►Ncastor | |
►Ndebug | |
CBacktrace | |
CBacktraced | Helper class used to enable allocation backtrace retrieval |
►Ndetails | |
CEqual | |
CEqual< uint32_t > | |
CMaxRecT | |
CMaxRecT< DataT, LhsT, RhsT > | |
CMaxRecT< DataT, LhsT, RhsT, ValuesT... > | |
CMaxRecT< DataT, ValueT > | |
CMinRecT | |
CMinRecT< DataT, LhsT, RhsT > | |
CMinRecT< DataT, LhsT, RhsT, ValuesT... > | |
CMinRecT< DataT, ValueT > | |
►Nformat | |
CBasePrefixerT | Contains an std::basic_string< CharT > operator()() member function which generates the Prefix |
CBasicIndentBufferManagerT | Holds associated streams and stream buffers |
CBasicIndentBufferT | Stream buffer used by streams to indent lines |
CBasicLinePrefixTraitsT | Prefixes lines with their index |
CBasicPrefixBufferManagerT | Holds associated streams and stream buffers |
CBasicPrefixBufferT | Stream buffer used by streams to indent lines |
CBasicPrefixTraitsT | Default Prefix traits |
CIndent | |
►Nhashcomb | |
CHashCombinerT | |
CHashCombinerT< HashT, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same_v< HashT, uint32_t > &&sizeof(HashT)==4u > > | |
CHashCombinerT< HashT, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same_v< HashT, uint64_t > &&sizeof(HashT)==8u > > | |
CHashCombinerT< HashT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< HashT, uint32_t > > > | |
CHashCombinerT< HashT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< HashT, uint64_t > > > | |
►Nmanip | |
CBaseNumPut | A custom number output facet |
CBasicBaseManip | Defines a base manipulator type, its what the built-in stream manipulators do when they take parameters, only they return an opaque type |
CDigitChars | |
CDigitChars< char > | |
CDigitChars< char16_t > | |
CDigitChars< char32_t > | |
CDigitChars< char8_t > | |
CDigitChars< wchar_t > | |
►Nstring | String functions namespace |
►Ndetails | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT< char > | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT< char16_t > | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT< char32_t > | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT< char8_t > | |
CTrimDefaultArgsT< wchar_t > | |
►Nutf8 | Utf8 functions namespace |
Cconst_iterator | An iterator, to an UTF-8 string |
Citerator | An iterator, to an UTF-8 string |
CAdditionalParsers | |
CAligned | Templated class that provide alignment support |
CAlignedFrom | Templated class that provide alignment support |
CAlignedMemoryAllocator | Memory allocator |
CAngleT | Angle helper class |
CArrayView | Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view |
CAsyncJobQueue | |
CBinaryFile | User friendly File class |
CBinaryLoader | Partial castor::Loader specialisation for binary files |
CBinaryWriter | Partial castor::Loader specialisation for binary files |
CBlockContext | |
CBlockGuard | Allows to declare a scoped variable with an action on construction
and an action on destruction |
CBlockTimer | |
CBlockTracker | |
CBlueNoise | |
CBoundingBox | |
CBoundingContainer | Box container class |
CBoundingSphere | |
CBuddyAllocatorT | Buddy allocator implementation |
►CBuddyAllocatorTraits | |
CBlock | |
CCallTraits | Struct used to select best way to put type in parameter : 'value' or 'const reference' |
CChangeTrackedT | Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view |
CCheckedMutexT | |
CColourComponent | |
CConnectionT | Connection to a signal |
CConsoleImpl | |
CConstPixelIterator | Pixel buffer iterator |
CContextDeleter | |
CContextDeleterT | |
CCoords | Templated static dimensions point representation |
CCpuInformations | Retrieves the basic CPU informations |
CDataHolderT | Some data holder |
CDataImageLoader | Raw data image loader |
CDebugLoggerStreambufTraitsT | Streambuf traits for debug logging |
CDeleter | |
CDeleter< castor3d::BaseDataComponentT< SubmeshDataT, DataT > > | |
CDeleter< ResourceT< ResT, KeyT > > | |
CDummyFunctorT | Cached resource dummy functor (for initialise and clean) |
►CDynamicBitsetT | Dynamic bitset class, with configurable block type |
CBit | Bit class, coming from a bitset |
CDynamicLibrary | |
CErrorLoggerStreambufTraitsT | Streambuf traits for error logging |
CException | |
CExrImageLoader | Image loader based on stb_image |
CFact | Factorial recursive case |
CFact< T, 0 > | Factorial end case |
►CFactory | Factory concept implementation |
CListEntry | |
CFactoryEntryT | |
CFile | |
CFileParser | |
CFileParserContext | |
CFileTyper | Helper structure to find File type (BinaryFile or TextFile) from FileType |
CFileTyper< FileType::eBinary > | |
CFileTyper< FileType::eText > | Helper structure to find File type (BinaryFile or TextFile) from FileType |
CFileWriter | Main resource writer class |
CFlagCombination | Template class providing implicit conversion from a scoped enum to its integral base type |
CFlagIterator | Template iterator class on a binary combination of flags |
CFlagIteratorTraitsT | Template iterator traits class on a binary combination of flags |
►CFont | |
CBinaryLoader | Font loader |
CGlyphLoader | Structure used to load glyphs on demand |
CSdfInfo | |
CFractalNoiseT | Fractal noise generator for PerlinNoise or SimplexNoise |
CFreeImageLoader | Image loader based on stb_image |
CGliImageLoader | Image loader based on gli |
CGliImageWriter | |
CGlyph | |
CGrid | |
CGroupChangeTrackedT | Templated class that provide std::array style buffer view |
CHasAlpha | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format is compressed |
CHasBaseParameterType | Structure used to tell if an ParameterType has a base parameter type |
CHasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText > | HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText |
CHasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText > | HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText |
CHasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eCheckedText > | HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText |
CHasBaseParameterType< ParameterType::eName > | HasBaseParameterType specialisation for ParameterType::eName |
CHdrColourComponent | |
CIllumination | |
CImage | |
CImageCreateParams | |
CImageLayout | |
CImageLoader | |
CImageLoaderConfig | The image loading configuration |
CImageLoaderImpl | |
CImageWriter | |
CImageWriterImpl | |
CIndexedRangeT | A range inside a sequence |
CInfoLoggerStreambufTraitsT | Streambuf traits for info logging |
CIs16FComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 16 bits components |
CIs16SComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 16 bits components |
CIs16UComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 16 bits components |
CIs32FComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 32 bits components |
CIs32SComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 32 bits components |
CIs32UComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 32 bits components |
CIs64FComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 64 bits components |
CIs64SComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 64 bits components |
