &context) |
template<typename ComponentT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
ComponentT & | getPassComponent (PassContext &context, ParamsT &&... params) |
C3D_API SamplerObs | createSampler (Engine &engine, castor::String const &baseName, VkFilter filter, VkImageSubresourceRange const *range) |
C3D_API castor::String | getSamplerName (VkCompareOp compareOp, VkFilter minFilter, VkFilter magFilter, VkSamplerMipmapMode mipFilter, VkSamplerAddressMode U, VkSamplerAddressMode V, VkSamplerAddressMode W, VkBorderColor borderColor=VK_BORDER_COLOR_FLOAT_TRANSPARENT_BLACK) |
Engine * | getEngine (SamplerContext const &context) |
ashes::ImagePtr | makeImage (RenderDevice const &device, ashes::ImageCreateInfo createInfo, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (TextureContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (TextureContext const &context) |
template<typename ComponentT > | |
ComponentT & | getPassComponent (TextureContext &context) |
template<typename ResT > | |
ashes::DeviceMemoryPtr | setupMemory (ashes::Device const &device, ResT &resource, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name) |
template<typename ResT > | |
ashes::DeviceMemoryPtr | setupMemory (RenderDevice const &device, ResT &resource, VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags, castor::String const &name) |
C3D_API castor::OutputStream & | operator<< (castor::OutputStream &stream, GpuInformations const &object) |
Output stream operator. | |
template<typename VkStructT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
VkStructT | makeVkStructPNext (void *next, ParamsT &&... params) |
template<typename VkStructT , typename ... ParamsT> | |
VkStructT | makeVkStruct (ParamsT &&... params) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Equality operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator!= (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Difference operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator< (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Less than operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator> (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Less than operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator<= (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Less than operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator>= (castor3d::Version const &a, castor3d::Version const &b) |
Less than operator. | |
template<typename CharT > | |
std::basic_ostream< CharT > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT > &stream, castor3d::Version const &version) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (MeshContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (MeshContext const &context) |
C3D_API void | uploadBaseData (SubmeshData submeshData, Submesh const &submesh, castor::Point4fArray const &data, castor::Point4fArray &up, UploadData &uploader) |
C3D_API void | uploadBaseData (SubmeshData submeshData, Submesh const &submesh, castor::Point3fArray const &data, castor::Point4fArray &up, UploadData &uploader) |
C3D_API void | gatherBaseDataBuffer (SubmeshData submeshData, ObjectBufferOffset const &bufferOffsets, PipelineFlags const &flags, ashes::BufferCRefArray &buffers, castor::Vector< uint64_t > &offsets, ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfoCRefArray &layouts, uint32_t ¤tBinding, uint32_t ¤tLocation, castor::UnorderedMap< size_t, ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo > &cache) |
C3D_API void | fillBaseSurfaceType (SubmeshData submeshData, sdw::type::IOStruct &type, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API void | fillBaseSurfaceType (SubmeshData submeshData, sdw::type::BaseStruct &type) |
C3D_API castor::String | getBaseDataComponentName (SubmeshData submeshData) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (SubmeshContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (SubmeshContext const &context) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (SkeletonContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (SkeletonContext const &context) |
C3D_API void | postPreRenderGpuEvent (Engine &engine, castor::Function< void(RenderDevice const &, QueueData const &) > event) |
C3D_API void | postQueueRenderCpuEvent (Engine &engine, castor::Function< void() > event) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (OverlayContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (OverlayContext const &context) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createAssignLightsToClustersPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePassArray const &previousPasses, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray | createBucketSortLightsPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const *previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray | createBuildLightsBVHPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePassArray const &previousPasses, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API void | createDisplayPointLightsBVHProgram (RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters const &clusters, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray &program, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes) |
C3D_API void | createDisplaySpotLightsBVHProgram (RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters const &clusters, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray &program, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (ClustersConfig const &lhs, ClustersConfig const &rhs) |
crg::FramePass const & | createClustersMaskPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const &previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, FrustumClusters &clusters, RenderTechnique &technique, RenderNodesPass *&nodesPass) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createComputeClustersAABBPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const *previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, FrustumClusters const &clusters) |
C3D_API void | createDisplayClustersAABBProgram (RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters const &clusters, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray &program, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createComputeLightsAABBPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const *previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, FrustumClusters const &clusters) |
C3D_API void | createDisplayLightsAABBProgram (RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters const &clusters, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray &program, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createComputeLightsMortonCodePass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const *previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createFindUniqueClustersPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const &previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray | createMergeSortLightsPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePassArray const &previousPasses, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createReduceLightsAABBPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePass const *previousPass, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &mainCameraUbo, CameraUbo const &clustersCameraUbo, FrustumClusters &clusters) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & | createSortAssignedLightsPass (crg::FramePassGroup &graph, crg::FramePassArray const &previousPasses, RenderDevice const &device, FrustumClusters const &clusters) |
void | registerPipelineNodes (PipelineBaseHash hash, ashes::BufferBase const &posBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const *idxBuffer, castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > &nodesIds) |
uint32_t | getPipelineNodeIndex (PipelineBaseHash hash, ashes::BufferBase const &posBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const *idxBuffer, castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > const &cont) |
PipelineNodes & | getPipelineNodes (PipelineBaseHash hash, ashes::BufferBase const &posBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const *idxBuffer, castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > const &cont, PipelineNodes *nodes, VkDeviceSize maxNodesCount) |
AnimatedObjectRPtr | findAnimatedObject (Scene const &scene, castor::String const &name) |
size_t | hash (SubmeshRenderNode const &culled) |
bool | isVisible (Camera const &camera, SubmeshRenderNode const &node) |
bool | isVisible (Frustum const &frustum, SubmeshRenderNode const &node) |
size_t | hash (BillboardRenderNode const &culled) |
bool | isVisible (Camera const &camera, BillboardRenderNode const &node) |
bool | isVisible (Frustum const &frustum, BillboardRenderNode const &node) |
C3D_API VkFormatFeatureFlags | getFeatureFlags (VkImageUsageFlags flags) |
bool | operator== (LpvConfig const &lhs, LpvConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (RsmConfig const &lhs, RsmConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (VctConfig const &lhs, VctConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | operator< (PipelineBaseHash const &lhs, PipelineBaseHash const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (PipelineBaseHash const &lhs, PipelineBaseHash const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | operator== (PipelineHiHashDetails const &lhs, PipelineHiHashDetails const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | operator== (PipelineLoHashDetails const &lhs, PipelineLoHashDetails const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | operator== (PipelineFlags const &lhs, PipelineFlags const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API PipelineBaseHash | getPipelineBaseHash (PassComponentRegister const &passComponents, SubmeshComponentRegister const &submeshComponents, PipelineFlags const &flags) noexcept |
C3D_API PipelineBaseHash | getPipelineBaseHash (RenderNodesPass const &renderPass, Submesh const &data, Pass const &pass, bool isFrontCulled) noexcept |
C3D_API PipelineBaseHash | getPipelineBaseHash (RenderNodesPass const &renderPass, BillboardBase const &data, Pass const &pass, bool isFrontCulled) noexcept |
C3D_API PipelineHiHashDetails | getPipelineHiHashDetails (RenderNodesPass const &renderPass, PipelineBaseHash const &hash, ShaderFlags shaderFlags) noexcept |
C3D_API PipelineHiHashDetails | getPipelineHiHashDetails (RenderTechniquePass const &renderPass, PipelineBaseHash const &hash, ShaderFlags shaderFlags) noexcept |
C3D_API uint32_t | getPassHash (Pass const &pass) noexcept |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (TargetContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (TargetContext const &context) |
C3D_API RootContext * | getRootContext (TargetContext const &context) |
C3D_API void | addDebugAabbs (RenderTarget const &target, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const &descriptorBindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const &descriptorWrites, VkDeviceSize instanceCount, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const &shader, bool enableDepthTest) |
Adds a buffer containing AABBs to draw in debug drawer. | |
C3D_API void | addDebugDrawable (RenderTarget const &target, DebugVertexBuffers vertexBuffers, DebugIndexBuffer indexBuffer, ashes::VkVertexInputAttributeDescriptionArray const &vertexAttributes, ashes::VkVertexInputBindingDescriptionArray const &vertexBindings, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const &descriptorBindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const &descriptorWrites, VkDeviceSize instanceCount, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const &shader, bool enableDepthTest) |
Adds a drawable geometry description to draw in debug drawer. | |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (WindowContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (WindowContext const &context) |
bool | operator== (SsaoConfig const &lhs, SsaoConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (ColourGradingConfig const &lhs, ColourGradingConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator== (HdrConfig const &lhs, HdrConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
void | transformEquirectangularToCube (TextureLayout const &equiRectangularSource, TextureLayout const &cubeTarget, RenderDevice const &device, QueueData const &queueData) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (AnimGroupContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (AnimGroupContext const &context) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (DirectionalLightCascade const &lhs, DirectionalLightCascade const &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (DirectionalLightCascade const &lhs, DirectionalLightCascade const &rhs) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (MovableContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (MovableContext const &context) |
VkDeviceSize | getSize (ParticleFormat format) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (ParticleDeclaration const &lhs, ParticleDeclaration const &rhs) |
Equality operator. | |
C3D_API bool | operator!= (ParticleDeclaration const &lhs, ParticleDeclaration const &rhs) |
Equality operator. | |
bool | operator== (ParticleElementDeclaration const &lhs, ParticleElementDeclaration const &rhs) |
Equality operator. | |
bool | operator!= (ParticleElementDeclaration const &lhs, ParticleElementDeclaration const &rhs) |
Equality operator. | |
C3D_API castor::String | print (castor::Point3f const &obj) |
C3D_API castor::String | print (castor::BoundingBox const &obj) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (SceneContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (SceneContext const &context) |
C3D_API castor::AdditionalParsers | createSceneFileParsers (Engine const &engine) |
C3D_API castor::StrUInt32Map | registerSceneFileSections () |
C3D_API uint32_t | getSceneFileRootSection () |
template<typename ContextT > | |
static castor::String | getPrefixedName (castor::String const &name, ContextT const &blockContext) |
castor::String | getPrefix (RootContext const &context) |
Engine * | getEngine (RootContext const &context) |
Engine * | getEngine (FontContext const &context) |
C3D_API void | fillMeshImportParameters (castor::FileParserContext &context, castor::String const &meshParams, Parameters ¶meters) |
C3D_API | CU_DeclareAttributeParser (parserDefaultEnd) template< typename BlockContextT > struct BlockParserContextT |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (SceneImportContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (SceneImportContext const &context) |
C3D_API castor::String | getPrefix (NodeContext const &context) |
C3D_API Engine * | getEngine (NodeContext const &context) |
bool | operator== (ShadowConfig const &lhs, ShadowConfig const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | initialiseGlslang () |
Initialises glslang globals. | |
C3D_API void | cleanupGlslang () |
Cleans up glslang globals. | |
C3D_API UInt32Array | compileGlslToSpv (RenderDevice const &device, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, castor::MbString const &shader) |
Transpiles a GLSL shader to SPIR-V. | |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & | compileShader (RenderDevice const &device, ShaderModule &shaderModule) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & | compileShader (RenderSystem &renderSystem, ShaderModule &shaderModule) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & | compileShader (RenderDevice const &device, ProgramModule &shaderModule, ast::EntryPointConfig const &entryPoint) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & | compileShader (RenderSystem &renderSystem, ProgramModule &shaderModule, ast::EntryPointConfig const &entryPoint) |
C3D_API ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray | makeProgramStates (RenderDevice const &device, ProgramModule &programModule, ashes::Optional< ashes::SpecializationInfo > const &specialization=ashes::nullopt) |
