Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
StringUtils.hpp File Reference


struct  castor::string::details::TrimDefaultArgsT< char >
struct  castor::string::details::TrimDefaultArgsT< wchar_t >
struct  castor::string::details::TrimDefaultArgsT< char8_t >
struct  castor::string::details::TrimDefaultArgsT< char16_t >
struct  castor::string::details::TrimDefaultArgsT< char32_t >
class  castor::string::utf8::iterator< CharT, StringT >
 An iterator, to an UTF-8 string. More...
class  castor::string::utf8::const_iterator< CharT, StringT >
 An iterator, to an UTF-8 string. More...


namespace  castor
namespace  castor::string
 String functions namespace.
namespace  castor::string::details
namespace  castor::string::utf8
 Utf8 functions namespace.


CU_API bool castor::string::isInteger (String const &toTest, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Tests if the given String represents an integer.
CU_API bool castor::string::isFloating (String const &toTest, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Tests if the given String represents a floating number.
CU_API short castor::string::toShort (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a short from a given String.
CU_API int castor::string::toInt (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves an int from a given String.
CU_API long castor::string::toLong (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a long from a given String.
CU_API long long castor::string::toLongLong (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a long long from a given String.
CU_API unsigned short castor::string::toUShort (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves an unsigned short from a given String.
CU_API unsigned int castor::string::toUInt (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves an unsigned int from a given String.
CU_API unsigned long castor::string::toULong (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves an unsigned long from a given String.
CU_API unsigned long long castor::string::toULongLong (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves an unsigned long long from a given String.
CU_API float castor::string::toFloat (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a float from a given String.
CU_API double castor::string::toDouble (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a double from a given String.
CU_API long double castor::string::toLongDouble (String const &str, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a double from a given String.
CU_API bool castor::string::isUpperCase (String const &toTest)
 Tests if the given String is upper case.
CU_API bool castor::string::isLowerCase (String const &toTest)
 Tests if the given String is lower case.
CU_API String castor::string::upperCase (String const &str)
 sets all characters in a String to upper case
CU_API String castor::string::lowerCase (String const &str)
 sets all characters in a String to lower case
CU_API String castor::string::snakeToCamelCase (String const &str)
 Converts given string from snake_case to CamelCase.
CU_API Stringcastor::string::toUpperCase (String &str)
 sets all characters in a String to upper case
CU_API Stringcastor::string::toLowerCase (String &str)
 sets all characters in a String to lower case
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str, std::basic_string_view< CharT > delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str, std::basic_string< CharT > delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str, CharT const *delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string_view< CharT > str, std::basic_string_view< CharT > delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string_view< CharT > str, std::basic_string< CharT > delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
Vector< std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::split (std::basic_string_view< CharT > str, CharT const *delims, uint32_t maxSplits=10, bool keepEmpty=true)
 Cuts a String into substrings, using delimiter(s)
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, CharT toFind, CharT replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a xchar by another one in a String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, CharT const *toFind, CharT const *replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a xchar by another one in a String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, std::basic_string_view< CharT > toFind, CharT replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a String by a xchar in a String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, CharT toFind, std::basic_string_view< CharT > replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a xchar by a String in a String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, std::basic_string< CharT > toFind, std::basic_string< CharT > replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a String in another one by a third one.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::replace (std::basic_string< CharT > &str, std::basic_string_view< CharT > toFind, std::basic_string_view< CharT > replacement)
 Replaces all occurences of a String in another one by a third one.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > & castor::string::trim (std::basic_string< CharT > &text, bool left=true, bool right=true, std::basic_string_view< CharT > seps=details::trimDefaultArgs< CharT >)
 Removes spaces on the left and/or on the right of the given String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string_view< CharT > & castor::string::trim (std::basic_string_view< CharT > &text, bool left=true, bool right=true, std::basic_string_view< CharT > seps=details::trimDefaultArgs< CharT >)
 Removes spaces on the left and/or on the right of the given String.
template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string< CharT > castor::string::getLongestCommonSubstring (std::basic_string< CharT > const &lhs, std::basic_string< CharT > const &rhs)
CU_API String castor::string::toString (char32_t value)
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (uint8_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (int16_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (uint16_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (int32_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (uint32_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (int64_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API String castor::string::toString (uint64_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (char32_t value)
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (uint8_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (int16_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (uint16_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (int32_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (uint32_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (int64_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API MbString castor::string::toMbString (uint64_t value, int base=10, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< char >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
CU_API bool castor::string::endsWith (StringView value, StringView suffix)
CU_API bool castor::string::startsWith (StringView value, StringView prefix)
template<typename T >
void castor::string::parse (String const &str, T &value, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a value from the given String.
template<typename T >
void castor::string::extract (String &str, T &value, std::locale const &locale=std::locale("C"))
 Retrieves a value from the given String.
template<typename T >
String castor::string::toString (T const &value, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< xchar >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
template<typename T >
MbString castor::string::toMbString (T const &value, std::locale const &locale=std::locale(std::locale("C"), new manip::BaseNumPut< xchar >()))
 Puts a value into a String.
template<typename IteratorType >
char32_t castor::string::utf8::toUtf8 (IteratorType first, IteratorType end)
 Retrieves an UTF-8 char32_t from a char array iterator.
template<typename CharT , typename StringT >
iterator< CharT, StringT > castor::string::utf8::operator+ (iterator< CharT, StringT > it, size_t offset)
 addition operator.
template<typename CharT , typename StringT >
iterator< CharT, StringT > castor::string::utf8::operator- (iterator< CharT, StringT > it, size_t offset)
 Subtraction operator.
template<typename CharT >
iterator< CharT, std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::begin (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
iterator< CharT, std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::begin (std::basic_string_view< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
iterator< CharT, std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::end (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
iterator< CharT, std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::end (std::basic_string_view< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT , typename StringT >
const_iterator< CharT, StringT > castor::string::utf8::operator+ (const_iterator< CharT, StringT > it, size_t offset)
 addition operator.
template<typename CharT , typename StringT >
const_iterator< CharT, StringT > castor::string::utf8::operator- (const_iterator< CharT, StringT > it, size_t offset)
 Subtraction operator.
template<typename CharT >
const_iterator< CharT, std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::cbegin (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
const_iterator< CharT, std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::cbegin (std::basic_string_view< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
const_iterator< CharT, std::basic_string< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::cend (std::basic_string< CharT > const &str)
template<typename CharT >
const_iterator< CharT, std::basic_string_view< CharT > > castor::string::utf8::cend (std::basic_string_view< CharT > const &str)
constexpr castor::StringView operator""_sv (castor::xchar const *const value, size_t length) noexcept


template<typename CharT >
std::basic_string_view< CharT > constexpr castor::string::details::trimDefaultArgs = TrimDefaultArgsT< CharT >::value

Function Documentation

◆ operator""_sv()

constexpr castor::StringView operator""_sv ( castor::xchar const *const value,
size_t length )