CIs64UComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 64 bits components |
CIs8SComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses signed 8 bits components |
CIs8SRGBComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 8 bits components |
CIs8UComponents | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 8 bits components |
CIsArithmeticType | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eDouble > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eFloat > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt16 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt32 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt64 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eInt8 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eLongDouble > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt16 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt32 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt64 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsArithmeticType< ParameterType::eUInt8 > | Structure used to tell if a ParameterType is an arithmetic type |
CIsChangeTrackedT | |
CIsChangeTrackedT< ChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > > | |
CIsChangeTrackedT< GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > > | |
CIsColourFormat | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a colour |
CIsCompressed | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format is compressed |
CIsD16UComponent | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 16 bits depth component |
CIsD24UComponent | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses unsigned 24 bits depth component |
CIsD32FComponent | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses floating point 32 bits depth component |
CIsDepthFormat | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a depth pixel |
CIsDepthStencilFormat | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a depth or stencil pixel |
CIsGroupChangeTrackedT | |
CIsGroupChangeTrackedT< GroupChangeTrackedT< ValueT, ControlT > > | |
CIsLengthT | |
CIsLengthT< LengthT< TypeT > > | |
CIsRangedValueT | |
CIsRangedValueT< RangedValue< T > > | |
CIsS8UComponent | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format uses only an unsigned 8 bits stencil component |
CIsSpeedT | |
CIsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Microseconds > > | |
CIsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Milliseconds > > | |
CIsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Nanoseconds > > | |
CIsSpeedT< SpeedT< ValueT, Seconds > > | |
CIsStencilFormat | Helper struct to tell if a pixel format represents a stencil pixel |
CIteratorTraits | |
CIteratorTraits< TypeT * > | |
CKernelBoxFilterT | |
CKernelLanczosFilterT | |
CKtx2ImageLoader | Image loader based on libktx |
CLargerTyperT | Retrieves the type larger than the given one |
CLengthT | Length helper class |
CLine2D | 2D line equation |
CLine3D | 3D line equation |
CLn | Neperian Logarithm using template implementation |
CLoader | Main resource loader class |
CLoaderException | Resource loading exception |
CLogger | |
CLoggerImpl | |
CLoggerInstance | |
CLoggerStreambufT | |
CLoggerStreamT | |
CLogN | Neperian Logarithm recursive case |
CLogN< 0, T > | Neperian Logarithm end case |
CLuminousIntensity | |
CMatrix | Templated column major matrix representation |
CMaxValue | Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time |
CMaxValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(A >=B) > > | Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time |
CMaxValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(B > A) > > | Used to have the maximum value of two, at compile time |
CMessage | Message representation |
CMinValue | Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time |
CMinValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(A<=B) > > | Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time |
CMinValue< A, B, std::enable_if_t<(B< A) > > | Used to have the minimum value of two, at compile time |
CNamedBaseT | Class for named elements |
CNoInit | Structure used to construct objects but without initialisation |
CNonAlignedMemoryAllocator | |
CNonCopyable | |
CNonMovable | |
COwnedBy | Class used to have an object owned by another one |
CParserEnumTraits | Parser parameter helper structure |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BillboardSize > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BillboardType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BlendMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::BorderPosition > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::FogType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::GlobalIlluminationType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::HAlign > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::InterpolatorType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LightType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LimitedType< VkCompareOp > > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::LimitedType< VkPrimitiveTopology > > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::MovableType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ParallaxOcclusionMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ParticleFormat > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ShadowType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextLineSpacingMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextTexturingMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::TextWrappingMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::VAlign > | |
CParserEnumTraits< castor3d::ViewportType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< LengthUnit > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkBlendFactor > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkBlendOp > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkBorderColor > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkCompareOp > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkFilter > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkImageType > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkPrimitiveTopology > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkSamplerAddressMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkSamplerMipmapMode > | |
CParserEnumTraits< VkShaderStageFlagBits > | |
CParserFunctionAndParams | The parser function and expected parameters |
CParserParameter | Specified parser parameter |
CParserParameter< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText > | ParserParameter specialisation for ePARAMETER_TYPE_BITWISE_ORED_CHECKED_TEXT |
CParserParameter< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText > | ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText |
CParserParameter< ParameterType::eCheckedText > | ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText |
CParserParameter< ParameterType::eName > | ParserParameter specialisation for ParameterType::eName |
