Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl Class Reference

#include <CtrlExpandablePanel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

C3D_API ExpandablePanelCtrl (SceneRPtr scene, castor::String const &name, ExpandablePanelStyle *style, ControlRPtr parent)
C3D_API ExpandablePanelCtrl (SceneRPtr scene, castor::String const &name, ExpandablePanelStyle *style, ControlRPtr parent, castor::Position const &position, castor::Size const &size, uint32_t headerHeight, bool expanded, ControlFlagType flags=0, bool visible=true)
C3D_API ~ExpandablePanelCtrl () noexcept override
C3D_API void setExpandCaption (castor::U32String v)
C3D_API void setRetractCaption (castor::U32String v)
OnExpandablePanelEventConnection connect (ExpandablePanelEvent event, OnExpandablePanelEventFunction function)
ExpandablePanelStyle const & getStyle () const noexcept
auto getHeader () const noexcept
auto getContent () const noexcept
auto getExpand () const noexcept
auto & getExpandCaption () const noexcept
auto & getRetractCaption () const noexcept
bool isExpanded () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::Control
C3D_API Control (ControlType type, SceneRPtr scene, castor::String const &name, ControlStyleRPtr style, ControlRPtr parent, castor::Position const &position, castor::Size const &size, ControlFlagType flags=0, bool visible=true)
C3D_API ~Control () noexcept override
C3D_API void setStyle (ControlStyleRPtr value)
C3D_API void setPosition (castor::Position const &value)
C3D_API void setSize (castor::Size const &value)
C3D_API void setUV (castor::Point4d const &value) const
C3D_API void setBorderSize (castor::Point4ui const &value)
C3D_API void setBorderInnerUV (castor::Point4d const &value) const
C3D_API void setBorderOuterUV (castor::Point4d const &value) const
C3D_API void setCaption (castor::U32String const &caption)
C3D_API void setVisible (bool value)
C3D_API castor::Position getAbsolutePosition () const
C3D_API bool isVisible () const
C3D_API bool isBackgroundInvisible () const
C3D_API ControlRPtr getChildControl (ControlID id) const
C3D_API castor::Array< bool, 4u > isInResizeRange (castor::Position const &position) const
template<ControlFlagTypeT FlagTypeT>
void addFlag (FlagTypeT flag)
template<ControlFlagTypeT FlagTypeT>
void addFlag (castor::FlagCombination< FlagTypeT > flag)
template<ControlFlagTypeT FlagTypeT>
void removeFlag (FlagTypeT flag)
template<ControlFlagTypeT FlagTypeT>
void removeFlag (castor::FlagCombination< FlagTypeT > flag)
C3D_API castor::Point4d const & getBorderInnerUV () const
C3D_API castor::Point4d const & getBorderOuterUV () const
C3D_API BorderPosition getBorderPosition () const
C3D_API castor::Point4d const & getUV () const
C3D_API bool isBackgroundVisible () const
ControlID getId () const noexcept
ControlType getType () const noexcept
uint64_t getFlags () const noexcept
castor::Position const & getPosition () const noexcept
castor::Size const & getSize () const noexcept
ControlRPtr getParent () const noexcept
castor::Point4ui const & getBorderSize () const noexcept
ControlsManagerRPtr getControlsManager () const noexcept
MouseCursor getCursor () const noexcept
EnginegetEngine () const noexcept
ControlStyle const & getBaseStyle () const noexcept
castor::Vector< ControlRPtr > const & getChildren () const noexcept
bool hasScene () const noexcept
ScenegetScene () const noexcept
uint32_t getResizeBorderSize () const noexcept
castor::Point4ui const & getClientRect () const noexcept
castor::Position getClientOffset () const
castor::Size getClientSize () const
bool isAlwaysOnTop () const noexcept
bool isMovable () const noexcept
bool isResizable () const noexcept
void show ()
void hide ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::NonClientEventHandler< Control >
 NonClientEventHandler (castor::String const &name, bool catchMouseEvents)
void connectNC (MouseEventType event, NonClientMouseFunction function)
 Connects a function to a non client mouse event.
void connectNC (KeyboardEventType event, NonClientKeyboardFunction function)
 Connects a function to a non client keyboard event.
void connectNC (HandlerEventType event, NonClientHandlerFunction function)
 Connects a function to a non client handler event.
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
void pushEvent (MouseEvent const &event)
 Adds a mouse event to the events queue.
void connect (MouseEventType event, ClientMouseFunction function)
 Connects a function to a mouse event.
bool catchesMouseEvents () const
 Tells if the control catches mouse events.
void setCatchesMouseEvents (bool value)
 Sets if the control can catch mouse events.
void pushEvent (KeyboardEvent const &event)
 Adds a keyboard event to the events queue.
void connect (KeyboardEventType event, ClientKeyboardFunction function)
 Connects a function to a keyboard event.
bool catchesTabKey () const
 Tells if the control catches 'tab' key.
bool catchesReturnKey () const
 Tells if the control catches 'return' key.
 EventHandler (castor::String const &name, bool catchMouseEvents)
virtual ~EventHandler () noexcept
void processEvents ()
 Processes all queued events.
bool isEnabled () const
void enable ()
 Sets if the control is enabled.
void disable ()
 Sets if the control is disabled.
void pushEvent (HandlerEvent const &event)
 Adds a handler event to the events queue.
void connect (HandlerEventType event, ClientHandlerFunction function)
 Connects a function to a handler event.
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor::NamedBaseT< T >
 NamedBaseT (T name) noexcept
T const & getName () const noexcept
 Retrieves the name.
void rename (T name) noexcept