C3D_API ast::ShaderStage | getShaderStage (RenderDevice const &device, VkShaderStageFlagBits value) |
C3D_API VkShaderStageFlagBits | getVkShaderStage (ast::ShaderStage value) |
C3D_API VkShaderStageFlagBits | getVkShaderStage (ast::EntryPoint value) |
C3D_API ast::EntryPoint | getEntryPointType (RenderDevice const &device, VkShaderStageFlagBits value) |
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo | makeShaderState (ashes::Device const &device, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, SpirVShader const &code, castor::String const &name, castor::String const &mainFuncName=cuT("main"), ashes::Optional< ashes::SpecializationInfo > specialization=ashes::nullopt) |
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo | makeShaderState (RenderDevice const &device, ShaderModule &shaderModule, castor::String const &mainFuncName=cuT("main"), ashes::Optional< ashes::SpecializationInfo > specialization=ashes::nullopt) |
Version <= 1.3 | |
C3D_API bool | isLittleEndian (BinaryChunk const &chunk) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (TextureTransform const &lhs, TextureTransform const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (TextureTransform const &lhs, TextureTransform const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | shallowEqual (TextureFlagConfiguration const &lhs, TextureFlagConfiguration const &rhs) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (TextureFlagConfiguration const &lhs, TextureFlagConfiguration const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (TextureFlagConfiguration const &lhs, TextureFlagConfiguration const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API size_t | getHash (TextureFlagConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API bool | shallowEqual (TextureConfiguration const &lhs, TextureConfiguration const &rhs) |
C3D_API bool | operator== (TextureConfiguration const &lhs, TextureConfiguration const &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (TextureConfiguration const &lhs, TextureConfiguration const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API size_t | getHash (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API TextureFlagsSet | getFlags (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents | getPixelComponents (uint32_t mask) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents | getPixelComponents (castor::PixelFormat format) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents | getPixelComponents (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API void | updateIndices (castor::PixelFormat format, TextureConfiguration &config) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator | checkFlag (TextureFlagConfigurations const &lhs, PassComponentTextureFlag rhs) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator | checkFlag (TextureFlagConfigurations &lhs, PassComponentTextureFlag rhs) |
C3D_API bool | hasAny (TextureFlagConfigurations const &lhs, PassComponentTextureFlag rhs) |
C3D_API bool | removeFlag (TextureConfiguration &config, PassComponentTextureFlag rhs) |
C3D_API void | removeFlagConfiguration (TextureConfiguration &config, TextureFlagConfiguration const &flagConfiguration) |
C3D_API void | addFlagConfiguration (TextureConfiguration &config, TextureFlagConfiguration flagConfiguration) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfiguration & | getFlagConfiguration (TextureConfiguration &config, PassComponentTextureFlag textureFlag) |
C3D_API uint32_t | getComponentsMask (TextureConfiguration const &config, PassComponentTextureFlag textureFlag) |
C3D_API PassComponentTextureFlag | getEnabledFlag (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API void | mergeConfigs (TextureConfiguration const &lhs, TextureConfiguration &rhs) |
C3D_API void | mergeConfigsBase (TextureConfiguration const &lhs, TextureConfiguration &rhs) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator | findFirstEmpty (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator | findFirstEmpty (TextureConfiguration &config) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator | findFirstNonEmpty (TextureConfiguration const &config) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator | findFirstNonEmpty (TextureConfiguration &config) |
Debug | |
C3D_API void | addDebugAabbs (DebugDrawer &drawer, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const &descriptorBindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const &descriptorWrites, VkDeviceSize instanceCount, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const &shader, bool enableDepthTest) |
Adds a buffer containing AABBs to draw in debug drawer. | |
C3D_API void | addDebugDrawable (DebugDrawer &drawer, DebugVertexBuffers vertexBuffers, DebugIndexBuffer indexBuffer, ashes::VkVertexInputAttributeDescriptionArray const &vertexAttributes, ashes::VkVertexInputBindingDescriptionArray const &vertexBindings, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const &descriptorBindings, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const &descriptorWrites, VkDeviceSize instanceCount, ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const &shader, bool enableDepthTest) |
Adds a drawable geometry description to draw in debug drawer. | |
Variables | |
uint32_t constexpr | CurrentCmshVersion = makeCmshVersion( 0x01u, 0x07u, 0x0000u ) |
static uint32_t constexpr | InvalidIndex = ~0u |
static VkClearValue const | defaultClearDepthStencil { makeClearValue( 0.0f, 0u ) } |
static VkClearValue const | opaqueBlackClearColor { makeClearValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) } |
static VkClearValue const | transparentBlackClearColor { makeClearValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) } |
static VkClearValue const | opaqueWhiteClearColor { makeClearValue( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) } |
static VkClearValue const | transparentWhiteClearColor { makeClearValue( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) } |
template<typename VkStructT > | |
static VkStructureType constexpr | vkStructureTypeV = VkStructTraits< VkStructT >::value |
static uint32_t constexpr | InvalidPipelineIndex = ~0u |
static bool constexpr | C3D_EnsureNodesCounts = true |
Materials. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxLightingModels = 64U |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxBackgroundModels = 32u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPassCombines = 1024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxTextureCombines = 1024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPassTextures = 8u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPassLayers = 16u |
static float constexpr | MaxPhongShininess = 256.0f |
static uint32_t constexpr | TransmittanceProfileSize = 10u |
Render nodes. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | BaseObjectPoolBufferCount = 1'048'576u |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxPipelines = 2'048ULL |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxPipelinesNodes = 32'768ULL |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxCommandsCount = 32'768ULL |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxNodesPerPipeline = 1'024ULL |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxSubmeshMeshletDrawIndirectCommand = MaxCommandsCount |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxSubmeshIdxDrawIndirectCommand = MaxCommandsCount |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxSubmeshNIdxDrawIndirectCommand = MaxCommandsCount |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxBillboardDrawIndirectCommand = MaxCommandsCount |
static uint64_t constexpr | MaxObjectNodesCount = 262'144ULL |
PBR. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | RadianceMapSize = 32u |
static uint32_t constexpr | PrefilteredEnvironmentMapSize = 128u |
static uint32_t constexpr | PrefilteredBrdfMapSize = 512u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxIblReflectionLod = 4u |
Environment maps. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxEnvironmentMapCount = 10u |
static uint32_t constexpr | EnvironmentMipLevels = 8u |
static uint32_t constexpr | EnvironmentMapSize = 0x0001u << ( EnvironmentMipLevels - 1u ) |
Light Propagation Volumes. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | LpvMaxPropagationSteps = 8u |
static uint32_t constexpr | LpvMaxCascadesCount = 3u |
static uint32_t constexpr | VctMaxTextureSize = 512u |
static uint32_t constexpr | VctMaxDiffuseCones = 16u |
PCF Filtering. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPcfFilterSize = 64u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPcfSampleCount = 64u |
Directional Light Shadows. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | ShadowMapDirectionalTextureSize = 2'048u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxDirectionalCascadesCount = 6u |
Point Light Shadows. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | ShadowMapPointTextureSize = 256u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxPointShadowMapCount = 8u |
Spot Light Shadows. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | ShadowMapSpotTextureSize = 256u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxSpotShadowMapCount = 16u |
Shader buffers. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxLightsCount = 32'768u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxMaterialsCount = 32'768u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxSssProfilesCount = 128u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxTextureConfigurationCount = 4'096u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxTextureAnimationCount = 4'096u |
Uniform/Storage buffers. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxObjectIDNodesCount = 16'384u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxMorphingDataCount = 1'024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxSkinningDataCount = 1'024u |
Overlays. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxOverlayPipelines = 16'384u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxOverlaysPerBuffer = 65'536u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxCharsPerOverlay = 1'024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxCharsPerBuffer = 65'536u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxWordsPerBuffer = 16'384u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxLinesPerBuffer = 16'384u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxTextsContsPerOverlay = MaxCharsPerOverlay |
Other. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | RandomDataCount = 1'024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxBonesPerVertex = 8u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxBonesCount = 512u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxMorphTargets = 128u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxLinearizedDepthMipLevel = 5u |
static uint32_t constexpr | PickingAreaWidth = 32u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxRsmRange = 1'024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxBindlessResources = 16'384u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxTextureCoordinatesSets = 4u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxSubmeshDataBindings = 16u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxSubmeshCombines = 1024u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxMeshletVertexCount = 64u |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxMeshletTriangleCount = 124u |
Clustered rendering. | |
static uint32_t constexpr | MaxLightsPerCluster = 1'024u |
Frame | |
enum class | CpuEventType : uint8_t { ePreGpuStep = 0 , ePreCpuStep = 1 , ePostCpuStep = 2 , eCount , eMin = ePreGpuStep } |
CPU Frame Event Type enumeration. More... | |
enum class | GpuEventType : uint8_t { ePreUpload = 0 , ePreRender = 1 , ePostRender = 2 , eCount , eMin = ePreUpload } |
GPU Frame Event Type enumeration. More... | |
using | FrameListenerCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< FrameListener, castor::String > |
using | FrameListenerCache |
using | FrameListenerRes = FrameListenerCacheTraits::ElementPtrT |
using | FrameListenerResPtr = FrameListenerCacheTraits::ElementObsT |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (CpuEventType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (GpuEventType value) |
UserInput | |
enum class | UserInputEventType { eMouse = 0 , eKeyboard = 1 , eHandler = 2 , eCount , eMin = eMouse } |
Supported events types enumeration. More... | |
enum class | MouseEventType : uint8_t { eMove = 0 , eEnter = 1 , eHover = 2 , eLeave = 3 , ePushed = 4 , eReleased = 5 , eWheel = 6 , eCount , eMin = eMove } |
Enumeration of supported mouse events. More... | |
enum class | KeyboardEventType : uint8_t { ePushed = 0 , eReleased = 1 , eChar = 2 , eCount , eMin = ePushed } |
Enumeration of supported keyboard events. More... | |
enum class | HandlerEventType : uint8_t { eActivate = 0 , eDeactivate = 1 , eCount , eMin = eActivate } |
Enumeration of supported handler events. More... | |
enum class | MouseButton { eLeft = 0 , eMiddle = 1 , eRight = 2 , eCount , eMin = eLeft } |
Mouse buttons enumeration. More... | |
enum class | MouseCursor { eArrow = 0 , eHand = 1 , eText = 2 , eSizeWE = 3 , eSizeNS = 4 , eSizeNWSE = 5 , eSizeNESW = 6 , eCount , eMin = eArrow } |
Mouse cursors enumeration. More... | |
enum class | KeyboardKey { eNone = 0x00 , eBackspace = 0x08 , eTab = 0x0A , eReturn = 0x0D , eEscape = 0x1B , eSpace = 0x20 , eAsciiBegin = eSpace , eDelete = 0x7F , eAsciiEnd = 0xFF , eStart = 0x100 , eLButton = 0x101 , eRButton = 0x102 , eCancel = 0x103 , eMButton = 0x104 , eClear = 0x105 , eShift = 0x106 , eAlt = 0x107 , eControl = 0x108 , eMenu = 0x109 , ePause = 0x10A , eCapital = 0x10B , eEnd = 0x10C , eHome = 0x10D , eLeft = 0x10E , eUp = 0x10F , eRight = 0x110 , eDown = 0x111 , eSelect = 0x112 , ePrint = 0x113 , eExecute = 0x114 , eSnapshot = 0x115 , eInsert = 0x116 , eHelp = 0x117 , eNumpad0 = 0x118 , eNumpad1 = 0x119 , eNumpad2 = 0x11A , eNumpad3 = 0x11B , eNumpad4 = 0x11C , eNumpad5 = 0x11D , eNumpad6 = 0x11E , eNumpad7 = 0x11F , eNumpad8 = 0x120 , eNumpad9 = 0x121 , eMultiply = 0x122 , eAdd = 0x123 , eSeparator = 0x124 , eSubtract = 0x125 , eDecimal = 0x126 , eDivide = 0x127 , eF1 = 0x128 , eF2 = 0x129 , eF3 = 0x12A , eF4 = 0x12B , eF5 = 0x12C , eF6 = 0x12D , eF7 = 0x12E , eF8 = 0x12F , eF9 = 0x130 , eF10 = 0x131 , eF11 = 0x132 , eF12 = 0x133 , eF13 = 0x134 , eF14 = 0x135 , eF15 = 0x136 , eF16 = 0x137 , eF17 = 0x138 , eF18 = 0x139 , eF19 = 0x13A , eF20 = 0x13B , eF21 = 0x13C , eF22 = 0x13D , eF23 = 0x13E , eF24 = 0x13F , eNumlock = 0x140 , eScroll = 0x141 , ePageUp = 0x142 , ePageDown = 0x143 , eNumpadSpace = 0x144 , eNumpadTab = 0x145 , eNumpadEnter = 0x146 , eNumpadF1 = 0x147 , eNumpadF2 = 0x148 , eNumpadF3 = 0x149 , eNumpadF4 = 0x14A , eNumpadHome = 0x14B , eNumpadLeft = 0x14C , eNumpadUp = 0x14D , eNumpadRight = 0x14E , eNumpadDown = 0x14F , eNumpadPageUp = 0x150 , eNumpadPageDown = 0x151 , eNumpadEnd = 0x152 , eNumpadBegin = 0x153 , eNumpadInsert = 0x154 , eNumpadDelete = 0x155 , eNumpadEqual = 0x156 , eNumpadMultiply = 0x157 , eNumpadAdd = 0x158 , eNumpadSeparator = 0x159 , eNumpadSubtract = 0x15A , eNumpadDecimal = 0x15B , eNumpadDivide = 0x15C } |
Keyboard keys enumeration. More... | |
using | UserInputEventSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< UserInputEvent > |
using | KeyboardEventSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< KeyboardEvent > |
using | MouseEventSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< MouseEvent > |
using | HandlerEventSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< HandlerEvent > |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (UserInputEventType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (MouseEventType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (KeyboardEventType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (HandlerEventType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (MouseButton value) |
Component | |