CParserParameter< Type, std::enable_if_t< !hasBaseParameterTypeV< Type > &&!isArithmeticTypeV< Type > > > | Specified parser parameter |
CParserParameter< Type, std::enable_if_t< IsArithmeticType< Type >::value > > | Specified parser parameter |
CParserParameterBase | |
CParserParameterHelper | Parser parameter helper structure |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred32BitsCheckedText |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBitwiseOred64BitsCheckedText |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eBool > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eBool |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eCheckedText > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eCheckedText |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eDouble > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eDouble |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eFloat > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eFloat |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eHdrRgbaColour > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eHdrColour |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eHdrRgbColour > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eHdrColour |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt16 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt16 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt32 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt32 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt64 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt64 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eInt8 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eInt8 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eLongDouble > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eLongDouble |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eName > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eName |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePath > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePath |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePixelFormat > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePixelFormat |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2D > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2D |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2F > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2F |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2I > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2I |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint2U > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint2U |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3D > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3D |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3F > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3F |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3I > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3I |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint3U > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint3U |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4D > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4D |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4F > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4F |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4I > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4I |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePoint4U > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePoint4U |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::ePosition > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::ePosition |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRectangle > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eRectangle |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRgbaColour > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eColour |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eRgbColour > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eColour |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eSize > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eSize |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eText > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eText |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt16 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt16 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt32 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt32 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt64 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt64 |
CParserParameterHelper< ParameterType::eUInt8 > | ParserParameterHelper specialisation for ParameterType::eUInt8 |
CParserParameterTypeException | Exception thrown when the user tries to retrieve a parameter of a wrong type |
CPath | |
CPerlinNoiseT | 3D Perlin noise generator |
CPixel | Pixel definition |
CPixelComponentsT | Holds colour/depth/stencil PixelComponentsT helper functions |
CPixelDefinitionsT | Helper struct that holds pixel size, toString and converion functions |
CPixelIterator | Pixel buffer iterator |
CPlaneEquation | |
CPoint | Templated static dimensions point representation |
CPointComponentGetT | |
CPointComponentGetT< LengthT< TypeT > > | |
CPointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 2u > > | |
CPointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 3u > > | |
CPointComponentGetT< Point< TypeT, 4u > > | |
CPointData | Data holder for a point |
CPointData< T, 2u > | |
CPointData< T, 3u > | |
CPointData< T, 4u > | |
CPointTyperT | |
CPointTyperT< LengthT< SrcT >, DstCompT > | |
CPointTyperT< Point< SrcCompT, CountT >, DstCompT > | |
CPosition | |
►CPositionData | |
CPos | |
CPower | Power recursive case |
CPower< T, 0 > | Power end case |
CPower< T, 1 > | Power end case |
CPreciseTimer | |
►CPreprocessedFile | |
CAction | |
CProgramConsole | |
CPtAssignOperators | Point assignment operators |
CPtOperators | Point operators |
CPxBuffer | Pixel buffer class, with pixel format as a template param |
CPxBufferBase | |
CPxBufferConvertOptions | |
CPxCompressionSupport | |
CQuaternionT | Quaternion representation class |
CRange | A range class |
CRangedValue | A value inside a range |
CRangedValueGetterT | |
CRangedValueGetterT< RangedValue< T > > | |
CRangeSequenceT | A contiguous ranges sequence |
CRectangle | |
►CRectangleData | |
CMbr | |
CRegexFormat | Gives the regex format for given type |
CRegexFormat< double > | RegexFormat specialisation for double |
CRegexFormat< float > | RegexFormat specialisation for float |
CRegexFormat< HdrRgbaColour > | RegexFormat specialisation for HdrRgbaColour |
CRegexFormat< HdrRgbColour > | RegexFormat specialisation for HdrRgbColour |
CRegexFormat< int16_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for int16_t |
CRegexFormat< int32_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for int32_t |
CRegexFormat< int64_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for int64_t |