Static Public Attributes

static C3D_API ControlType constexpr Type { ControlType::eExpandablePanel }

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from castor3d::NonClientEventHandler< Control >
using DerivedPtr
using ClientMouseFunction
using ClientKeyboardFunction
using ClientHandlerFunction
using NonClientMouseFunction
using NonClientKeyboardFunction
using NonClientHandlerFunction
using OnNonClientMouseEvent
using OnNonClientKeyboardEvent
using OnNonClientHandlerEvent
using OnNonClientMouseEventConnection
using OnNonClientKeyboardEventConnection
using OnNonClientHandlerEventConnection
- Public Types inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
using ClientMouseFunction = castor::Function< void( MouseEvent const & ) >
using ClientKeyboardFunction = castor::Function< void( KeyboardEvent const & ) >
using ClientHandlerFunction = castor::Function< void( HandlerEvent const & ) >
using EnableFunction = castor::Function< void( bool ) >
using OnClientMouseEvent = castor::SignalT< ClientMouseFunction >
using OnClientKeyboardEvent = castor::SignalT< ClientKeyboardFunction >
using OnClientHandlerEvent = castor::SignalT< ClientHandlerFunction >
using OnEnable = castor::SignalT< EnableFunction >
using OnClientMouseEventConnection = OnClientMouseEvent::connection
using OnClientKeyboardEventConnection = OnClientKeyboardEvent::connection
using OnClientHandlerEventConnection = OnClientHandlerEvent::connection
using OnEnableConnection = OnEnable::connection
- Public Attributes inherited from castor3d::Control
OnControlChanged onChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
OnEnable onEnable
- Protected Types inherited from castor3d::NonClientEventHandler< Control >
using EventHandlerFunction
using EventQueue
- Protected Types inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
using EventHandlerFunction = castor::Function< void() >
using EventQueue = castor::Deque< castor::Pair< UserInputEventSPtr, EventHandlerFunction > >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from castor3d::Control
C3D_API OverlaygetBackgroundOverlay ()
C3D_API void setBackgroundMaterial (MaterialObs value) const
C3D_API void setBackgroundSize (castor::Size const &value) const
C3D_API void setBackgroundBorderPosition (BorderPosition value) const
C3D_API void setBackgroundBorderMaterial (MaterialObs value) const
C3D_API void create (ControlsManager &ctrlManager)
C3D_API void destroy ()
C3D_API void addChild (ControlRPtr control)
C3D_API void removeChild (ControlRPtr control)
ControlStylegetBaseStyle ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
void processMouseEvent (MouseEventSPtr event)
 Mouse event processing function.
void processKeyboardEvent (KeyboardEventSPtr event)
 Keyboard event processing function.
void processHandlerEvent (HandlerEventSPtr event)
 Handler event processing function.
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor3d::Control
SceneRPtr m_scene {}
ControlRPtr m_parent {}
 The parent control, if any.
MaterialObs m_backgroundMaterial {}
 The background material.
MaterialObs m_foregroundMaterial {}
 The foreground material.
ControlFlagType m_flags {}
 The control flgas.
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor3d::NonClientEventHandler< Control >
castor::Array< OnNonClientMouseEvent, size_t(MouseEventType::eCount) > m_ncMouseSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnNonClientMouseEventConnection >, size_t(MouseEventType::eCount) > m_ncMouseSlotsConnections
castor::Array< OnNonClientKeyboardEvent, size_t(KeyboardEventType::eCount) > m_ncKeyboardSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnNonClientKeyboardEventConnection >, size_t(KeyboardEventType::eCount) > m_ncKeyboardSlotsConnections
castor::Array< OnNonClientHandlerEvent, size_t(HandlerEventType::eCount) > m_ncHandlerSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnNonClientHandlerEventConnection >, size_t(HandlerEventType::eCount) > m_ncHandlerSlotsConnections
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor3d::EventHandler
castor::Array< OnClientMouseEvent, size_t(MouseEventType::eCount) > m_mouseSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnClientMouseEventConnection >, size_t(MouseEventType::eCount) > m_mouseSlotsConnections
castor::Array< OnClientKeyboardEvent, size_t(KeyboardEventType::eCount) > m_keyboardSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnClientKeyboardEventConnection >, size_t(KeyboardEventType::eCount) > m_keyboardSlotsConnections
castor::Array< OnClientHandlerEvent, size_t(HandlerEventType::eCount) > m_handlerSlots
castor::Array< castor::Vector< OnClientHandlerEventConnection >, size_t(HandlerEventType::eCount) > m_handlerSlotsConnections
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor::NamedBaseT< T >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExpandablePanelCtrl() [1/2]