enum class | ComponentMode : uint16_t { eNone = 0 , eOpacity = 1 , eAlphaBlending = 2 , eNormals = 3 , eGeometry = 4 , eColour = 5 , eDiffuseLighting = 6 , eSpecularLighting = 7 , eSpecifics = 8 , eDerivTex = 9 , eOcclusion = 10 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
enum class | ComponentModeFlag : uint16_t { eNone = 0x0000u , eOpacity = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eOpacity ) , eAlphaBlending = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eAlphaBlending ) , eNormals = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eNormals ) , eGeometry = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eGeometry ) , eColour = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eColour ) , eDiffuseLighting = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eDiffuseLighting ) , eSpecularLighting = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eSpecularLighting ) , eSpecifics = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eSpecifics ) , eDerivTex = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eDerivTex ) , eOcclusion = 0x0001u << uint16_t( ComponentMode::eOcclusion ) , eAll = ( ( 0x0001u << ( uint16_t( ComponentMode::eOcclusion ) + 1u ) ) - 1u ) } |
using | ComponentModeFlags = castor::FlagCombination< ComponentModeFlag > |
using | SubmeshComponentCombines = castor::Vector< SubmeshComponentCombine > |
using | BitangentsComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eBitangents > |
The submesh component holding bitangents. | |
using | NormalsComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eNormals > |
The submesh component holding normals. | |
using | PositionsComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::ePositions > |
The submesh component holding positions. | |
using | TangentsComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTangents, castor::Point4f > |
The submesh component holding tangents. | |
using | Texcoords0Component = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTexcoords0 > |
The submesh component holding texture coordinates. | |
using | Texcoords1Component = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTexcoords1 > |
The submesh component holding texture coordinates. | |
using | Texcoords2Component = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTexcoords2 > |
The submesh component holding texture coordinates. | |
using | Texcoords3Component = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTexcoords3 > |
The submesh component holding texture coordinates. | |
using | ColoursComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eColours > |
The submesh component holding colours. | |
using | VelocityComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eVelocity > |
The submesh component holding colours. | |
using | SubmeshComponentDataUPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< SubmeshComponentData > |
using | SubmeshComponentDataRPtr = SubmeshComponentData * |
using | SubmeshRenderDataPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< SubmeshRenderData > |
using | SubmeshRenderShaderPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< SubmeshRenderShader > |
using | CreateSubmeshComponentPlugin = castor::Function< SubmeshComponentPluginUPtr( SubmeshComponentRegister const & ) > |
C3D_API bool | operator== (SubmeshComponentCombine const &lhs, SubmeshComponentCombine const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | hasAny (SubmeshComponentCombine const &lhs, SubmeshComponentFlag rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | hasAny (SubmeshComponentCombine const &lhs, castor::Vector< SubmeshComponentFlag > const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | remFlags (SubmeshComponentCombine &lhs, SubmeshComponentFlag rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | remFlags (SubmeshComponentCombine &lhs, SubmeshComponentFlagsSet const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | addFlags (SubmeshComponentCombine &lhs, SubmeshComponentFlag rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | addFlags (SubmeshComponentCombine &lhs, SubmeshComponentFlagsSet const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | contains (SubmeshComponentCombine const &cont, SubmeshComponentFlag test) noexcept |
C3D_API bool | contains (SubmeshComponentCombine const &cont, SubmeshComponentCombine const &test) noexcept |
Submesh | |
enum class | SubmeshData : uint8_t { eIndex = 0 , ePositions = 1 , eNormals = 2 , eTangents = 3 , eBitangents = 4 , eTexcoords0 = 5 , eTexcoords1 = 6 , eTexcoords2 = 7 , eTexcoords3 = 8 , eColours = 9 , eOtherMin = 10 , eSkin = eOtherMin , ePassMasks = 11 , eVelocity = 12 , eMeshlets = 13 , eCount , eMin = eIndex } |
Lists the supported data kinds for a submesh. More... | |
enum class | MorphData : uint32_t { ePositions = 0 , eNormals = 1 , eTangents = 2 , eBitangents = 3 , eTexcoords0 = 4 , eTexcoords1 = 5 , eTexcoords2 = 6 , eTexcoords3 = 7 , eColours = 8 , eCount , eMin = ePositions } |
Lists the supported morphing kinds for a submesh. More... | |
enum class | MorphFlag : uint32_t { eNone = 0x00 , ePositions = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::ePositions ) , eNormals = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eNormals ) , eTangents = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eTangents ) , eBitangents = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eBitangents) , eTexcoords0 = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eTexcoords0 ) , eTexcoords1 = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eTexcoords1 ) , eTexcoords2 = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eTexcoords2 ) , eTexcoords3 = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eTexcoords3 ) , eColours = 0x01 << size_t( MorphData::eColours ) , eAllBase = ( 0x0001 << int( MorphData::eCount ) ) - 1 } |
Flags to determine what morphing is enabled on a submesh. More... | |
using | SubmeshComponentID = uint32_t |
using | SubmeshComponentCombineID = uint16_t |
using | SubmeshComponentFlag = uint32_t |
using | SubmeshComponentFlagsSet = castor::Set< SubmeshComponentFlag > |
using | MorphFlags = castor::FlagCombination< MorphFlag > |
using | SubmeshBoundingBoxList = castor::Vector< castor::Pair< Submesh const *, castor::BoundingBox > > |
castor::String | getName (SubmeshData value) |
constexpr uint32_t | getSize (SubmeshData value) |
constexpr SubmeshComponentFlag | makeSubmeshComponentFlag (SubmeshComponentID componentId) noexcept |
constexpr SubmeshComponentID | splitSubmeshComponentFlag (SubmeshComponentFlag flag) noexcept |
castor::String | getName (MorphData value) |
C3D_API Submesh * | getComponentSubmesh (SubmeshComponent const &component) |
C3D_API castor::String const & | getSubmeshComponentType (SubmeshComponent const &component) |
Skeleton | |
enum class | SkeletonNodeType { eNode = 0 , eBone = 1 , eCount , eMin = eNode } |
Skeleton node types enumeration. More... | |
using | TransformArray = castor::Vector< ObjectTransform > |
using | SkeletonAnimationObjectArray = castor::Vector< SkeletonAnimationObjectRPtr > |
using | SkeletonCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< Skeleton, castor::String > |
using | SkeletonCache |
using | SkeletonRes = SkeletonCacheTraits::ElementPtrT |
using | SkeletonResPtr = SkeletonCacheTraits::ElementObsT |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (SkeletonNodeType value) |
bool | operator== (NodeTransform const &lhs, NodeTransform const &rhs) noexcept |
Overlay | |
enum class | OverlayType : uint8_t { ePanel = 0 , eBorderPanel = 1 , eText = 2 , eCount , eMin = ePanel } |
Overlay types enumeration. More... | |
enum class | TextWrappingMode { eNone = 0 , eBreak = 1 , eBreakWords = 2 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
Text wrapping modes, handles the way text is cut when it overflows the overlay width. More... | |
enum class | TextTexturingMode { eLetter = 0 , eText = 1 , eCount , eMin = eLetter } |
Text texturing modes, handles the way textures are appied to text overlays. More... | |
enum class | TextLineSpacingMode { eOwnHeight = 0 , eMaxLineHeight = 1 , eMaxFontHeight = 2 , eCount , eMin = eOwnHeight } |
Text line spacing modes, handles the way lines are spaced, which each other, inside one TextOverlay. More... | |
enum class | HAlign { eLeft = 0 , eCenter = 1 , eRight = 2 , eCount , eMin = eLeft } |
Horizontal alignments for text overlays. More... | |
enum class | VAlign { eTop = 0 , eCenter = 1 , eBottom = 2 , eCount , eMin = eTop } |
Vertical alignments for text overlays. More... | |
enum class | BorderPosition { eInternal = 0 , eMiddle = 1 , eExternal = 2 , eCount , eMin = eInternal } |
Text wrapping modes, handles the way text is cut when it overflows the overlay width. More... | |
using | OverlayCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< Overlay, castor::String > |
using | OverlayCache |
using | OverlayRes = OverlayCacheTraits::ElementPtrT |
using | OverlayResPtr = OverlayCacheTraits::ElementObsT |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (OverlayType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (TextWrappingMode value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (TextTexturingMode value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (TextLineSpacingMode value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (HAlign value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (VAlign value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (BorderPosition value) |
Plugin | |
enum class | PluginType : uint8_t { eImporter = 0 , eDivider = 1 , eGenerator = 2 , eToneMapping = 3 , ePostEffect = 4 , eGeneric = 5 , eParticle = 6 , eCount , eMin = eImporter } |
Plugin types enumeration. More... | |
using | PluginCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< Plugin, castor::String > |
using | PluginCache |
using | PluginRes = PluginCacheTraits::ElementPtrT |
using | PluginResPtr = PluginCacheTraits::ElementObsT |
Clustered | |
enum class | ClusterSplitScheme { eExponentialBase = 0 , eLinear = 1 , eExponentialLinearHybrid = 2 , eCount , eMin = eExponentialBase } |
using | ClustersBuffersChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( FrustumClusters const & ) > |
using | OnClustersBuffersChanged = castor::SignalT< ClustersBuffersChangedFunction > |
using | OnClustersBuffersChangedConnection = castor::ConnectionT< ClustersBuffersChangedFunction > |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (ClusterSplitScheme value) |
C3D_API u32 | getLightsMortonCodeChunkCount (u32 lightCount) |
Global Illumination | |
enum class | GlobalIlluminationType : uint32_t { eNone = 0 , eRsm = 1 , eLpv = 2 , eLpvG = 3 , eLayeredLpv = 4 , eLayeredLpvG = 5 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
Enumerator of per light source supported global illumination algorithms. More... | |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (GlobalIlluminationType giType) |
Node | |
enum class | RenderNodeType : uint8_t { eFrontSubmesh = 0 , eFrontSubmeshMeshlet = 1 , eFrontSubmeshInstanced = 2 , eFrontBillboard = 3 , eBackSubmesh = 4 , eBackSubmeshMeshlet = 5 , eBackSubmeshInstanced = 6 , eBackBillboard = 7 , eCount , eMin = eFrontSubmesh } |
RenderNodeType | getRenderNodeType (ProgramFlags const &flags) |
Prepass | |
enum class | PpTexture : uint8_t { eDepthObj = 0 , eVisibility = 1 , eCount , eMin = eDepthObj } |
Enumerator of textures used by the visibility passes. More... | |
C3D_API castor::String | getTextureName (PpTexture texture) |
C3D_API castor::String | getTexName (PpTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkFormat | getFormat (RenderDevice const &device, PpTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkClearValue | getClearValue (PpTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkImageUsageFlags | getUsageFlags (PpTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkBorderColor | getBorderColor (PpTexture texture) |
uint32_t | getMipLevels (RenderDevice const &, PpTexture, castor::Size const &) |
VkCompareOp | getCompareOp (PpTexture) |
Render | |
enum class | GlobalBuffersIdx : uint32_t { eCamera = 0 , eScene = 1 , eObjectsNodeID = 2 , eModelsData = 3 , eMaterials = 4 , eSssProfiles = 5 , eTexConfigs = 6 , eTexAnims = 7 , eBillboardsData = 8 , eCount , eMin = eCamera } |
The render pass UBOs binding index. More... | |
enum class | MeshBuffersIdx : uint32_t { eCullData = 0 , eMeshlets = 1 , ePosition = 2 , eNormal = 3 , eTangent = 4 , eBitangent = 5 , eTexcoord0 = 6 , eTexcoord1 = 7 , eTexcoord2 = 8 , eTexcoord3 = 9 , eColour = 10 , ePassMasks = 11 , eVelocity = 12 , eInstances = 13 , eCount , eMin = eMeshlets } |
The render pass mesh buffers binding index. More... | |
enum class | Corner { eFarLeftBottom = 0 , eFarLeftTop = 1 , eFarRightTop = 2 , eFarRightBottom = 3 , eNearLeftBottom = 4 , eNearLeftTop = 5 , eNearRightTop = 6 , eNearRightBottom = 7 , eCount , eMin = eFarLeftBottom } |
Frustum corners enumeration. More... | |
enum class | FrustumPlane { eNear = 0 , eFar = 1 , eLeft = 2 , eRight = 3 , eTop = 4 , eBottom = 5 , eCount , eMin = eNear } |
Frustum planes enumeration. More... | |
enum class | PickNodeType : uint8_t { eNone = 0 , eSubmesh = 1 , eBillboard = 2 , eCount , eMin = eNone } |
The picking node types. More... | |
enum class | TargetType : uint8_t { eWindow = 0 , eTexture = 1 , eCount , eMin = eWindow } |
RenderTarget supported types. More... | |
enum class | ViewportType : uint8_t { eUndefined = 0 , eOrtho = 1 , ePerspective = 2 , eInfinitePerspective = 3 , eFrustum = 4 , eCount , eMin = eUndefined } |
The viewport projection types enumeration. More... | |
enum class | ShaderFlag : uint32_t { eNone = 0x00000000 , eNormal = 0x00000001 , eTangent = 0x00000002 , eTangentSpace = eTangent | eNormal , eVelocity = 0x00000004 , eWorldSpace = 0x00000008 , eViewSpace = 0x00000010 , eDepth = 0x00000020 , eVisibility = 0x00000040 , ePicking = 0x00000080 , eLighting = 0x00000100 , eShadowMapDirectional = 0x00000200 , eShadowMapSpot = 0x00000400 , eShadowMapPoint = 0x00000800 , eVsmShadowMap = 0x00001000 , eRsmShadowMap = 0x00002000 , eEnvironmentMapping = 0x00004000 , eOpacity = 0x00008000 , eGeometry = 0x00010000 , eTessellation = 0x00020000 , eForceTexCoords = 0x00040000 , eColour = 0x00080000 , eAll = 0x000FFFFF } |
The render pass shader flags. More... | |
enum class | DeferredLightingFilter : uint8_t { eIgnore = 0 , eDeferLighting = 1 , eDeferredOnly = 2 , eCount , eMin = eIgnore } |
Determines what kind of lighting the pass handles. More... | |
enum class | ParallaxOcclusionFilter : uint8_t { eIgnore = 0 , eDisabled = 1 , eEnabled = 2 , eCount , eMin = eIgnore } |
Determines what kind of lighting the pass handles. More... | |
enum class | RenderFilter : uint8_t { eNone = 0x00 , eAlphaBlend = 0x01 << 0u , eAlphaTest = 0x01 << 1u , eTransmission = 0x01 << 2u , eOpaque = 0x01 << 3u } |
Filters out the opacity channels a render pass doesn't use. More... | |
enum class | TechniquePassEvent { eBeforeDepth = 0 , eBeforeBackground = 1 , eBeforeOpaque = 2 , eBeforeTransparent = 3 , eBeforePostEffects = 4 , eCount , eMin = eBeforeDepth } |
using | RenderPassTypeID = uint16_t |
using | ShaderFlags = castor::FlagCombination< ShaderFlag > |
using | RenderFilters = castor::FlagCombination< RenderFilter > |
using | RenderQueueArray = castor::Vector< castor::ReferenceWrapper< RenderQueue > > |
using | TextureArray = castor::Vector< Texture > |
using | ShadowMapRefIds = castor::Pair< castor::ReferenceWrapper< ShadowMap >, UInt32Array > |
using | ShadowMapRefArray = castor::Vector< ShadowMapRefIds > |
using | ShadowMapLightTypeArray = castor::Array< ShadowMapRefArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using | LightIdArray = castor::Vector< castor::Pair< Light *, uint32_t > > |
template<typename NodeT > | |
using | CulledNodePtrT = castor::RawUniquePtr< CulledNodeT< NodeT > > |
template<typename NodeT , template< typename NodeU > typename NodeWrapperT = CulledNodeT> | |
using | NodeArrayT = castor::Vector< NodeWrapperT< NodeT > > |
using | ShadowMapLightIdArray = castor::Vector< ShadowMapLightIds > |
using | ShadowMapLightArray = castor::Array< ShadowMapLightIdArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using | NodesPassChangeSignalFunction = castor::Function< void( NodesPass const & ) > |