CRegexFormat< int8_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for int8_t |
CRegexFormat< long double > | RegexFormat specialisation for long double |
CRegexFormat< RgbaColour > | RegexFormat specialisation for RgbaColour |
CRegexFormat< RgbColour > | RegexFormat specialisation for RgbColour |
CRegexFormat< uint16_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for uint16_t |
CRegexFormat< uint32_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for uint32_t |
CRegexFormat< uint64_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for uint64_t |
CRegexFormat< uint8_t > | RegexFormat specialisation for uint8_t |
CResourceCacheBaseT | Base class for an element cache |
CResourceCacheT | Base class for an element cache |
►CResourceCacheT< castor3d::AnimatedObjectGroup, String, castor3d::AnimatedObjectGroupCacheTraits > | AnimatedObjectGroup cache |
CMeshPoolsEntry | |
CSkeletonPoolsEntry | |
CResourceCacheT< castor3d::Material, String, castor3d::MaterialCacheTraits > | Material collection, with additional functions |
CResourceCacheT< castor3d::Overlay, String, castor3d::OverlayCacheTraits > | Overlay collection, with additional add and remove functions to manage Z-Index |
CResourceCacheT< castor3d::Plugin, String, castor3d::PluginCacheTraits > | Plug-ins cache |
CResourceCacheT< Font, String, FontCacheTraits > | |
CResourceCacheT< Image, String, ImageCacheTraits > | |
CResourceCacheTraitsBaseT | |
CResourceCacheTraitsT | |
CResourceCacheTraitsT< Font, String > | |
CResourceCacheTraitsT< Image, String > | |
CResourceCleanerT | Cached resource cleaner |
CResourceInitialiserT | Cached resource initialiser |
CResourceMergerT | Cached resources merger |
CResourceT | External resource representation |
CRgbaColourT | RGBA colour representation |
CRgbColourT | RGB colour representation |
CScopeGuard | Class used to execute code at scope exit |
CSignalT | Basic signal class |
CSimplexNoiseT | 3D Simplex noise generator |
CSingleComponentT | Gives the format of a single component of a pixel format |
CSize | |
►CSizeData | |
CMbr | |
CSpeedT | A speed |
CSpeedTraitsT | The traits for aspeed |
CSpeedTraitsT< AngleT< ValueT > > | |
CSpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 2 > > | |
CSpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 3 > > | |
CSpeedTraitsT< Point< ValueT, 4 > > | |
CSphericalVertex | |
CSpinMutex | |
CSquareMatrix | Templated column major square matrix representation |
CStbImageLoader | Image loader based on stb_image |
CStbImageWriter | |
CStringHash | |
CTextFile | Text file class |
CTextLineMetrics | The metrics for a line of text |
CTextLoaderT | |
CTextMetrics | The metrics for a text |
CTextWriter | |
CTextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 1u > > | |
CTextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 2u > > | |
CTextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 3u > > | |
CTextWriter< Coords< ValueT, 4u > > | |
CTextWriter< double > | |
CTextWriter< float > | |
CTextWriter< Font > | |
CTextWriter< int16_t > | |
CTextWriter< int32_t > | |
CTextWriter< int64_t > | |
CTextWriter< int8_t > | |
CTextWriter< Point< ValueT, 1u > > | |
CTextWriter< Point< ValueT, 2u > > | |
CTextWriter< Point< ValueT, 3u > > | |
CTextWriter< Point< ValueT, 4u > > | |
CTextWriter< Position > | |
CTextWriter< QuaternionT< ValueT > > | |
CTextWriter< RgbaColourT< ComponentT > > | |
CTextWriter< RgbColourT< ComponentT > > | |
CTextWriter< Size > | |
CTextWriter< String > | |
CTextWriter< uint16_t > | |
CTextWriter< uint32_t > | |
CTextWriter< uint64_t > | |
CTextWriter< uint8_t > | |
►CTextWriterBase | |
CWriterBlock | |
CTextWriterT | Partial castor::Writer specialisation for text files |
CThreadPool | |
CTraceLoggerStreambufTraitsT | Streambuf traits for trace logging |
CTSConnectionT | Connection to a thread safe signal |
CTSSignalT | Thread safe signal class |
CUnicityException | |
CUnique | Representation of a Unique instance class |
CUnsupportedFormatException | |
CValueParser | Helper structure to parse a value |
CWarningLoggerStreambufTraitsT | Streambuf traits for warning logging |
CWebPImageLoader | Image loader based on libwebp |
CWhiteNoise | |
CWorkerThread | |
CWriter | Main resource writer class |
CXpmImageLoader | |
►CZipArchive | |
CFolder | |
CZipImpl | |
►Ncastor3d | |
►Nrq | |
CBindingDescription | |
CConfigT | |
CRawTyperT | |
CTexcoord | Tells how the texture coordinates from the vertex buffer are built |
►Nshader | |
CAllShadowData | |
CAppendArrayT | |
CAppendBufferBase | |
CAppendBufferT | |
CBackgroundModel | |
CBillboardData | |
CBillboardSurfaceT | |
CBitonicSortT | |
CBlendComponents | |
CBlendComponentT | |
CBrdfDescT | |
CBRDFHelpers | |
CBufferBase | |
CBufferData | |
CBufferT | |
CCameraData | |
CClearcoatBRDF | |
CClusteredLights | |
CClustersData | |
CColourGradingData | |
CColourT | |
CCone | |
CCullData | |
CDebugOutput | |
CDebugOutputCategory | |
CDerivativeValueT | |
CDiffuseBRDF | |
CDirectionalLight | |
CDirectionalShadowData | |
CDirectLighting | |
CEnergyConservativeOrenNayarBRDF | |
CFog | |
CFontData | |
CFujiiOrenNayarBRDF | |
CGlobalIllumination | |
CHdrConfigData | |
CIblBackgroundModel | |
CImgBackgroundModel | |
CIndirectLighting | |
CInstantiatedMeshBuffers | |
CIntersection | |
CLambertianBRDF | |
CLayeredLpvGridData | |
CLight | |
CLightingModel | |
CLightingModelDesc | |
CLightingModelNames | |
CLightingModelSpec | |
CLights | |
CLightsBuffer | |
CLightSurface | |
CLpvGridData | |
CLpvLightData | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterials | |
CMeshBuffers | |
CMeshBuffersBase | |
CMeshlet | |
CMeshletBuffers | |
CMeshPosition | |
CMeshVertexBase | |
CMeshVertexT | |
CMicrofacetDistributionSample | |
CModelData | |
CMorphingWeightsData | |
CMorphTargetData | |
CMorphTargetsData | |
CNoIblBackgroundModel | |
CObjectIds | |
CObjectsIds | |
COverlayData | |
COverlaysIDs | |
COverlaySurfaceT | |
CPassComponentsShader | |
CPassMapComponentsShader | |
CPassMapMaterialShader | |
CPassMaterialShader | |
CPassReflRefrShader | |
CPassShader | |
CPassShaders | |
CPayloadT | |
CPbrLightingModel | |
CPhongClearcoatBRDF | |
CPhongDiffuseBRDF | |
CPhongLightingModel | |
CPhongSpecularBRDF | |
CPlane | |
CPointLight | |
CPointShadowData | |
CPositionT | |
CPosUvT | |
CPrepassOutputT | |
CQualitativeOrenNayarBRDF | |
CRadixSortT | |
CRasterizerSurfaceBaseT | |
CRasterizerSurfaceT | |
CRay | |
CReflectionModel | |
CReflectionRefraction | |
CRsmConfigData | |
CScatteringModel | |
CSceneData | |
CShadow | |
CShadowData | |
CShadowMapData | |
CShadowOptions | |
CShadowsBuffer | |
CShadowsOutputT | |
CSheenBRDF | |
CSkinningData | |
CSpecularBRDF | |
CSpotLight | |
CSpotShadowData | |
CSsaoConfigData | |
CSssProfile | |
CSssProfiles | |
CSssTransmittance | |
CSubmeshRasterSurfaceShader | |
CSubmeshShaders | |
CSubmeshVertexSurfaceShader | |
CSurfaceBaseT | |
CSurfaceT | |
CTextureAnimations | |
CTextureConfigData | |
CTextureConfigurations | |
CTextureTransformData | |
CTwoUvT | |
CUtils | |
CUvT | |
CVoxel | |
CVoxelData | |
CVoxelSurfaceT | |
CAllocationStats | |
