Castor3D 0.16.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
StreamPrefixManipulators.hpp File Reference


struct  castor::format::BasePrefixer< char_type, prefix_traits >
 Contains an std::basic_string< char_type > operator()() member function which generates the Prefix. More...
struct  castor::format::BasicPrefixTraits< char_type >
 Default Prefix traits. More...
struct  castor::format::BasicLinePrefixTraits< char_type >
 Prefixes lines with their index. More...


namespace  castor
namespace  castor::format


template<typename PrefixType , typename CharType , typename BufferType = BasicPrefixBuffer< BasePrefixer< CharType, PrefixType >, CharType >, typename BufferManagerType = BasicPrefixBufferManager< BasePrefixer< CharType, PrefixType >, CharType >>
BufferType * castor::format::installPrefixBuffer (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &stream)
 Initializes the stream in order to indent it.
template<typename PrefixType , typename CharType >
void castor::format::callback (std::ios_base::event ev, std::ios_base &ios, CU_UnusedParam(int, x))
 The stream events callback.
template<typename CharType , typename PrefixType >
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & castor::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &stream, format::BasePrefixer< CharType, PrefixType > const &)
 Stream operator.