using | NodesPassChangeSignal = castor::SignalT< NodesPassChangeSignalFunction > |
using | NodesPassChangeSignalConnection = castor::ConnectionT< NodesPassChangeSignal > |
using | TechniquePassVector = castor::Vector< RenderTechniqueNodesPass * > |
using | TechniquePasses = castor::Array< TechniquePassVector, size_t( TechniquePassEvent::eCount ) > |
castor::String const | RenderTypeUndefined = cuT( "Undefined" ) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (Corner value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (FrustumPlane value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (PickNodeType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (TargetType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (ViewportType value) |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (RenderFilter value) |
C3D_API uint32_t | getSafeBandsSize (castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API uint32_t | getSafeBandSize (castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API castor::Size | getSafeBandedSize (castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API VkExtent3D | getSafeBandedExtent3D (castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API castor::Angle | getSafeBandedFovY (castor::Angle const &fovY, castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API float | getSafeBandedAspect (float aspect, castor::Size const &size) |
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier | makeLayoutTransition (VkImage image, VkImageSubresourceRange const &range, VkImageLayout sourceLayout, VkImageLayout destinationLayout, uint32_t srcQueueFamily, uint32_t dstQueueFamily) |
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier | makeLayoutTransition (VkImage image, VkImageSubresourceRange const &range, VkImageLayout srcLayout, VkImageLayout dstLayout, VkAccessFlags srcAccessFlags, uint32_t srcQueueFamily, uint32_t dstQueueFamily) |
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier | makeLayoutTransition (VkImage image, VkImageSubresourceRange const &range, VkImageLayout srcLayout, VkImageLayout dstLayout, VkAccessFlags srcAccessFlags, VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask, uint32_t srcQueueFamily, uint32_t dstQueueFamily) |
C3D_API void | memoryBarrier (crg::RecordContext &context, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, crg::BufferSubresourceRange const &range, crg::AccessState after, crg::AccessState before) |
C3D_API ashes::Image | makeImage (ashes::Device const &device, VkImage image, crg::ImageId data) |
C3D_API ashes::ImageView | makeImageView (ashes::Image const &image, VkImageView view, crg::ImageViewId data) |
C3D_API ashes::ImageView | makeTargetImageView (Texture const &texture) |
C3D_API ashes::ImageView | makeSampledImageView (Texture const &texture) |
C3D_API ashes::ImageView | makeWholeImageView (Texture const &texture) |
C3D_API void | printGraph (crg::RunnableGraph const &graph) |
C3D_API void | bindImage (VkImageView view, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
Writes the storage image view descriptor to the given writes. | |
C3D_API void | bindImage (ashes::ImageView const &view, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API void | bindImage (crg::RunnableGraph &graph, crg::ImageViewId const &view, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API void | bindTexture (VkImageView view, VkSampler sampler, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
Writes the image view and sampler descriptor to the given writes. | |
C3D_API void | bindTexture (ashes::ImageView const &view, ashes::Sampler const &sampler, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API void | bindTexture (crg::RunnableGraph &graph, crg::ImageViewId const &view, VkSampler const &sampler, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API void | bindBuffer (VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize range, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
Writes the buffer descriptor to the given writes. | |
C3D_API void | bindBuffer (ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &writes, uint32_t &index) |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeImageViewDescriptorWrite (VkImageView const &view, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage image. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeImageViewDescriptorWrite (VkImageView const &view, VkSampler const &sampler, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for combined image sampler. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::ImageView const &view, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage image. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::ImageView const &view, ashes::Sampler const &sampler, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for combined image sampler. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::UniformBuffer const &buffer, uint32_t dstBinding, VkDeviceSize elemOffset, VkDeviceSize elemRange, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for uniform buffer. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::BufferBase const &storageBuffer, uint32_t dstBinding, VkDeviceSize byteOffset, VkDeviceSize byteRange, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage buffer. | |
template<typename DataT > | |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::Buffer< DataT > const &storageBuffer, uint32_t dstBinding, VkDeviceSize elemOffset, VkDeviceSize elemRange, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage buffer. | |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::BufferBase const &buffer, ashes::BufferView const &view, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for buffer texel view. | |
template<typename DataT > | |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet | makeDescriptorWrite (ashes::Buffer< DataT > const &buffer, ashes::BufferView const &view, uint32_t dstBinding, uint32_t dstArrayElement=0u) |
Creates a descriptor write for buffer texel view. | |
ShadowMap | |
enum class | SmTexture : uint8_t { eDepth = 0 , eLinearDepth = 1 , eVariance = 2 , eNormal = 3 , ePosition = 4 , eFlux = 5 , eCount , eMin = eDepth } |
Enumerator of textures used by shadow mapping. More... | |
C3D_API castor::String | getTextureName (LightType light, SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API castor::String | getTexName (SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkFormat | getFormat (RenderDevice const &device, SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkClearValue | getClearValue (SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkImageUsageFlags | getUsageFlags (SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkBorderColor | getBorderColor (SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkCompareOp | getCompareOp (SmTexture texture) |
C3D_API uint32_t | getMipLevels (RenderDevice const &device, SmTexture texture, castor::Size const &size) |
uint32_t | getMipLevels (RenderDevice const &device, SmTexture texture, VkExtent3D const &size) |
Transparent | |
enum class | WbTexture : uint8_t { eAccumulation = 0 , eRevealage = 1 , eCount , eMin = eAccumulation } |
Enumerator of textures used in weighted blend OIT. More... | |
C3D_API castor::String | getTextureName (WbTexture texture) |
C3D_API castor::String | getTexName (WbTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkFormat | getFormat (RenderDevice const &device, WbTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkClearValue | getClearValue (WbTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkImageUsageFlags | getUsageFlags (WbTexture texture) |
C3D_API VkBorderColor | getBorderColor (WbTexture texture) |
uint32_t | getMipLevels (RenderDevice const &, WbTexture, castor::Size const &) |
uint32_t | getMipLevels (RenderDevice const &device, WbTexture texture, VkExtent3D const &size) |
VkCompareOp | getCompareOp (WbTexture) |
Background | |
enum class | SkyboxFace : uint8_t { eRight = 0 , eLeft = 1 , eBottom = 2 , eTop = 3 , eBack = 4 , eFront = 5 , eCount , eMin = eLeft } |
using | BackgroundModelID = uint8_t |
using | BackgroundChangedFunc = castor::Function< void( SceneBackground const & ) > |
using | OnBackgroundChanged = castor::SignalT< BackgroundChangedFunc > |
using | OnBackgroundChangedConnection = OnBackgroundChanged::connection |
castor::StringView | getName (SkyboxFace face) |
Light | |
enum class | LightType : uint8_t { eDirectional = 0 , ePoint = 1 , eSpot = 2 , eCount , eMin = eDirectional } |
Light types enumeration. More... | |
using | LightCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< Light, castor::String > |
using | LightingModelID = uint16_t |
using | BrdfID = uint8_t |
using | OnLightChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Light & ) > |
using | OnLightChanged = castor::SignalT< OnLightChangedFunction > |
using | OnLightChangedConnection = OnLightChanged::connection |
using | LightCache |
using | LightRes = CameraCacheTraits::ElementPtrT |
using | LightResPtr = CameraCacheTraits::ElementObsT |
using | LightsMap = castor::Array< LightsArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
C3D_API castor::String | getName (LightType value) |
C3D_API float | getMaxDistance (castor::Point3f const &colour, castor::LuminousIntensity const &intensity, castor::Point3f const &attenuation) |
Retrieve the maximum lit distance for given light and attenuation. | |
C3D_API float | computeRange (castor::LuminousIntensity const &intensity, float range) |
Shader | |
enum class | ProgramFlag : uint16_t { eNone = 0x0000 , eInstantiation = 0x0001 , eBillboards = 0x0002 , eFrontCulled = 0x0004 , eHasMesh = 0x0008 , eAllBase = 0x000F , eHasTask = 0x0010 , eAllOptional = 0x0010 , eAll = eAllBase | eAllOptional , eAllVisibility = eFrontCulled | eBillboards } |
Flags to use when looking for an automatically generated program. More... | |
using | ShaderPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< ast::Shader > |
using | ProgramFlags = castor::FlagCombination< ProgramFlag > |
Buffer | |
using | GpuBufferBuddyAllocator = castor::BuddyAllocatorT< GpuBufferBuddyAllocatorTraits > |
using | GpuBufferBuddyAllocatorUPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< GpuBufferBuddyAllocator > |
using | GpuBuddyBuffer = GpuBufferT< GpuBufferBuddyAllocator > |
using | GpuLinearBuffer = GpuBufferT< GpuBufferLinearAllocator > |
using | GpuPackedBuffer = GpuBufferT< GpuBufferPackedAllocator > |
using | GpuPackedBaseBuffer = GpuBaseBufferT< GpuBufferPackedAllocator > |
bool | operator< (MemChunk const &lhs, MemChunk const &rhs) noexcept |
C3D_API void | copyBuffer (ashes::CommandBuffer const &commandBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const &src, ashes::BufferBase const &dst, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkPipelineStageFlags flags) |
C3D_API void | copyBuffer (ashes::CommandBuffer const &commandBuffer, ashes::BufferBase const &src, ashes::BufferBase const &dst, castor::Vector< VkBufferCopy > const ®ions, VkAccessFlags dstAccessFlags, VkPipelineStageFlags dstPipelineFlags) |
C3D_API void | updateBuffer (ashes::CommandBuffer const &commandBuffer, castor::ByteArray data, ashes::BufferBase const &dst, castor::Vector< VkBufferCopy > const ®ions, VkAccessFlags dstAccessFlags, VkPipelineStageFlags dstPipelineFlags) |
Model | |
using | InterleavedVertexArray = castor::Vector< InterleavedVertex > |
CU_DeclareVector (SubmeshVertex, SubmeshVertex) | |
SubmeshVertex array. | |
using castor3d::AnimatedObjectGroupCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< AnimatedObjectGroup, castor::String > |
using castor3d::BackgroundChangedFunc = castor::Function< void( SceneBackground const & ) > |
using castor3d::BackgroundModelID = uint8_t |
using castor3d::BaseDataComponentRPtrT = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT > * |
using castor3d::BaseDataComponentUPtrT = castor::UniquePtr< BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT > > |
The submesh component holding bitangents.
using castor3d::BrdfID = uint8_t |
using castor3d::ByteCPtr = uint8_t const * |
using castor3d::BytePtr = uint8_t * |
using castor3d::CacheViewPtrT = castor::UniquePtr< CacheViewT< CacheT, EventT > > |
using castor3d::CacheViewTraitsT = typename CacheT::ElementCacheTraitsT |
using castor3d::CameraCache |
using castor3d::ClustersBuffersChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( FrustumClusters const & ) > |
The submesh component holding colours.
using castor3d::ComponentConfigFiller = castor::Function< void( TextureContext & context ) > |
using castor3d::ControlArray = castor::Vector< ControlRPtr > |
using castor3d::ControlFlagType = uint64_t |
using castor3d::ControlID = size_t |
using castor3d::CreatePassComponentPlugin = castor::Function< PassComponentPluginUPtr( PassComponentRegister const & ) > |
using castor3d::CreateSubmeshComponentPlugin = castor::Function< SubmeshComponentPluginUPtr( SubmeshComponentRegister const & ) > |
using castor3d::CulledNodePtrT = castor::RawUniquePtr< CulledNodeT< NodeT > > |
using castor3d::DoubleBufferedTextureLayout = DoubleBufferedResourceT< TextureLayout, castor::UniquePtr > |
using castor3d::EditFlags = castor::FlagCombination< EditFlag > |
using castor3d::FeatureArray = castor::Vector< ExtensionStruct > |
using castor3d::FontCacheView = CacheViewT< castor::FontCache, EventType( CpuEventType::ePreGpuStep ) > |
using castor3d::GeometryCache |
using castor3d::GpuDataBufferOffsetModifyConnection = castor::ConnectionT< GpuDataBufferOffsetModifySignal > |
using castor3d::GpuDataBufferOffsetModifyFunc = castor::Function< void( GpuDataBufferOffset const & ) > |
using castor3d::GpuDataBufferOffsetPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< GpuDataBufferOffset > |
using castor3d::ImageCacheView = CacheViewT< castor::ImageCache, EventType( CpuEventType::ePreGpuStep ) > |
using castor3d::InterpolatorPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< Interpolator< DataT > > |
using castor3d::LayeredLightPropagationVolumes = LayeredLightPropagationVolumesT< false > |
using castor3d::LayeredLightPropagationVolumesGLightType = castor::Array< LayeredLightPropagationVolumesGUPtr, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::LayeredLightPropagationVolumesLightType = castor::Array< LayeredLightPropagationVolumesUPtr, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::LightCache |
typedef ObjectCacheTraitsT< Light, castor::String > castor3d::LightCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< Light, castor::String > |
using castor3d::LightIdArray = castor::Vector< castor::Pair< Light *, uint32_t > > |
using castor3d::LightingModelID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::LightPropagationVolumes = LightPropagationVolumesT< false > |
using castor3d::LightPropagationVolumesG = LightPropagationVolumesT< true > |
using castor3d::LightPropagationVolumesGLightType = castor::Array< LightPropagationVolumesGUPtr, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::LightPropagationVolumesLightType = castor::Array< LightPropagationVolumesUPtr, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::LightsMap = castor::Array< LightsArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::LineArray = castor::Vector< Line > |
An array of Lines.
using castor3d::MaterialCache |
using castor3d::MaterialCacheView = CacheViewT< MaterialCache, EventType( GpuEventType::ePreUpload ) > |
using castor3d::MeshCache |
using castor3d::MeshChangeFunc = std::function< void( Mesh const & ) > |
using castor3d::MorphFlags = castor::FlagCombination< MorphFlag > |
using castor3d::MouseEventSPtr = castor::SharedPtr< MouseEvent > |
using castor3d::NodeArrayT = castor::Vector< NodeWrapperT< NodeT > > |
using castor3d::NodeCommandT = typename RenderNodeTraitsT< NodeT >::Command |
using castor3d::NodeInstanceT = typename RenderNodeTraitsT< NodeT >::Instance |
using castor3d::NodeObjectT = typename RenderNodeTraitsT< NodeT >::Object |
using castor3d::NodesPassChangeSignalFunction = castor::Function< void( NodesPass const & ) > |
The submesh component holding normals.