CAllShadowData | |
►CAlphaTestComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CAlphaTestData | |
►CAmbientComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CAmbientData | |
CAnimable | |
CAnimatedMesh | |
CAnimatedObject | |
CAnimatedObjectGroup | |
CAnimatedSceneNode | |
CAnimatedSkeleton | |
CAnimatedTexture | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationImporter | |
CAnimationImporterFactory | |
CAnimationInstance | |
CAnimationKeyFrame | |
CAnimGroupContext | |
CArrayView | |
►CAttenuationComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CAttenuationData | |
CBackgroundPassBase | |
CBackgroundRenderer | |
CBackgroundVisitor | |
►CBaseDataComponentT | Submesh component holding base submesh data |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CSurfaceShader | |
CBaseDataPassComponentT | Pass component holding base pass data |
CBaseShadowData | |
CBillboardBase | |
CBillboardList | |
CBillboardRenderNode | |
CBillboardsContext | |
CBillboardUboConfiguration | Billboards list data |
CBillboardVertex | |
CBinaryChunk | |
CBinaryParser | Specialisable binary data chunk reader class |
CBinaryParser< Animation > | Animation binary loader |
CBinaryParser< BoneNode > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryParser< Mesh > | MovableObject loader |
CBinaryParser< MeshAnimation > | MeshAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryParser< MeshMorphTarget > | MeshMorphTarget binary loader |
CBinaryParser< MorphComponent > | MorphComponent loader |
CBinaryParser< SceneNodeAnimation > | SceneNodeAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame > | SceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame binary loader |
CBinaryParser< Skeleton > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonAnimation > | SkeletonAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonAnimationBone > | MovingBone binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonAnimationKeyFrame > | SkeletonAnimationKeyFrame binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonAnimationNode > | MovingBone binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonAnimationObject > | SkeletonAnimationObject binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkeletonNode > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryParser< SkinComponent > | SkinComponent loader |
CBinaryParser< Submesh > | MovableObject loader |
CBinaryParserBase | Binary data chunk reader base class |
CBinaryWriter | Specialisable binary data chunk writer class |
CBinaryWriter< Animation > | Animation binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< BoneNode > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< Mesh > | MovableObject loader |
CBinaryWriter< MeshAnimation > | MeshAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< MeshMorphTarget > | MeshMorphTarget binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< MorphComponent > | MorphComponent loader |
CBinaryWriter< SceneNodeAnimation > | SceneNodeAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame > | SceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< Skeleton > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonAnimation > | SkeletonAnimation binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonAnimationBone > | MovingBone binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonAnimationKeyFrame > | SkeletonAnimationKeyFrame binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonAnimationNode > | MovingBone binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonAnimationObject > | SkeletonAnimationObject binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkeletonNode > | Animable binary loader |
CBinaryWriter< SkinComponent > | SkinComponent loader |
CBinaryWriter< Submesh > | MovableObject loader |
CBinaryWriterBase | Binary data chunk writer base class |
►CBlendComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CBlendData | |
CBoneNode | |
CBorderPanelOverlay | |
CBoundsTransformPipeline | |
CBrdfPrefilter | |
►CBuffersNodesViewT | |
CBufferNodes | |
CButtonCtrl | |
CButtonStyle | |
CCacheViewT | |
CCamera | |
CCameraContext | |
CCameraCreateInfo | |
CCameraImporter | |
CCameraUbo | |
CCameraUboConfiguration | Global matrices data |
CChunkParser | Chunk parser |
CChunkParser< castor::Path > | ChunkParser specialisation for castor::Path |
CChunkParser< castor::String > | ChunkParser specialisation for castor::String |
CChunkParserBase | |
CChunkTyper | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< Animation > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< BoneNode > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< Mesh > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< MeshAnimation > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< MeshMorphTarget > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< MorphComponent > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SceneNodeAnimation > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< Skeleton > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonAnimation > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonAnimationBone > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonAnimationKeyFrame > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonAnimationNode > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonAnimationObject > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkeletonNode > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< SkinComponent > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkTyper< Submesh > | Helper structure to find ChunkType from a type |
CChunkWriter | Chunk data writer |
CChunkWriter< castor::Path > | ChunkWriter specialisation for castor::Path |
CChunkWriter< castor::String > | ChunkWriter specialisation for castor::String |
CChunkWriterBase | |
►CClearcoatComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CClearcoatData | |
►CClearcoatMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CClearcoatNormalMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CClearcoatRoughnessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CClustersConfig | |
CClustersUbo | |
CClustersUboConfiguration | Clusters data |
CCmshAnimationImporter | |
CCmshImporterFile | |
CCmshMeshImporter | |
CCmshSkeletonImporter | |
CColourBackground | |
►CColourComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CColourGradingConfig | |
CColourGradingUbo | |
►CColourMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CColourWrapper | Wraps a point to make it considered as a colour by visitors |
CCombinePassConfigT | The configuration to create a CombinePass |
CComboBoxCtrl | |
CComboBoxStyle | |
CCommandsSemaphore | |
CComputeDepthRange | |
►CComputeParticleSystem | |
CConfiguration | |
CCone | |
CConfigurationVisitor | |
►CConfigurationVisitorBase | |
CConfig | |
CConfigurationVisitorBlock | |
CControl | |
CControlsManager | |
CControlStyle | |
CCpuEventCleanerT | |
CCpuEventInitialiserT | |
CCpuFrameEvent | |
CCpuFunctorEvent | |
CCpuParticleSystem | |
►CCpuUpdater | |
CDirtyObjects | |
