#include <ToneMapping.hpp>
| OwnedBy (Engine &owner) noexcept |
| Constructor.
◆ ToneMapping()
C3D_API castor3d::ToneMapping::ToneMapping |
( |
Engine & | engine, |
crg::FramePassGroup & | graph, |
crg::ImageViewIdArray const & | source, |
crg::ImageViewId const & | target, |
crg::FramePass const & | previousPass, |
HdrConfigUbo & | hdrConfigUbo, |
ColourGradingUbo & | colourGradingUbo, |
ProgressBar * | progress ) |
Specified constructor.
- Parameters
[in] | engine | The engine. |
[in] | graph | The render graph. |
[in] | source | L'image source. |
[in] | target | L'image cible. |
[in] | previousPass | The previous frame pass. |
[in] | hdrConfigUbo | The HDR configuration data. |
[in] | colourGradingUbo | The colour grading configuration data. |
[in] | progress | The progress bar. |
◆ accept()
Visitor acceptance function.
- Parameters
[in,out] | visitor | The visitor. |
◆ getFullName()
◆ getName()
◆ getPass()
crg::FramePass const & castor3d::ToneMapping::getPass |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlinenoexcept |
◆ getVertexProgram()
static C3D_API void castor3d::ToneMapping::getVertexProgram |
( |
ast::ShaderBuilder & | builder | ) |
static |
Retrieves the vertex shader for tone mapping.
- Parameters
[in,out] | builder | Receives the shader source. |
◆ initialise()
C3D_API void castor3d::ToneMapping::initialise |
( |
castor::String const & | name, |
crg::ImageViewId const & | source ) |
Initialises tone mapping shader and pipeline.
- Parameters
[in] | name | The tone mapping name. |
[in] | source | The initial source image. |
◆ update()
C3D_API void castor3d::ToneMapping::update |
( |
CpuUpdater & | updater, |
crg::ImageViewId const & | source ) |
- Parameters
[in,out] | updater | The update data. |
[in] | source | The current source image. |
◆ updatePipeline()
Initialises tone mapping shader and pipeline.
- Parameters
[in] | name | The tone mapping name. |
◆ m_colourGradingUbo
◆ m_hdrConfigUbo
◆ m_name
◆ m_pass
crg::FramePass* castor3d::ToneMapping::m_pass {} |
protected |
◆ m_passIndex
uint32_t castor3d::ToneMapping::m_passIndex {} |
protected |
◆ m_program
ashes::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfoArray castor3d::ToneMapping::m_program |
protected |
◆ m_quad
crg::RenderQuad* castor3d::ToneMapping::m_quad {} |
protected |
◆ m_shader
◆ m_source
crg::ImageViewId castor3d::ToneMapping::m_source |
protected |
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