using castor3d::ObjectAttacherT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementAttacherT |
using castor3d::ObjectCachePtrT = castor::UniquePtr< ObjectCacheT< ObjT, KeyT, TraitsT > > |
using castor3d::ObjectCleanerT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementCleanerT |
using castor3d::ObjectContT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementContT |
using castor3d::ObjectDetacherT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementDetacherT |
using castor3d::ObjectInitialiserT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementInitialiserT |
using castor3d::ObjectMergerT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementMergerT |
using castor3d::ObjectObsT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementObsT |
using castor3d::ObjectPtrT = typename ObjectCacheTraitsT< ObjT, KeyT >::ElementPtrT |
using castor3d::OnAnimatedMeshChangeFunction = castor::Function< void( AnimatedObjectGroup const &, AnimatedMesh & ) > |
using castor3d::OnAnimatedSceneNodeChangeFunction = castor::Function< void( AnimatedObjectGroup const &, AnimatedSceneNode & ) > |
using castor3d::OnAnimatedSkeletonChangeFunction = castor::Function< void( AnimatedObjectGroup const &, AnimatedSkeleton & ) > |
using castor3d::OnAnimatedTextureChangeFunction = castor::Function< void( AnimatedObjectGroup const &, AnimatedTexture & ) > |
using castor3d::OnButtonEventConnection = OnButtonEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnButtonEventFunction = castor::Function< void() > |
using castor3d::OnCameraChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Camera const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnClustersBuffersChangedConnection = castor::ConnectionT< ClustersBuffersChangedFunction > |
using castor3d::OnComboEventConnection = OnComboEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnComboEventFunction = castor::Function< void( int32_t ) > |
using castor3d::OnControlChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Control const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnControlEventConnection = OnControlEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnControlEventFunction = castor::Function< void() > |
using castor3d::OnEditEventConnection = OnEditEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnEditEventFunction = castor::Function< void( castor::U32String const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnExpandablePanelEventConnection = OnExpandablePanelEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnExpandablePanelEventFunction = castor::Function< void() > |
using castor3d::OnLightChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Light & ) > |
using castor3d::OnListEventConnection = OnListEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnListEventFunction = castor::Function< void( int32_t ) > |
using castor3d::OnMaterialChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Material const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnSceneChangedConnection = OnSceneChanged::connection |
using castor3d::OnSceneChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Scene const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeChangedConnection = OnSceneNodeChanged::connection |
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneNode const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeReparentFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneNode & ) > |
using castor3d::OnSceneUpdateFunction = castor::Function< void( Scene const & ) > |
using castor3d::OnScrollBarEventConnection = OnScrollBarEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnScrollBarEventFunction = castor::Function< void( int32_t ) > |
using castor3d::OnSliderEventConnection = OnSliderEvent::connection |
using castor3d::OnSliderEventFunction = castor::Function< void( int32_t ) > |
using castor3d::OnTextureUnitChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( TextureUnit const & ) > |
using castor3d::OverlayCache |
using castor3d::OverlayVertexBufferPoolPtrT = castor::RawUniquePtr< OverlayVertexBufferPoolT< VertexT, CountT > > |
using castor3d::Parameters = ParametersT< castor::String > |
Particle system factory.
using castor3d::ParticleValues = ParametersT< size_t > |
using castor3d::PassComponentCombineID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::PassComponentFlag = uint32_t |
using castor3d::PassComponentID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::PassComponentsBitset = castor::DynamicBitsetT< uint16_t > |
using castor3d::PassComponentTextureFlag = uint32_t |
using castor3d::PassCreator = castor::Function< PassUPtr( LightingModelID, Material & ) > |
using castor3d::PassFlags = castor::FlagCombination< PassFlag > |
using castor3d::PassTypeID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::PipelineNodes = castor::Array< uint32_t, MaxNodesPerPipeline > |
using castor3d::PluginCache |
using castor3d::Point3rInterpolator = Interpolator< castor::Point3f > |
The submesh component holding positions.
Post effect factory.
using castor3d::PropertyArray = castor::Vector< ExtensionStruct > |
using castor3d::QueueDataPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< QueueData > |
using castor3d::QueueFamilies = castor::Vector< QueuesData > |
using castor3d::RenderPassTypeID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::RenderQueueHolder = castor::DataHolderT< RenderQueueUPtr > |
using castor3d::SamplerCache |
using castor3d::SamplerCacheView = CacheViewT< SamplerCache, EventType( GpuEventType::ePreUpload ) > |
using castor3d::SceneCache |
using castor3d::SceneCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< Scene, castor::String > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerBillboardSignalConnection = castor::ConnectionT< SceneCullerBillboardSignal > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerBillboardSignalFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneCuller const &, CulledNodeT< BillboardRenderNode > const &, bool ) > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerHolder = castor::DataHolderT< SceneCuller * > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerSignalFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneCuller const & ) > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerSubmeshSignalConnection = castor::ConnectionT< SceneCullerSubmeshSignal > |
using castor3d::SceneCullerSubmeshSignalFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneCuller const &, CulledNodeT< SubmeshRenderNode > const &, bool ) > |
using castor3d::SceneFlags = castor::FlagCombination< SceneFlag > |
using castor3d::SceneNodeCache |
using castor3d::ShaderPtr = castor::RawUniquePtr< ast::Shader > |
using castor3d::ShadowMapLightArray = castor::Array< ShadowMapLightIdArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::ShadowMapLightTypeArray = castor::Array< ShadowMapRefArray, size_t( LightType::eCount ) > |
using castor3d::ShadowMapRefIds = castor::Pair< castor::ReferenceWrapper< ShadowMap >, UInt32Array > |
using castor3d::SkeletonAnimationInstanceKeyFrameArray = castor::Vector< SkeletonAnimationInstanceKeyFrame > |
using castor3d::SkeletonAnimationObjectArray = castor::Vector< SkeletonAnimationObjectRPtr > |
using castor3d::SkeletonCache |
using castor3d::SpecificsBuffers = castor::StringMap< castor::Pair< SpecificsBuffer, ShaderBufferUPtr > > |
using castor3d::SssProfileChangedFunc = castor::Function< void( SubsurfaceScatteringComponent const & ) > |
using castor3d::SubmeshBoundingBoxList = castor::Vector< castor::Pair< Submesh const *, castor::BoundingBox > > |
using castor3d::SubmeshComponentCombineID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::SubmeshComponentFlag = uint32_t |
using castor3d::SubmeshComponentID = uint32_t |
using castor3d::SubmeshMaterialMap = castor::Map< Submesh const *, MaterialObs > |
using castor3d::TangentsComponent = BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshData::eTangents, castor::Point4f > |
The submesh component holding tangents.
using castor3d::TechniquePasses = castor::Array< TechniquePassVector, size_t( TechniquePassEvent::eCount ) > |
The submesh component holding texture coordinates.
The submesh component holding texture coordinates.
The submesh component holding texture coordinates.
The submesh component holding texture coordinates.
using castor3d::TextureArray = castor::Vector< Texture > |
using castor3d::TextureCombineID = uint16_t |
using castor3d::TextureScaleSpeed = castor::SpeedT< castor::Point2f, castor::Seconds > |
using castor3d::TextureSourceSet = castor::UnorderedSet< TextureSourceInfo, TextureSourceInfoHasher > |
using castor3d::TextureTranslateSpeed = castor::SpeedT< castor::Point2f, castor::Seconds > |
using castor3d::TextureUnitDataRefs = castor::Vector< TextureUnitDataRPtr > |
using castor3d::TextureUnitDatas = castor::Vector< TextureUnitDataUPtr > |
using castor3d::TextureUnitDataSet = castor::Map< PassComponentTextureFlag, TextureUnitDataRPtr > |
using castor3d::TextureViewCRef = castor::ReferenceWrapper< TextureView const > |
Tone mapping factory.
The submesh component holding colours.
strong |
Animation State Enumerator.
Enumerator | |
ePlaying | Playing animation state. |
eStopped | Stopped animation state. |
ePaused | Paused animation state. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Blending modes enumeration.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Binary data chunk types enumeration.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Frustum corners enumeration.
strong |
strong |
Defines all the sections and subsections of a scene file.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Edit control supported flags.
strong |
Element usage enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eUnknown | Position coords. |
ePosition | Position coords. |
eNormal | Normal coords. |
eTangent | Tangent coords. |
eBitangent | Bitangent coords. |
eColour | Colour. |
eTexCoords | Texture coordinates. |
eBoneIds0 | Bone IDs 0. |
eBoneIds1 | Bone IDs 1. |
eBoneWeights0 | Bone weights 0. |
eBoneWeights1 | Bone weights 1. |
eTransform | Instantiation matrix. |
eMatIndex | Instantiation material index. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Frustum planes enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eNear | Near plane. |
eFar | Far plane. |
eLeft | Left plane. |
eRight | Right plane. |
eTop | Top plane. |
eBottom | Bottom plane. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
All supported GPU feature flags.
strong |
Maximum values enumerator.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Keyboard keys enumeration.
strong |
Light types enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eDirectional | Directional light type. |
ePoint | Point light type. |
eSpot | Spot light type. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Lists the supported morphing kinds for a submesh.
Enumerator | |
ePositions | The submesh has morphing positions. |
eNormals | The submesh has morphing normals. |
eTangents | The submesh has morphing tangents. |
eBitangents | The submesh has morphing bitangents. |
eTexcoords0 | The submesh has morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords1 | The submesh has a 2nd set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords2 | The submesh has a 3rd set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords3 | The submesh has a 4th set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eColours | Submesh has a morphing colours. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
Flags to determine what morphing is enabled on a submesh.
Enumerator | |
eNone | |
ePositions | The submesh has morphing positions. |
eNormals | The submesh has morphing normals. |
eTangents | The submesh has morphing tangents. |
eBitangents | The submesh has morphing tangents. |
eTexcoords0 | The submesh has morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords1 | The submesh has a 2nd set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords2 | The submesh has a 3rd set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords3 | The submesh has a 4th set of morphing texture coordinates. |
eColours | Submesh has morphing colours. |
eAllBase | All flags used in base pipeline flags hashing. |
strong |
strong |
Mouse cursors enumeration.
strong |
Enumeration of supported mouse events.
Enumération des évènement de souris supportés.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Overlay types enumeration.
Enumerator | |
ePanel | |
eBorderPanel | |
eText | |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Pass specific flags.
Enumerator | |
eNone | No flag. |
eAll | Mask for all the flags. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Flags to use when looking for an automatically generated program.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Scene flags enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eNone | No flag. |
eFogLinear | Linear fog. |
eFogExponential | Exponential fog. |
eFogSquaredExponential | Squared exponential fog. |
eShadowBegin | Shadow enabling, by light source type. |
eShadowDirectional | |
eShadowPoint | |
eShadowSpot | |
eShadowEnd | |
eShadowAny | |
eRsmGI | Reflective Shadow Maps enabling. |
eLpvGI | Light Propagation Volumes enabling. |
eLayeredLpvGI | |
eVoxelConeTracing | |
eGIAny | |
eAll | All flags. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
The render pass shader flags.
strong |
strong |
Skeleton node types enumeration.
Enumerator | |
eNode | Node objects. |
eBone | Bone objects. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Static control supported flags.
strong |
Lists the supported data kinds for a submesh.
Enumerator | |
eIndex | The submesh has indices. |
ePositions | The submesh has positions. |
eNormals | The submesh has normals. |
eTangents | The submesh has tangents. |
eBitangents | The submesh has bitangents. |
eTexcoords0 | Submesh has texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords1 | Submesh has a 2nd set of texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords2 | Submesh has a 3rd set of texture coordinates. |
eTexcoords3 | Submesh has a 4th set of texture coordinates. |
eColours | Submesh has colours. |
eOtherMin | Minimum value for components not derived from BaseDataComponentT. |
eSkin | Submesh has skin data. |
ePassMasks | Submesh has subpasses masks. |
eVelocity | Submesh has velocity data. |
eMeshlets | Submesh has meshlets. |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
RenderTarget supported types.
Enumerator | |
eWindow | |
eTexture | |
eCount | |
eMin |
strong |
strong |
Text line spacing modes, handles the way lines are spaced, which each other, inside one TextOverlay.
strong |
strong |
Texture flags.
Enumerator | |
eNone | No flag. |
eAll | Mask for all the flags. |
strong |
Lists the possible spaces for a texture.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
C3D_API castor::Pair< VkDeviceSize, VkDeviceSize > castor3d::adaptRange | ( | VkDeviceSize | offset, |
VkDeviceSize | size, | ||
VkDeviceSize | align ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::addDebugAabbs | ( | DebugDrawer & | drawer, |
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const & | descriptorBindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const & | descriptorWrites, | ||
VkDeviceSize | instanceCount, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const & | shader, | ||
bool | enableDepthTest ) |
Adds a buffer containing AABBs to draw in debug drawer.
[in] | drawer | The debug drawer. |
[in] | descriptorBindings | The shader data bindings. |
[in] | descriptorWrites | The shader data. |
[in] | instanceCount | The number of instances to draw. |
[in] | shader | The shader used to draw the AABB. |
[in] | enableDepthTest | true to enable depth test. |
C3D_API void castor3d::addDebugAabbs | ( | RenderTarget const & | target, |
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const & | descriptorBindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const & | descriptorWrites, | ||
VkDeviceSize | instanceCount, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const & | shader, | ||
bool | enableDepthTest ) |
Adds a buffer containing AABBs to draw in debug drawer.
[in] | target | The target the AABB are drawn to. |
[in] | descriptorBindings | The shader data bindings. |
[in] | descriptorWrites | The shader data. |
[in] | instanceCount | The number of instances to draw. |
[in] | shader | The shader used to draw the AABB. |
[in] | enableDepthTest | true to enable depth test. |
C3D_API void castor3d::addDebugDrawable | ( | DebugDrawer & | drawer, |
DebugVertexBuffers | vertexBuffers, | ||
DebugIndexBuffer | indexBuffer, | ||
ashes::VkVertexInputAttributeDescriptionArray const & | vertexAttributes, | ||
ashes::VkVertexInputBindingDescriptionArray const & | vertexBindings, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const & | descriptorBindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const & | descriptorWrites, | ||
VkDeviceSize | instanceCount, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const & | shader, | ||
bool | enableDepthTest ) |
Adds a drawable geometry description to draw in debug drawer.