CCscnImporterFile | |
CCube | |
CCubeView | |
CCulledNodeT | |
CCylinder | |
CDebugCallbacks | |
CDebugConfig | |
CDebugDrawer | |
CDebugIndexBuffer | |
CDebugOverlays | |
CDebugVertexBuffers | |
►CDefaultReflRefrComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CReflRefrShader | |
►CDefaultRenderComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CRenderShader | |
CDepthPass | |
CDeviceCounts | Allocation counters for device buffers |
►CDiffuseTransmissionColourMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CDiffuseTransmissionComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CDiffuseTransmissionData | |
►CDiffuseTransmissionFactorMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CDirectionalLight | |
CDirectionalLightCascade | |
CDirectionalShadowData | |
CDirectUploadData | |
►CDispersionComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CDividerPlugin | |
►CDoubleBufferedResourceT | |
CResource | |
CDrawConstants | Draw constants for one render node |
CDrawParamsConfiguration | Meshlet draw parameters |
CDummyCuller | |
CEditCtrl | |
CEditStyle | |
CElementTyper | |
►CEmissiveComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CEmissiveData | |
►CEmissiveMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CEngine | |
CEngineConfig | |
CEngineCounts | |
CEnvironmentMap | |
CEnvironmentMapPass | |
CEnvironmentPrefilter | |
CEventHandler | |
CExpandablePanelCtrl | |
CExpandablePanelStyle | |
CExtensions | |
CExtensionStruct | |
CFace | |
CFaceIndices | |
►CFaceInfos | |
CVertex | Holds vertex informations |
CFog | |
CFontContext | |
CFontTexture | |
CFontUbo | |
CFontUboConfiguration | Font data |
CForwardRenderTechniquePass | |
►CFractalMappingComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CPlugin | |
CFrameCtrl | |
CFrameListener | |
CFrameStyle | |
CFrustum | |
CFrustumClusters | |
CFrustumCuller | |
►CGaussianBlur | |
CConfiguration | |
CGBufferBase | |
CGBufferT | |
CGeneratorPlugin | |
CGenericPlugin | |
CGeometry | |
CGeometryBuffers | |
CGeometryInjectionPass | |
CGpuBaseBufferT | A GPU buffer pool, that uses an allocator to allocate sub-buffers |
CGpuBufferBase | |
►CGpuBufferBuddyAllocatorTraits | |
CBlock | |
CGpuBufferLinearAllocator | |
CGpuBufferOffsetT | An offset and range of a GpuBuffer |
CGpuBufferPackedAllocator | |
CGpuBufferPool | |
CGpuBufferT | A GPU buffer pool, that uses an allocator to allocate sub-buffers |
CGpuEventCleanerT | |
CGpuEventInitialiserT | |
CGpuFrameEvent | |
CGpuFunctorEvent | |
CGpuInformations | |
CGpuLinearAllocatorT | |
►CGpuObjectTracker | |
CObjectDeclaration | |
CGpuUpdater | |
CGroupAnimation | |
CGuiContext | |
CHandlerEvent | |
CHdrConfig | |
CHdrConfigUbo | |
►CHeightComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CHeightMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CIblTextures | |
CIcosahedron | |
CImageBackground | |
►CImporterFile | |
CCameraData | |
CGeometryData | |
CLightData | |
CMeshData | |
CNodeData | |
CImporterFileFactory | |
CImporterPlugin | |
►CIndexBufferPool | |
CModelBuffers | |
►CIndexMapping | |
CComponentData | |
CIndirectLightingData | |
►CInstantiatedBuffersNodesViewT | |
CBufferNodes | |
CInstantiatedObjectsNodesViewT | |
►CInstantiatedPipelinesNodesT | |
CPipelineNodes | |
►CInstantiationComponent | |
CComponentData | |
CData | |
CPlugin | |
CInstantiationData | |
CInstantUploadDataT | |
CInterleavedVertex | |
CInterleavedVertexNoMikk | |
CIntermediateView | |
CInterpolator | Template class which handles the interpolations, would it be quaternion, point, real, ... interpolations |
CInterpolatorT | Template class which handles the interpolations, would it be quaternion, point, real, ... interpolations |
CInterpolatorT< castor::Quaternion, InterpolatorType::eLinear > | Handles the Quaternion linear interpolations |
CInterpolatorT< DataT, InterpolatorType::eLinear > | Partial specialisation of InterpolatorT, for InterpolatorType::eLinear |
CInterpolatorT< DataT, InterpolatorType::eNearest > | Partial specialisation of InterpolatorT, for InterpolatorType::eNearest |
►CIridescenceComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CIridescenceData | |
►CIridescenceMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CIridescenceThicknessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CIsNodesPassEnabled | |
CKeyboardEvent | |
CKeyboardState | Keyboard state |
CLayeredLightPropagationVolumesBase | |
CLayeredLightPropagationVolumesT | Lighting propagation volumes generation pass |
CLayeredLpvGridConfigUbo | |
CLayeredLpvGridConfigUboConfiguration | Light propagation data |
►CLayout | |
►CItem | |
CValue | |
CLayoutBox | |
CLayoutControl | |
CLayoutItemFlags | |
CLight | |
CLightBuffer | |
►CLightCategory | |
CLightData | |
CLightContext | |
CLightCreateInfo | |
CLightFactory | |
CLightImporter | |
►CLightingModelComponent | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CLightingModelFactory | |
CEntry | |
CLightingModel | |
CLightInjectionPass | |
CLightPropagationPass | |
CLightPropagationVolumesBase | |
CLightPropagationVolumesT | Lighting propagation volumes generation pass |
CLightVolumePassResult | |
CLimitedType | |
CLine | |
CLineariseDepthPass | |
CLineIndices | |
►CLinesMapping | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CListBoxCtrl | |
CListBoxStyle | |
CLoadingScreen | |
Clog | |
CLpvConfig | |
CLpvGridConfigUbo | |
CLpvGridConfigUboConfiguration | Light propagation data |
CLpvLightConfigUbo | |
CLpvLightConfigUboConfiguration | Light propagation data |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialContext | |
CMaterialImporter | |
CMemChunk | A memory range, in bytes |
CMesh | |
CMeshAnimation | |
CMeshAnimationInstance | |
CMeshAnimationInstanceSubmesh | |
CMeshAnimationSubmesh | |
CMeshContext | |
CMeshFactory | |
CMeshGenerator | |
CMeshImporter | |
CMeshInfoConfiguration | Meshlet draw informations |
CMeshlet | Data for one meshlet |
CMeshletBoundsTransformingPass | |
CMeshletBoundsTransformPass | |
►CMeshletComponent | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CMeshletCullData | Cull data for one meshlet |
CMeshletDrawConstants | Draw constants for one meshlet |
CMeshMorphTarget | |
CMeshPreparer | |
►CMetalnessComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CMetalnessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CMipView | |
CModelBufferConfiguration | Model index data |
►CMorphComponent | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CMorphingWeightsConfiguration | Morphing data |
CMouseEvent | |
CMouseEventHandler | |
CMouseState | Mouse state |
CMovableAttacherT | |
CMovableContext | |
CMovableDetacherT | |
CMovableMergerT | |
CMovableObject | |
CNodeContext | |
CNodesPass | |
CNodesPassDesc | |
CNodesViewT | |
CNodeTransform | |
CNonClientEventHandler | Description of an event handler, class that can receive event |
►CNonTexturedCube | A cube without UV |
►CQuad | |
CVertex | |
►CNonTexturedQuad | A quad without UV |
CVertex | |
►CNormalComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CNormalMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CObjectBufferOffset | |