C3D_API castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::ExpandablePanelCtrl ( SceneRPtr scene,
castor::String const & name,
ExpandablePanelStyle * style,
ControlRPtr parent )


[in]sceneThe parent scene (nullptr for global).
[in]nameThe control name.
[in]styleThe control style.
[in]parentThe parent control, if any.

◆ ExpandablePanelCtrl() [2/2]

C3D_API castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::ExpandablePanelCtrl ( SceneRPtr scene,
castor::String const & name,
ExpandablePanelStyle * style,
ControlRPtr parent,
castor::Position const & position,
castor::Size const & size,
uint32_t headerHeight,
bool expanded,
ControlFlagType flags = 0,
bool visible = true )


[in]sceneThe parent scene (nullptr for global).
[in]nameThe control name.
[in]styleThe control style.
[in]parentThe parent control, if any.
[in]positionThe position.
[in]sizeThe size.
[in]headerHeightThe header height.
[in]expandedtrue to create expanded, false to create collapsed.
[in]flagsThe configuration flags.
[in]visibleInitial visibility status.

◆ ~ExpandablePanelCtrl()

C3D_API castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::~ExpandablePanelCtrl ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ connect()

OnExpandablePanelEventConnection castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::connect ( ExpandablePanelEvent event,
OnExpandablePanelEventFunction function )

Connects a function to an event

[in]eventThe event type
[in]functionThe function
The internal function index, to be able to disconnect it

◆ getContent()

auto castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getContent ( ) const

◆ getExpand()

auto castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getExpand ( ) const

◆ getExpandCaption()

auto & castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getExpandCaption ( ) const

◆ getHeader()

auto castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getHeader ( ) const

◆ getRetractCaption()

auto & castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getRetractCaption ( ) const

◆ getStyle()

ExpandablePanelStyle const & castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::getStyle ( ) const
The expandable panel style.

References castor3d::Control::getBaseStyle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isExpanded()

bool castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::isExpanded ( ) const

◆ setExpandCaption()

C3D_API void castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::setExpandCaption ( castor::U32String v)

◆ setRetractCaption()

C3D_API void castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::setRetractCaption ( castor::U32String v)

Member Data Documentation

◆ Type

C3D_API ControlType constexpr castor3d::ExpandablePanelCtrl::Type { ControlType::eExpandablePanel }

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