[in] | drawer | The debug drawer. |
[in] | vertexBuffers | The geometry vertex buffers. |
[in] | indexBuffer | The geometry index buffers. |
[in] | vertexAttributes | The geometry vertex attributes. |
[in] | vertexBindings | The geometry vertex bindings. |
[in] | descriptorBindings | The shader data bindings. |
[in] | descriptorWrites | The shader data. |
[in] | instanceCount | The number of instances to draw. |
[in] | shader | The shader used to draw the geometries. |
[in] | enableDepthTest | true to enable depth test. |
C3D_API void castor3d::addDebugDrawable | ( | RenderTarget const & | target, |
DebugVertexBuffers | vertexBuffers, | ||
DebugIndexBuffer | indexBuffer, | ||
ashes::VkVertexInputAttributeDescriptionArray const & | vertexAttributes, | ||
ashes::VkVertexInputBindingDescriptionArray const & | vertexBindings, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray const & | descriptorBindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray const & | descriptorWrites, | ||
VkDeviceSize | instanceCount, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray const & | shader, | ||
bool | enableDepthTest ) |
Adds a drawable geometry description to draw in debug drawer.
[in] | target | The target the geometries are drawn to. |
[in] | vertexBuffers | The geometry vertex buffers. |
[in] | indexBuffer | The geometry index buffers. |
[in] | vertexAttributes | The geometry vertex attributes. |
[in] | vertexBindings | The geometry vertex bindings. |
[in] | descriptorBindings | The shader data bindings. |
[in] | descriptorWrites | The shader data. |
[in] | instanceCount | The number of instances to draw. |
[in] | shader | The shader used to draw the AABB. |
[in] | enableDepthTest | true to enable depth test. |
inline |
References makeDescriptorSetLayoutBinding().
Referenced by castor3d::ClustersUbo::addLayoutBinding().
C3D_API void castor3d::addFlagConfiguration | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config, |
TextureFlagConfiguration | flagConfiguration ) |
Referenced by castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration(), and castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::fillTextureConfiguration().
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
C3D_API void castor3d::addFlags | ( | TextureCombine & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::addFlags | ( | TextureCombine & | lhs, |
TextureFlagsSet const & | rhs ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindBuffer | ( | ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindBuffer | ( | VkBuffer | buffer, |
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | range, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
Writes the buffer descriptor to the given writes.
C3D_API void castor3d::bindImage | ( | ashes::ImageView const & | view, |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindImage | ( | crg::RunnableGraph & | graph, |
crg::ImageViewId const & | view, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindImage | ( | VkImageView | view, |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
Writes the storage image view descriptor to the given writes.
C3D_API void castor3d::bindTexture | ( | ashes::ImageView const & | view, |
ashes::Sampler const & | sampler, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindTexture | ( | crg::RunnableGraph & | graph, |
crg::ImageViewId const & | view, | ||
VkSampler const & | sampler, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::bindTexture | ( | VkImageView | view, |
VkSampler | sampler, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
Writes the image view and sampler descriptor to the given writes.
C3D_API TextureFlagsSet::const_iterator castor3d::checkFlag | ( | TextureCombine const & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
Referenced by castor3d::BlendComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::SubsurfaceScatteringComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::AlphaTestComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::DefaultReflRefrComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::HeightComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::forceTexCoords(), castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::GpuInformations::hasFeature(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::isBillboard(), castor3d::NormalComponent::Plugin::isComponentNeeded(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::isFrontCulled(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesColour(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesGeometry(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesMesh(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesOpacity(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesTask(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesTessellation(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesViewSpace(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::usesWorldSpace(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeDepth(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeEnvironmentMap(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writePicking(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeShadowMap(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeShadowRSM(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeShadowVSM(), castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeVelocity(), and castor3d::PipelineFlags::writeVisibility().
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator castor3d::checkFlag | ( | TextureFlagConfigurations & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator castor3d::checkFlag | ( | TextureFlagConfigurations const & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
T & castor3d::chunkEndianToSystemEndian | ( | BinaryChunk const & | chunk, |
T & | value ) |
References castor::isLittleEndian(), isLittleEndian(), and castor::switchEndianness().
C3D_API void castor3d::cleanupGlslang | ( | ) |
Cleans up glslang globals.
C3D_API UInt32Array castor3d::compileGlslToSpv | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
VkShaderStageFlagBits | stage, | ||
castor::MbString const & | shader ) |
Transpiles a GLSL shader to SPIR-V.
device | The GPU device. |
stage | The shader stage. |
shader | The GLSL shader. |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & castor3d::compileShader | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
ProgramModule & | shaderModule, | ||
ast::EntryPointConfig const & | entryPoint ) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & castor3d::compileShader | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
ShaderModule & | shaderModule ) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & castor3d::compileShader | ( | RenderSystem & | renderSystem, |
ProgramModule & | shaderModule, | ||
ast::EntryPointConfig const & | entryPoint ) |
C3D_API SpirVShader const & castor3d::compileShader | ( | RenderSystem & | renderSystem, |
ShaderModule & | shaderModule ) |
C3D_API float castor3d::computeRange | ( | castor::LuminousIntensity const & | intensity, |
float | range ) |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
C3D_API bool castor3d::contains | ( | TextureCombine const & | cont, |
TextureCombine const & | test ) |
castor::Matrix4x4f castor3d::convert | ( | castor::Array< float, 16 > const & | value | ) |
C3D_API VkFormat castor3d::convert | ( | castor::PixelFormat | format | ) |
VkClearColorValue castor3d::convert | ( | castor::RgbaColour const & | value | ) |
castor::RgbaColour castor3d::convert | ( | VkClearColorValue const & | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::PixelFormat castor3d::convert | ( | VkFormat | format | ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::copyBuffer | ( | ashes::CommandBuffer const & | commandBuffer, |
ashes::BufferBase const & | src, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | dst, | ||
castor::Vector< VkBufferCopy > const & | regions, | ||
VkAccessFlags | dstAccessFlags, | ||
VkPipelineStageFlags | dstPipelineFlags ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::copyBuffer | ( | ashes::CommandBuffer const & | commandBuffer, |
ashes::BufferBase const & | src, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | dst, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size, | ||
VkPipelineStageFlags | flags ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createAssignLightsToClustersPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePassArray const & | previousPasses, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray castor3d::createBucketSortLightsPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const * | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray castor3d::createBuildLightsBVHPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePassArray const & | previousPasses, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createClearableOutputStorageBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createClearableOutputStorageBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createClearableOutputStorageBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const & | buffers, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createClearableOutputStorageBinding().
crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createClustersMaskPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const & | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters, | ||
RenderTechnique & | technique, | ||
RenderNodesPass *& | nodesPass ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createComputeClustersAABBPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const * | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
FrustumClusters const & | clusters ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createComputeLightsAABBPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const * | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
FrustumClusters const & | clusters ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createComputeLightsMortonCodePass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const * | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
void castor3d::createDefaultTextureComponent | ( | Pass & | pass | ) |
References castor3d::PassComponentPlugin::fillTextureConfiguration().
C3D_API void castor3d::createDisplayClustersAABBProgram | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
FrustumClusters const & | clusters, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray & | program, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray & | bindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createDisplayLightsAABBProgram | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
FrustumClusters const & | clusters, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray & | program, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray & | bindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createDisplayPointLightsBVHProgram | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
FrustumClusters const & | clusters, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray & | program, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray & | bindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createDisplaySpotLightsBVHProgram | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
FrustumClusters const & | clusters, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray & | program, | ||
ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray & | bindings, | ||
ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray & | writes ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createFindUniqueClustersPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const & | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API castor::AttributeParsers castor3d::createGuiParsers | ( | ) |
C3D_API castor::StrUInt32Map castor3d::createGuiSections | ( | ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createInOutStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createInOutStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createInOutStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const & | buffers, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createInOutStoragePassBinding(), and castor3d::ObjectBufferOffset::GpuBufferChunk::createInOutStoragePassBinding().
C3D_API void castor3d::createInputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createInputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createInputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const & | buffers, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createInputStoragePassBinding(), and castor3d::ObjectBufferOffset::GpuBufferChunk::createInputStoragePassBinding().
MaterialObs castor3d::createMaterial | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::HdrRgbColour const & | colour ) |
Creates a colour material.
[in] | engine | The engine. |
[in] | name | The material name. |
[in] | colour | The material colour. |
Referenced by castor3d::ControlStyle::doCreateMaterial().
C3D_API crg::FramePassArray castor3d::createMergeSortLightsPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePassArray const & | previousPasses, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createOutputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createOutputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createOutputStoragePassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const & | buffers, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createOutputStoragePassBinding(), and castor3d::ObjectBufferOffset::GpuBufferChunk::createOutputStoragePassBinding().
ComponentT * castor3d::createPassComponent | ( | Pass & | pass, |
ParamsT &&... | params ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createReduceLightsAABBPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePass const * | previousPass, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
CameraUbo const & | mainCameraUbo, | ||
CameraUbo const & | clustersCameraUbo, | ||
FrustumClusters & | clusters ) |
C3D_API SamplerObs castor3d::createSampler | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::String const & | baseName, | ||
VkFilter | filter, | ||
VkImageSubresourceRange const * | range ) |
C3D_API castor::AdditionalParsers castor3d::createSceneFileParsers | ( | Engine const & | engine | ) |
C3D_API crg::FramePass const & castor3d::createSortAssignedLightsPass | ( | crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::FramePassArray const & | previousPasses, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
FrustumClusters const & | clusters ) |
C3D_API TextureLayoutUPtr castor3d::createTextureLayout | ( | Engine const & | engine, |
castor::Path const & | relative, | ||
castor::Path const & | folder ) |
C3D_API TextureLayoutUPtr castor3d::createTextureLayout | ( | Engine const & | engine, |
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::PxBufferBaseUPtr | buffer, | ||
bool | isStatic = false ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createUniformPassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::Buffer< uint8_t > const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createUniformPassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::createUniformPassBinding | ( | crg::FramePass & | pass, |
uint32_t | binding, | ||
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Vector< ashes::BufferBase const * > const & | buffers, | ||
VkDeviceSize | offset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | size ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createUniformPassBinding(), and castor3d::ObjectBufferOffset::GpuBufferChunk::createUniformPassBinding().
C3D_API castor3d::CU_DeclareAttributeParser | ( | parserDefaultEnd | ) |
References castor::addParser(), cuT, and castor::PreviousSection.
castor3d::CU_DeclareSmartPtr | ( | castor3d | , |
PassComponentPlugin | , | ||
C3D_API | ) |
castor3d::CU_DeclareSmartPtr | ( | castor3d | , |
PassComponentRegister | , | ||
C3D_API | ) |
castor3d::CU_DeclareSmartPtr | ( | castor3d | , |
PassMapComponent | , | ||
C3D_API | ) |
castor3d::CU_DeclareVector | ( | SubmeshVertex | , |
SubmeshVertex | ) |
SubmeshVertex array.
C3D_API void castor3d::fillBaseSurfaceType | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData, |
sdw::type::BaseStruct & | type ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::fillBaseSurfaceType | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData, |
sdw::type::IOStruct & | type, | ||
uint32_t & | index ) |
Referenced by castor3d::BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT >::SurfaceShader::fillSurfaceType().
C3D_API void castor3d::fillMeshImportParameters | ( | castor::FileParserContext & | context, |
castor::String const & | meshParams, | ||
Parameters & | parameters ) |
AnimatedObjectRPtr castor3d::findAnimatedObject | ( | Scene const & | scene, |
castor::String const & | name ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator castor3d::findFirstEmpty | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config | ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator castor3d::findFirstEmpty | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::iterator castor3d::findFirstNonEmpty | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config | ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfigurations::const_iterator castor3d::findFirstNonEmpty | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::gatherBaseDataBuffer | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData, |
ObjectBufferOffset const & | bufferOffsets, | ||
PipelineFlags const & | flags, | ||
ashes::BufferCRefArray & | buffers, | ||
castor::Vector< uint64_t > & | offsets, | ||
ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfoCRefArray & | layouts, | ||
uint32_t & | currentBinding, | ||
uint32_t & | currentLocation, | ||
castor::UnorderedMap< size_t, ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo > & | cache ) |
Referenced by castor3d::BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT >::ComponentData::gather().
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getBaseDataComponentName | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData | ) |
C3D_API VkBorderColor castor3d::getBorderColor | ( | LpvTexture | texture | ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), and castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
Referenced by castor3d::ChunkParser< T >::parse(), and castor3d::ChunkWriter< T >::write().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::Coords< T, Count >::ptr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::Coords< T, Count >::constPtr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::RgbaColourT< ComponentType >::ptr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::RgbaColourT< ComponentType >::constPtr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::RgbColourT< ComponentType >::ptr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::RgbColourT< ComponentType >::constPtr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::Coords< T, Count >::ptr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
References castor::Coords< T, Count >::constPtr().
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the beginning of the buffer for given value.
[in] | value | The value. |
C3D_API castor::Image & castor3d::getBufferImage | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::String const & | type, | ||
castor::ByteArray const & | data ) |
C3D_API VkClearValue castor3d::getClearValue | ( | LpvTexture | texture | ) |
constexpr |
[in] | version | The cmsh version number. |
Referenced by castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doParseHeader().
constexpr |
[in] | version | The cmsh version number. |
Referenced by castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doParseHeader().
constexpr |
[in] | version | The cmsh version number. |
Referenced by castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doParseHeader().
inline |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), and castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures().
inline |
inline |
C3D_API PassRPtr castor3d::getComponentPass | ( | PassComponent const & | component | ) |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getComponentsMask | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | textureFlag ) |
C3D_API Submesh * castor3d::getComponentSubmesh | ( | SubmeshComponent const & | component | ) |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Retrieves the value binary size.
[in] | value | The value. |
Referenced by castor3d::ChunkParser< T >::parse(), and castor3d::ChunkWriter< T >::write().
C3D_API PassComponentTextureFlag castor3d::getEnabledFlag | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | AnimGroupContext const & | context | ) |
inline |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | GuiContext const & | context | ) |
Referenced by castor3d::DoubleBufferedResourceT< ResourceT, PointerT >::doRefresh(), and getEngine().
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | MaterialContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | MeshContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | MovableContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | NodeContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | OverlayContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | PassContext const & | context | ) |
inline |
References castor3d::RootContext::engine.
inline |
References castor3d::SamplerContext::sampler.