CGpuBufferChunk | |
►CObjectBufferPool | |
CModelBuffers | |
CObjectCacheBaseT | |
CObjectCacheT | |
CObjectCacheT< BillboardList, castor::String, BillboardCacheTraits > | BillboardList cache |
►CObjectCacheT< Geometry, castor::String, GeometryCacheTraits > | Geometry cache |
CPoolsEntry | |
CObjectCacheT< Light, castor::String, LightCacheTraits > | Light cache |
CObjectCacheT< SceneNode, castor::String, SceneNodeCacheTraits > | SceneNode cache |
CObjectCacheTraitsBaseT | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT | Helper structure to specialise a scene objects cache behaviour |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< BillboardList, castor::String > | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< Camera, castor::String > | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< Geometry, castor::String > | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< Light, castor::String > | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< ParticleSystem, castor::String > | |
CObjectCacheTraitsT< SceneNode, castor::String > | |
CObjectContext | |
CObjectIdsConfiguration | Objects ID data |
CObjectTransform | |
►COcclusionMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
COldInterleavedVertexT | |
►COpacityComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
COpacityData | |
►COpacityMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
COpaqueRendering | |
COverlay | |
►COverlayCategory | |
CVertex | Holds specific vertex data for an Overlay |
►COverlayContext | |
COverlayPtr | |
COverlayDrawConstants | Draw constants for one overlay |
COverlayDrawData | |
COverlayDrawNode | |
COverlayDrawPipeline | |
COverlayFactory | |
COverlayLines | Contains the lines forming the overlay |
COverlayPass | |
►COverlayPipelineData | |
CDescriptorSets | |
COverlayPreparer | |
►COverlayRenderer | |
CComputePipeline | |
CFontTextureDescriptorConnection | |
COverlaysCommonData | |
COverlaysComputeData | |
COverlaysDrawData | |
CTextComputePipeline | |
CTextComputePipelineDescriptor | |
COverlaysCounts | |
►COverlayTextBuffer | |
CDataBufferT | |
COverlayTextBufferIndex | |
COverlayTextBufferPool | |
COverlayUboConfiguration | Overlay data |
COverlayVertexBufferPoolT | Pool for the overlays vertices |
COverlayVisitor | |
COverlayWords | Contains the words forming the overlay |
CPanelCtrl | |
CPanelOverlay | |
CPanelStyle | |
CParametersT | Configuration parameters |
CParticle | |
CParticleDeclaration | |
CParticleElementDeclaration | |
CParticleEmitter | |
CParticlePlugin | |
CParticleSystem | |
CParticleSystemContext | |
CParticleSystemImpl | |
CParticleUpdater | |
CPass | |
►CPassBuffer | |
CPassDataPtr | |
CPassTypeData | |
CPassComponent | |
CPassComponentCombine | |
CPassComponentPlugin | |
CPassComponentRegister | |
CPassContext | |
CPassFactory | |
CPassFactoryEntry | |
►CPassHeaderComponent | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CPassMapComponent | |
CPassMapComponentPlugin | |
CPassMapDefaultImageParams | |
CPassMasks | |
►CPassMasksComponent | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CSurfaceShader | |
CPassRegisterInfo | |
CPassTextureConfig | |
CPassTextureConfigHasher | |
CPattern | Pattern handler class |
CPbrPass | |
CPhongPass | |
►CPickableComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CPicking | |
CPickingPass | |
CPipelineAndID | |
CPipelineBaseHash | |
CPipelineBuffer | |
CPipelineFlags | Pipeline flags |
CPipelineHiHashDetails | |
CPipelineLoHashDetails | |
►CPipelinesNodesT | |
CPipelineNodes | |
CPlane | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginException | |
CPointLight | |
CPointShadowData | |
CPoolUniformBuffer | |
CPostEffect | |
CPostFxPlugin | |
CPrepassRendering | |
CPrepassResult | |
CPrivEngineToken | |
CProgramContext | |
CProgramModule | A non compiled shader module, with its source |
CProgressBar | |
CProgressCtrl | |
CProgressStyle | |
CProjection | |
CPtrCacheTraitsBaseT | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< AnimatedObjectGroup, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< FrameListener, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Material, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Overlay, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Plugin, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Sampler, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Scene, castor::String > | |
CPtrCacheTraitsT< Skeleton, castor::String > | |
CQueueData | |
CQueueDataWrapper | |
CQueueRenderNodes | |
CQueuesData | |
CRadianceComputer | |
CRay | |
►CReflectionComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CReflectiveShadowMapping | |
CReflectiveShadowMaps | |
►CRefractionComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CRenderCounts | The 3D objects counts |
CRenderCube | |
CRenderDevice | |
CRenderedNodeT | |
CRenderedObject | |
CRenderer | |
CRenderGridBuilderT | Used to create a RenderGrid variable |
CRenderInfo | |
CRenderLoop | |
CRenderLoopAsync | |
CRenderLoopSync | |
CRenderNodesPass | |
CRenderNodesPassDesc | |
CRenderNodeTraitsT | |
CRenderNodeTraitsT< BillboardRenderNode > | |
CRenderPassRegisterInfo | |
CRenderPipeline | |
CRenderQuad | |
CRenderQuadBuilder | |
CRenderQuadBuilderT | Used to create a RenderQuad variable |
CRenderQueue | |
CRenderSystem | |
CRenderTarget | |
CRenderTargetCache | |
CRenderTechnique | |
CRenderTechniqueNodesPass | |
CRenderTechniquePass | |
CRenderTechniquePassDesc | |
CRenderTechniqueVisitor | |
►CRenderWindow | |
CEvtHandler | |
CInputListener | |
CRenderWindowDesc | |
CResourceCacheTraitsT | |
CResourceCacheTraitsT< Mesh, castor::String > | |
CRootContext | |
►CRoughnessComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CRoughnessData | |
►CRoughnessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CRsmConfig | |
CRsmConfigUbo | |
CRsmGIPass | |
CRsmInterpolatePass | |
CRsmUboConfiguration | Reflective Shadow Maps based GI UBO configuration |
CSampler | |
CSamplerContext | |
CScene | |
CSceneBackground | |
CSceneContext | |
CSceneCuller | |
CSceneFileParser | |
CSceneImportContext | |
CSceneImporter | |
CSceneNode | |
CSceneNodeAnimation | |
CSceneNodeAnimationInstance | |
CSceneNodeAnimationKeyFrame | |
CSceneNodeAttacherT | |
CSceneNodeCreateInfo | |
CSceneNodeDetacherT | |
CSceneNodeImporter | |
CSceneNodeInitialiserT | |
CSceneNodeMergerT | |
►CSceneRenderNodes | |
CNodeData | |
CSceneUbo | |
CSceneUboConfiguration | Scene data |
►CScrollableCtrl | |
CScrolledControl | |
CScrollableStyle | |
CScrollBarCtrl | |
CScrollBarStyle | |
CShaderAppendBuffer | |
CShaderBuffer | |
►CShaderBufferTypes | |
CData2T | |
CData3T | |
CData4T | |
CFloat4x4 | |
CShaderModule | A non compiled shader module, with its source |
CShaderProgram | |
CShaderProgramCache | |
CShadowBuffer | |
CShadowConfig | |
►CShadowMap | |
CAllPasses | |
CPassData | |
CPasses | |
CShadowMapDirectional | |
CShadowMapLightIds | |
CShadowMapPass | |
CShadowMapPassDirectional | |
CShadowMapPassPoint | |
CShadowMapPassSpot | |
CShadowMapPoint | |
CShadowMapResult | |
