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Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
This is the complete list of members for castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT >, including all inherited members.
allocate(VkDeviceSize size) | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
deallocate(MemChunk const &mem) noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
getAvailable() const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
getBuffer() const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getBuffer() noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getData(VkDeviceSize offset) const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getData(VkDeviceSize offset) noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getDatas() const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getDatas() noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
getMinAlignment() const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
GpuBufferBase(RenderSystem const &renderSystem, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryFlags, castor::String const &debugName, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode, VkDeviceSize allocatedSize) | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | |
GpuBufferPool | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | friend |
GpuBufferT(RenderSystem const &renderSystem, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryFlags, castor::String const &debugName, ashes::QueueShare sharingMode, AllocatorT allocator) | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
hasAvailable(VkDeviceSize size) const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferT< AllocatorT > | |
hasBuffer() const noexcept | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | inline |
markDirty(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkAccessFlags dstAccessFlags, VkPipelineStageFlags dstPipelineFlags) | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | |
upload(UploadData &uploader) | castor3d::GpuBufferBase | |
upload(UploadData &uploader, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkAccessFlags dstAccessFlags, VkPipelineStageFlags dstPipelineFlags) | castor3d::GpuBufferBase |