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | SceneContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | SceneImportContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | SkeletonContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | SubmeshContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | TargetContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | TextureContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API Engine * castor3d::getEngine | ( | WindowContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API ast::EntryPoint castor3d::getEntryPointType | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
VkShaderStageFlagBits | value ) |
Referenced by castor3d::ConfigurationVisitorBase::visit().
castor::UInt32StrMap castor3d::getEnumMapT | ( | ) |
References getEnumMapT().
Referenced by getEnumMapT().
castor::UInt32StrMap castor3d::getEnumMapT | ( | EnumT | min, |
EnumT | max ) |
C3D_API VkFormatFeatureFlags castor3d::getFeatureFlags | ( | VkImageUsageFlags | flags | ) |
C3D_API castor::Image & castor3d::getFileImage | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::String const & | name, | ||
castor::Path const & | folder, | ||
castor::Path const & | relative ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagConfiguration & castor3d::getFlagConfiguration | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | textureFlag ) |
C3D_API TextureFlagsSet castor3d::getFlags | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
C3D_API FogType castor3d::getFogType | ( | SceneFlags const & | flags | ) |
Gives the fog type matching the given flags.
[in] | flags | The scene flags. |
C3D_API VkFormat castor3d::getFormat | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
LpvTexture | texture ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), and castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures().
C3D_API VkFormat castor3d::getFormat | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
PpTexture | texture ) |
C3D_API VkFormat castor3d::getFormat | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
SmTexture | texture ) |
C3D_API VkFormat castor3d::getFormat | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
WbTexture | texture ) |
C3D_API size_t castor3d::getHash | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
name Other functions.
C3D_API size_t castor3d::getHash | ( | TextureFlagConfiguration const & | config | ) |
name Other functions.
C3D_API u32 castor3d::getLightsMortonCodeChunkCount | ( | u32 | lightCount | ) |
castor::LoggerInstance & castor3d::getLogger | ( | Engine const & | engine | ) |
C3D_API castor::LoggerInstance & castor3d::getLogger | ( | Scene const & | scene | ) |
castor::HdrRgbColour const & castor3d::getMaterialColour | ( | Pass const & | pass | ) |
Retrieves the pass colour.
[in] | pass | The pass. |
Referenced by castor3d::ControlStyle::doCreateMaterial().
C3D_API float castor3d::getMaxDistance | ( | castor::Point3f const & | colour, |
castor::LuminousIntensity const & | intensity, | ||
castor::Point3f const & | attenuation ) |
Retrieve the maximum lit distance for given light and attenuation.
[in] | colour | The light source colour. |
[in] | intensity | The light source intensity. |
[in] | attenuation | The attenuation values. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getMipLevels | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
SmTexture | texture, | ||
castor::Size const & | size ) |
inline |
inline |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getMipLevels | ( | VkExtent3D const & | extent, |
VkFormat | format ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), getMipLevels(), getMipLevels(), and getMipLevels().
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | AnimationState | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | AnimationType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | BillboardSize | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | BillboardType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | BlendMode | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | BorderPosition | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ClusterSplitScheme | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | Corner | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | CpuEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | CubeMapFace | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ElementUsage | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | FogType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | FrustumPlane | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | GlobalIlluminationType | giType | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | GpuEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | HAlign | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | HandlerEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | InterpolatorType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | KeyboardEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | LightType | value | ) |
inline |
References CU_Failure, cuT, eBitangents, eColours, eNormals, ePositions, eTangents, eTexcoords0, eTexcoords1, eTexcoords2, and eTexcoords3.
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | MouseButton | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | MouseEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | MovableType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | OverlayType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ParallaxOcclusionMode | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ParticleFormat | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | PickNodeType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | RenderFilter | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ShadowType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | SkeletonNodeType | value | ) |
castor::StringView castor3d::getName | ( | SkyboxFace | face | ) |
inline |
References CU_Failure, cuT, eBitangents, eColours, eIndex, eMeshlets, eNormals, ePassMasks, ePositions, eSkin, eTangents, eTexcoords0, eTexcoords1, eTexcoords2, eTexcoords3, and eVelocity.
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TargetType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TextLineSpacingMode | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TextTexturingMode | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TextureSpace | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TextureSpaces | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | TextWrappingMode | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | UserInputEventType | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | VAlign | value | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName | ( | ViewportType | value | ) |
ComponentT & castor3d::getPassComponent | ( | PassContext & | context, |
ParamsT &&... | params ) |
References getComponentPass(), getPassComponentType(), castor3d::PassContext::pass, and castor3d::PassContext::passComponent.
ComponentT & castor3d::getPassComponent | ( | TextureContext & | context | ) |
References castor3d::TextureContext::pass.
C3D_API castor::String const & castor3d::getPassComponentType | ( | PassComponent const & | component | ) |
References getPassHash().
Referenced by getPassHash().
noexcept |
References getPipelineBaseHash().
Referenced by getPipelineBaseHash(), getPipelineBaseHash(), and getPipelineBaseHash().
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
References getPipelineHiHashDetails().
Referenced by getPipelineHiHashDetails(), and getPipelineHiHashDetails().
noexcept |
uint32_t castor3d::getPipelineNodeIndex | ( | PipelineBaseHash | hash, |
ashes::BufferBase const & | posBuffer, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const * | idxBuffer, | ||
castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > const & | cont ) |
PipelineNodes & castor3d::getPipelineNodes | ( | PipelineBaseHash | hash, |
ashes::BufferBase const & | posBuffer, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const * | idxBuffer, | ||
castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > const & | cont, | ||
PipelineNodes * | nodes, | ||
VkDeviceSize | maxNodesCount ) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents castor3d::getPixelComponents | ( | castor::PixelFormat | format | ) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents castor3d::getPixelComponents | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | config | ) |
C3D_API castor::PixelComponents castor3d::getPixelComponents | ( | uint32_t | mask | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | AnimGroupContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | GuiContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | MaterialContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | MeshContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | MovableContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | NodeContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | OverlayContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | PassContext const & | context | ) |
inline |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | SceneContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | SceneImportContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | SkeletonContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | SubmeshContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | TargetContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | TextureContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getPrefix | ( | WindowContext const & | context | ) |
static |
RenderNodeType castor3d::getRenderNodeType | ( | ProgramFlags const & | flags | ) |
C3D_API RootContext * castor3d::getRootContext | ( | TargetContext const & | context | ) |
C3D_API float castor3d::getSafeBandedAspect | ( | float | aspect, |
castor::Size const & | size ) |
C3D_API VkExtent3D castor3d::getSafeBandedExtent3D | ( | castor::Size const & | size | ) |
C3D_API castor::Angle castor3d::getSafeBandedFovY | ( | castor::Angle const & | fovY, |
castor::Size const & | size ) |
C3D_API castor::Size castor3d::getSafeBandedSize | ( | castor::Size const & | size | ) |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getSafeBandSize | ( | castor::Size const & | size | ) |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getSafeBandsSize | ( | castor::Size const & | size | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getSamplerName | ( | VkCompareOp | compareOp, |
VkFilter | minFilter, | ||
VkFilter | magFilter, | ||
VkSamplerMipmapMode | mipFilter, | ||
VkSamplerAddressMode | U, | ||
VkSamplerAddressMode | V, | ||
VkSamplerAddressMode | W, | ||
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::getSceneFileRootSection | ( | ) |
C3D_API ast::ShaderStage castor3d::getShaderStage | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
VkShaderStageFlagBits | value ) |
Referenced by castor3d::ConfigurationVisitorBase::visit().
inline |
constexpr |
References eCount.
Referenced by castor3d::ParticleDeclaration::emplace_back(), and castor3d::ParticleDeclaration::push_back().
C3D_API castor::String const & castor3d::getSubmeshComponentType | ( | SubmeshComponent const & | component | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTexName | ( | LpvTexture | texture | ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), and castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures().
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTexName | ( | PpTexture | texture | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTexName | ( | SmTexture | texture | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTexName | ( | WbTexture | texture | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTextureName | ( | LightType | light, |
SmTexture | texture ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTextureName | ( | LpvTexture | texture, |
castor::String const & | infix ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTextureName | ( | PpTexture | texture | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getTextureName | ( | WbTexture | texture | ) |
C3D_API VkImageUsageFlags castor3d::getUsageFlags | ( | LpvTexture | texture | ) |
Referenced by castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures(), and castor3d::GBufferBase::doCreateTextures().
C3D_API VkShaderStageFlagBits castor3d::getVkShaderStage | ( | ast::EntryPoint | value | ) |
C3D_API VkShaderStageFlagBits castor3d::getVkShaderStage | ( | ast::ShaderStage | value | ) |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
C3D_API bool castor3d::hasAny | ( | TextureCombine const & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::hasAny | ( | TextureFlagConfigurations const & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::hasAny | ( | TextureFlagsSet const & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
Referenced by castor3d::PipelineFlags::hasDiffuseGI(), castor3d::FractalMappingComponent::ComponentsShader::isMapSampling(), and castor3d::UntileMappingComponent::ComponentsShader::isMapSampling().
C3D_API size_t castor3d::hash | ( | BillboardBase const & | billboard, |
Pass const & | pass ) |
Referenced by castor3d::InstantiatedPipelinesNodesT< NodeT >::emplace(), and castor3d::PipelinesNodesT< NodeT >::emplace().
size_t castor3d::hash | ( | BillboardRenderNode const & | culled | ) |
C3D_API size_t castor3d::hash | ( | Geometry const & | geometry, |
Submesh const & | submesh, | ||
Pass const & | pass ) |
size_t castor3d::hash | ( | SubmeshRenderNode const & | culled | ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::hasIntersect | ( | PassComponentTextureFlag | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API uint32_t castor3d::incProgressBarGlobalRange | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
uint32_t | increment ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::initialiseGlslang | ( | ) |
Initialises glslang globals.
C3D_API void castor3d::initProgressBarGlobalRange | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
uint32_t | value ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::isLayoutControl | ( | ControlType | type | ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::isLittleEndian | ( | BinaryChunk const & | chunk | ) |
Referenced by chunkEndianToSystemEndian(), castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doIsLittleEndian(), castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doParseHeader(), castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::parse(), and prepareChunkDataT().
C3D_API bool castor3d::isScrollableControl | ( | ControlType | type | ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::isStylesHolder | ( | ControlStyle const & | style | ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::isStylesHolder | ( | ControlType | type | ) |
bool castor3d::isVisible | ( | Camera const & | camera, |
BillboardRenderNode const & | node ) |
bool castor3d::isVisible | ( | Camera const & | camera, |
SubmeshRenderNode const & | node ) |
bool castor3d::isVisible | ( | Frustum const & | frustum, |
BillboardRenderNode const & | node ) |
bool castor3d::isVisible | ( | Frustum const & | frustum, |
SubmeshRenderNode const & | node ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Creates a ashes::ShaderProgram cache.
[in] | engine | The engine. |
CacheViewPtrT< CacheT, EventT > castor3d::makeCacheView | ( | castor::String const & | name, |
CacheT & | cache, | ||
typename CacheViewTraitsT< CacheT >::ElementInitialiserT | initialiser = {}, | ||
typename CacheViewTraitsT< CacheT >::ElementCleanerT | cleaner = {} ) |
constexpr |
Creates a chunk ID.
[in] | a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h | The 8 characters describing the chunkID. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
constexpr |
Creates a cmsh version number.
[in] | maj,min,rev | The version makor, minor and revision numbers. |
inline |
Helper function to create a cleanup event.
[in] | object | The object to cleanup |
References ePreGpuStep, and makeCpuFunctorEvent().
Referenced by castor3d::CpuEventCleanerT< CacheT >::operator()().
inline |
inline |
Helper function to create a functor event.
[in] | type | The event type |
[in] | functor | The functor to execute |
Referenced by makeCpuCleanupEvent(), and makeCpuInitialiseEvent().
inline |
Helper function to create an initialise event.
[in] | object | The object to initialise. |
References ePreGpuStep, and makeCpuFunctorEvent().
Referenced by castor3d::CpuEventInitialiserT< CacheT >::operator()().
inline |
Referenced by addDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(), castor3d::GpuBufferOffsetT< DataT >::createLayoutBinding(), and castor3d::ClustersUbo::createLayoutBinding().
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::Buffer< DataT > const & | buffer, |
ashes::BufferView const & | view, | ||
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for buffer texel view.
[in] | buffer | The buffer. |
[in] | view | The texel view. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
References makeDescriptorWrite().
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::Buffer< DataT > const & | storageBuffer, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
VkDeviceSize | elemOffset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | elemRange, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage buffer.
[in] | storageBuffer | The storage buffer. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | elemOffset | The offset, expressed in element count. |
[in] | elemRange | The range, expressed in element count. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
References makeDescriptorWrite().
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, |
ashes::BufferView const & | view, | ||
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for buffer texel view.
[in] | buffer | The buffer. |
[in] | view | The texel view. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::BufferBase const & | storageBuffer, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
VkDeviceSize | byteOffset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | byteRange, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage buffer.
[in] | storageBuffer | The storage buffer. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | byteOffset | The offset, expressed in bytes. |
[in] | byteRange | The range, expressed in bytes. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::ImageView const & | view, |
ashes::Sampler const & | sampler, | ||
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for combined image sampler.
[in] | view | The image view. |
[in] | sampler | The sampler. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::ImageView const & | view, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage image.
[in] | view | The image view. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | ashes::UniformBuffer const & | buffer, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
VkDeviceSize | elemOffset, | ||
VkDeviceSize | elemRange, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for uniform buffer.
[in] | buffer | The uniform buffer. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | elemOffset | The offset, expressed in element count. |
[in] | elemRange | The range, expressed in element count. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeDescriptorWrite | ( | UniformBufferOffsetT< DataT > const & | buffer, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for uniform buffer range.
[in] | buffer | The uniform buffer range. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
Referenced by makeDescriptorWrite(), and makeDescriptorWrite().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Referenced by makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), and makeViewport().
inline |
inline |
inline |
castor::Array< float, 4u > castor3d::makeFloatArray | ( | castor::RgbaColour const & | value | ) |
inline |
Helper function to create a cleanup event.
[in] | object | The object to cleanup |
References ePreUpload, and makeGpuFunctorEvent().
Referenced by castor3d::GpuEventCleanerT< CacheT >::operator()().
inline |
inline |
Helper function to create a functor event.