CShadowMapSpot | |
CShadowMapUbo | |
CShadowMapUboConfiguration | Shadow map data |
►CSheenComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CSheenData | |
►CSheenMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CSheenRoughnessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CSkeleton | |
CSkeletonAnimation | |
CSkeletonAnimationBone | |
CSkeletonAnimationInstance | |
CSkeletonAnimationInstanceBone | |
CSkeletonAnimationInstanceKeyFrame | |
CSkeletonAnimationInstanceNode | |
CSkeletonAnimationInstanceObject | |
CSkeletonAnimationKeyFrame | |
CSkeletonAnimationNode | |
CSkeletonAnimationObject | |
CSkeletonContext | |
CSkeletonImporter | |
CSkeletonNode | |
►CSkinComponent | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
CSkinningTransformsConfiguration | Skinning data |
CSkinningUbo | |
CSkyboxBackground | |
CSkyboxContext | |
CSliceView | |
CSliderCtrl | |
CSliderStyle | |
CSpacer | |
CSpecificsBuffer | |
►CSpecularComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CSpecularFactorComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CSpecularFactorMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CSpecularMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CSphere | |
CSphereSection | |
CSpirVShader | A SPIR-V shader module, with SPIR-V binary and debug text source |
►CSpotLight | |
CLightData | |
CSpotShadowData | |
CSsaoBlurPass | |
CSsaoConfig | |
CSsaoConfigUbo | |
CSsaoPass | |
CSsaoRawAOPass | |
►CSssProfileBuffer | |
CData | |
CSssProfileData | |
CSssProfileDataPtr | |
CStagedUploadData | |
CStaticCtrl | |
CStaticStyle | |
CStructuredShaderBuffer | Wrapper class to select between SSBO or TBO |
CStylesHolder | |
CSubmesh | |
CSubmeshAnimationBuffer | |
CSubmeshComponent | |
CSubmeshComponentCombine | |
CSubmeshComponentData | |
CSubmeshComponentPlugin | |
CSubmeshComponentRegister | |
CSubmeshContext | |
CSubmeshRenderData | |
CSubmeshRenderNode | |
CSubmeshRenderShader | |
CSubmeshSubComponent | |
CSubmeshUtils | Submesh utility functions |
CSubmeshVertex | |
CSubsurfaceScattering | |
►CSubsurfaceScatteringComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CSubsurfaceScatteringPass | |
CBlurConfiguration | |
CBlurWeights | |
CTargetContext | |
CTargetDebugConfig | |
CTechniqueQueues | |
CTextChar | A character, along with its size and relative position |
CTextLine | A text chars container, along with its size and position |
►CTextOverlay | |
CVertex | Holds specific vertex data for a TextOverlay |
CTexture | |
CTexture3DTo2D | |
CTexture3DTo2DData | |
CTextureAnimation | |
CTextureAnimationBuffer | |
CTextureAnimationData | |
CTextureAnimationInstance | |
CTextureAnimationKeyFrame | |
CTextureCombine | |
CTextureConfiguration | |
►CTextureConfigurationBuffer | |
CData | |
CTextureContext | |
CTextureData | |
►CTexturedCube | A cube with UV |
►CQuad | |
CVertex | |
►CTexturedQuad | A quad with UV |
CVertex | |
CTextureFactors | Factors applied when displaying a debug texture |
CTextureFlagConfiguration | |
CTextureLayout | |
►CTexturesComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CPlugin | |
CTextureSource | |
CTextureSourceInfo | |
CTextureSourceInfoHasher | |
CTextureTransform | |
CTextureUnit | |
►CTextureUnitCache | |
CThreadData | |
CTextureUnitData | |
CTextureView | |
CTextWord | A text chars container, along with its size and position |
CTheme | |
►CThicknessComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CThicknessMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CToneMapping | |
CToneMappingPlugin | |
CToneMappingVisitor | |
CTorus | |
CTransformPipeline | |
►CTransmissionComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CTransmissionMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CTransmittanceComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CTransmittanceMapComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CMaterialShader | |
CPlugin | |
CTransparentPass | |
CTransparentPassResult | |
CTransparentRendering | |
►CTriFaceMapping | |
CComponentData | |
CPlugin | |
►CTwoSidedComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CUniformBufferBase | |
CUniformBufferOffsetT | A UniformBuffer and an offset from the GpuBuffer |
►CUniformBufferPool | |
CBuffer | |
CUniformBufferT | A uniform typed buffer, than can contain multiple sub-buffers |
►CUntileMappingComponent | |
CComponentsShader | |
CPlugin | |
►CUploadData | |
CBufferDataRange | |
CImageDataRange | |
CSemaphoreUsed | |
CUserInputEvent | Description of a user input event |
CUserInputListener | |
CVctConfig | |
CVersion | |
CVersionException | |
►CVertexBoneData | |
►CIds | |
Cids | |
►CWeights | |
Cweights | |
►CVertexBufferPool | |
CModelBuffers | |
CVertexTransforming | |
CVertexTransformingPass | |
CVertexTransformPass | |
CViewport | |
CVisibilityPass | |
CVisibilityReorderPass | |
CVisibilityResolvePass | |
CVkStructTraits | |
CVkStructTraits< VkApplicationInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBindBufferMemoryInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBindImageMemoryInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBindSparseInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBufferCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBufferMemoryBarrier > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkBufferViewCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkCommandBufferBeginInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkCommandPoolCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkComputePipelineCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkCopyDescriptorSet > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkEventCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkFenceCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkFramebufferCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkImageCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkImageMemoryBarrier > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkImageViewCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkInstanceCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMappedMemoryRange > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMemoryAllocateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMemoryBarrier > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkQueryPoolCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkRenderPassBeginInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkRenderPassCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkSamplerCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkSemaphoreCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkShaderModuleCreateInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkSubmitInfo > | |
CVkStructTraits< VkWriteDescriptorSet > | |
CVkStructure | |
CVoxel | |
►CVoxelBufferToTexture | |
CPipeline | |
CVoxelizePass | |
CVoxelizer | |
CVoxelizerUbo | |
CVoxelizerUboConfiguration | |
CVoxelSecondaryBounce | |
CWeightedBlendRendering | |
CWindowContext | |
►Nsdw | |
CTypeTraits< castor3d::shader::DerivativeValueT< ValueT, StructNameT > > | |
Cstbi_io_callbacks | |