[in] | type | The event type |
[in] | functor | The functor to execute |
Referenced by makeGpuCleanupEvent(), and makeGpuInitialiseEvent().
inline |
Helper function to create an initialise event.
[in] | object | The object to initialise. |
References ePreUpload, and makeGpuFunctorEvent().
Referenced by castor3d::GpuEventInitialiserT< CacheT >::operator()().
C3D_API ashes::Image castor3d::makeImage | ( | ashes::Device const & | device, |
VkImage | image, | ||
crg::ImageId | data ) |
inline |
C3D_API ashes::ImageView castor3d::makeImageView | ( | ashes::Image const & | image, |
VkImageView | view, | ||
crg::ImageViewId | data ) |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeImageViewDescriptorWrite | ( | VkImageView const & | view, |
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for storage image.
[in] | view | The image view. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
C3D_API ashes::WriteDescriptorSet castor3d::makeImageViewDescriptorWrite | ( | VkImageView const & | view, |
VkSampler const & | sampler, | ||
uint32_t | dstBinding, | ||
uint32_t | dstArrayElement = 0u ) |
Creates a descriptor write for combined image sampler.
[in] | view | The image view. |
[in] | sampler | The sampler. |
[in] | dstBinding | The binding inside the descriptor set. |
[in] | dstArrayElement | The array element index. |
InterpolatorPtr< DataT > castor3d::makeInterpolator | ( | InterpolatorType | type | ) |
References eNearest.
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier castor3d::makeLayoutTransition | ( | VkImage | image, |
VkImageSubresourceRange const & | range, | ||
VkImageLayout | sourceLayout, | ||
VkImageLayout | destinationLayout, | ||
uint32_t | srcQueueFamily, | ||
uint32_t | dstQueueFamily ) |
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier castor3d::makeLayoutTransition | ( | VkImage | image, |
VkImageSubresourceRange const & | range, | ||
VkImageLayout | srcLayout, | ||
VkImageLayout | dstLayout, | ||
VkAccessFlags | srcAccessFlags, | ||
uint32_t | srcQueueFamily, | ||
uint32_t | dstQueueFamily ) |
C3D_API VkImageMemoryBarrier castor3d::makeLayoutTransition | ( | VkImage | image, |
VkImageSubresourceRange const & | range, | ||
VkImageLayout | srcLayout, | ||
VkImageLayout | dstLayout, | ||
VkAccessFlags | srcAccessFlags, | ||
VkAccessFlags | dstAccessMask, | ||
uint32_t | srcQueueFamily, | ||
uint32_t | dstQueueFamily ) |
ObjectCachePtrT< ObjT, KeyT, TraitsT > castor3d::makeObjectCache | ( | ParametersT &&... | parameters | ) |
Creates an object cache.
[in] | parameters | The cache ctor parameters. |
inline |
Referenced by makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeScissor(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), makeViewport(), and makeViewport().
inline |
inline |
inline |
constexprnoexcept |
Referenced by castor3d::PassComponentPlugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::BlendComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::FractalMappingComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::PickableComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::UntileMappingComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::SubsurfaceScatteringComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::AlphaTestComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::HeightComponent::Plugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::SubsurfaceScatteringComponent::Plugin::getDeferredDiffuseLightingFlag(), castor3d::HeightComponent::Plugin::getParallaxOcclusionMappingOneFlag(), castor3d::HeightComponent::Plugin::getParallaxOcclusionMappingRepeatFlag(), castor3d::PassComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::BlendComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::FractalMappingComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::NormalComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::PickableComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::UntileMappingComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::SubsurfaceScatteringComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::AlphaTestComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::HeightComponent::getPassFlags(), castor3d::FractalMappingComponent::ComponentsShader::isMapSampling(), and castor3d::UntileMappingComponent::ComponentsShader::isMapSampling().
inline |
C3D_API ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray castor3d::makeProgramStates | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
ProgramModule & | programModule, | ||
ashes::Optional< ashes::SpecializationInfo > const & | specialization = ashes::nullopt ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
constexprnoexcept |
Referenced by castor3d::SubmeshComponentPlugin::getComponentFlags(), castor3d::SubmeshComponent::getSubmeshFlags(), castor3d::PassMasksComponent::getSubmeshFlags(), and castor3d::SkinComponent::getSubmeshFlags().
constexprnoexcept |
Referenced by castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::ComponentsShader::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags(), and castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlags().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
C3D_API void castor3d::memoryBarrier | ( | crg::RecordContext & | context, |
VkCommandBuffer | commandBuffer, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | buffer, | ||
crg::BufferSubresourceRange const & | range, | ||
crg::AccessState | after, | ||
crg::AccessState | before ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::mergeConfigs | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | lhs, |
TextureConfiguration & | rhs ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::mergeConfigsBase | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | lhs, |
TextureConfiguration & | rhs ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator!= | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Difference operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator!= | ( | ParticleDeclaration const & | lhs, |
ParticleDeclaration const & | rhs ) |
Equality operator.
[in] | lhs,rhs | The 2 objects to compare. |
inline |
Equality operator.
[in] | lhs,rhs | The 2 objects to compare. |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator< | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Less than operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
noexcept |
inline |
castor::OutputStream & castor3d::operator<< | ( | castor::OutputStream & | stream, |
castor::Image const & | rhs ) |
castor::OutputStream & castor3d::operator<< | ( | castor::OutputStream & | stream, |
castor::ImageLayout const & | rhs ) |
C3D_API castor::OutputStream & castor3d::operator<< | ( | castor::OutputStream & | stream, |
GpuInformations const & | object ) |
Output stream operator.
[in,out] | stream | The stream. |
[in] | object | The object to put in the stream. |
castor::OutputStream & castor3d::operator<< | ( | castor::OutputStream & | stream, |
TextureLayout const & | layout ) |
C3D_API castor::OutputStream & castor3d::operator<< | ( | castor::OutputStream & | stream, |
VkImageSubresourceRange const & | rhs ) |
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator<= | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Less than operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Equality operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | ClustersConfig const & | lhs, |
ClustersConfig const & | rhs ) |
inlinenoexcept |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | DirectionalLightCascade const & | lhs, |
DirectionalLightCascade const & | rhs ) |
inlinenoexcept |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | ParticleDeclaration const & | lhs, |
ParticleDeclaration const & | rhs ) |
Equality operator.
[in] | lhs,rhs | The 2 objects to compare. |
inline |
Equality operator.
[in] | lhs,rhs | The 2 objects to compare. |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | TextureCombine const & | lhs, |
TextureCombine const & | rhs ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator== | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | lhs, |
TextureConfiguration const & | rhs ) |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
name Comparison operators.
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator> | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Less than operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
inline |
C3D_API bool castor3d::operator>= | ( | castor3d::Version const & | a, |
castor3d::Version const & | b ) |
Less than operator.
[in] | a,b | The versions to compare. |
inline |
bool castor3d::parseImportParameters | ( | Parameters const & | parameters, |
castor::Point3f & | scale, | ||
castor::Quaternion & | orientation ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::postPreRenderGpuEvent | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::Function< void(RenderDevice const &, QueueData const &) > | event ) |
Referenced by castor3d::DoubleBufferedResourceT< ResourceT, PointerT >::doRefresh().
C3D_API void castor3d::postQueueRenderCpuEvent | ( | Engine & | engine, |
castor::Function< void() > | event ) |
Referenced by castor3d::DoubleBufferedResourceT< ResourceT, PointerT >::doRefresh().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | values | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness(), and castor::ColourComponent::value().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | values | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
Referenced by prepareChunkDataT().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::FaceIndices::m_index, and castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::InterleavedVertex::nml, castor3d::InterleavedVertex::pos, castor::switchEndianness(), castor3d::InterleavedVertex::tan, and castor3d::InterleavedVertex::tex.
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::InterleavedVertexNoMikk::nml, castor3d::InterleavedVertexNoMikk::pos, castor::switchEndianness(), castor3d::InterleavedVertexNoMikk::tan, and castor3d::InterleavedVertexNoMikk::tex.
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::LineIndices::m_index, and castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::normals, castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::positions, castor::switchEndianness(), castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::tangents, castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::texcoords0, castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::texcoords1, castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::texcoords2, and castor3d::SubmeshAnimationBuffer::texcoords3.
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
inlinestatic |
Sets given value to big endian.
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor3d::VertexBoneData::Ids::data, castor3d::VertexBoneData::Weights::data, castor3d::VertexBoneData::m_ids, castor3d::VertexBoneData::m_weights, and castor::switchEndianness().
inlinestatic |
Prepares chunk data for read/write.
[in,out] | chunk | The chunk, for endianness check. |
[in,out] | value | The value. |
References castor::isLittleEndian(), isLittleEndian(), and prepareChunkData().
Referenced by castor3d::ChunkParser< T >::parse(), castor3d::ChunkParser< T >::parse(), castor3d::ChunkWriter< T >::write(), and castor3d::ChunkWriter< T >::write().
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::print | ( | castor::BoundingBox const & | obj | ) |
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::print | ( | castor::Point3f const & | obj | ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::printGraph | ( | crg::RunnableGraph const & | graph | ) |
void castor3d::registerPipelineNodes | ( | PipelineBaseHash | hash, |
ashes::BufferBase const & | posBuffer, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const * | idxBuffer, | ||
castor::Vector< PipelineBuffer > & | nodesIds ) |
C3D_API castor::StrUInt32Map castor3d::registerSceneFileSections | ( | ) |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
C3D_API void castor3d::remFlags | ( | TextureCombine & | lhs, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
Referenced by castor3d::BlendComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::SubsurfaceScatteringComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::AlphaTestComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::DefaultReflRefrComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::HeightComponent::Plugin::filterComponentFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags(), and castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::filterTextureFlags().
C3D_API void castor3d::remFlags | ( | TextureCombine & | lhs, |
TextureFlagsSet const & | rhs ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::removeFlag | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config, |
PassComponentTextureFlag | rhs ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::removeFlagConfiguration | ( | TextureConfiguration & | config, |
TextureFlagConfiguration const & | flagConfiguration ) |
void castor3d::setMaterialColour | ( | Pass const & | pass, |
castor::HdrRgbColour const & | colour ) |
Sets the pass colour.
[in] | pass | The pass. |
[in] | colour | The material colour. |
C3D_API void castor3d::setProgressBarGlobalStep | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
castor::String const & | globalTitle, | ||
uint32_t | count ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::setProgressBarGlobalTitle | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
castor::String const & | globalTitle ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::setProgressBarLocal | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
castor::String const & | globalLabel, | ||
castor::String const & | localLabel, | ||
uint32_t | rangeMax, | ||
uint32_t | value ) |
inline |
References setupMemory().
Referenced by setupMemory(), and setupMemory().
C3D_API ashes::DeviceMemoryPtr castor3d::setupMemory | ( | ashes::Device const & | device, |
VkMemoryRequirements const & | requirements, | ||
VkMemoryPropertyFlags | flags, | ||
castor::String const & | name ) |
inline |
C3D_API ashes::DeviceMemoryPtr castor3d::setupMemory | ( | RenderDevice const & | device, |
VkMemoryRequirements const & | requirements, | ||
VkMemoryPropertyFlags | flags, | ||
castor::String const & | name ) |
C3D_API bool castor3d::shallowEqual | ( | TextureConfiguration const & | lhs, |
TextureConfiguration const & | rhs ) |
name Comparison operators.
C3D_API bool castor3d::shallowEqual | ( | TextureFlagConfiguration const & | lhs, |
TextureFlagConfiguration const & | rhs ) |
name Comparison operators.
constexprnoexcept |
constexprnoexcept |
constexprnoexcept |
Referenced by castor3d::ClearcoatMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ClearcoatNormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::DiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::EmissiveMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::HeightMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::IridescenceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::IridescenceThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::MetalnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::NormalMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::OcclusionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::OpacityMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::RoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SheenMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SheenRoughnessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SpecularFactorMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::SpecularMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::ThicknessMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), castor3d::TransmissionMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName(), and castor3d::TransmittanceMapComponent::Plugin::getTextureFlagsName().
C3D_API void castor3d::stepProgressBarGlobalStartLocal | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
castor::String const & | globalLabel, | ||
uint32_t | rangeMax ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::stepProgressBarLocal | ( | ProgressBar * | progress, |
castor::String const & | localLabel ) |
void castor3d::transformEquirectangularToCube | ( | TextureLayout const & | equiRectangularSource, |
TextureLayout const & | cubeTarget, | ||
RenderDevice const & | device, | ||
QueueData const & | queueData ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::updateBuffer | ( | ashes::CommandBuffer const & | commandBuffer, |
castor::ByteArray | data, | ||
ashes::BufferBase const & | dst, | ||
castor::Vector< VkBufferCopy > const & | regions, | ||
VkAccessFlags | dstAccessFlags, | ||
VkPipelineStageFlags | dstPipelineFlags ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::updateIndices | ( | castor::PixelFormat | format, |
TextureConfiguration & | config ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::uploadBaseData | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData, |
Submesh const & | submesh, | ||
castor::Point3fArray const & | data, | ||
castor::Point4fArray & | up, | ||
UploadData & | uploader ) |
C3D_API void castor3d::uploadBaseData | ( | SubmeshData | submeshData, |
Submesh const & | submesh, | ||
castor::Point4fArray const & | data, | ||
castor::Point4fArray & | up, | ||
UploadData & | uploader ) |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
Referenced by castor3d::InstantiatedBuffersNodesViewT< NodeT >::emplace(), castor3d::BuffersNodesViewT< NodeT >::emplace(), castor3d::InstantiatedPipelinesNodesT< NodeT >::emplace(), castor3d::PipelinesNodesT< NodeT >::emplace(), castor3d::InstantiatedObjectsNodesViewT< NodeT >::emplace(), and castor3d::NodesViewT< NodeT >::emplace().
constexpr |
The current format version number.
Referenced by castor3d::BinaryParserBase< TParsed >::doParseHeader(), and castor3d::BinaryWriterBase< TWritten >::doWriteHeader().
static |
static |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
staticconstexpr |
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castor::String const castor3d::RenderTypeUndefined = cuT( "Undefined" ) |
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