Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
castor::LengthT< TypeT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for castor::LengthT< TypeT >, including all inherited members.

centimetres() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
centimetres(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
feet() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
feet(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
fromCentimetres(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromFeet(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromInches(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromKilometres(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromMetres(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromMillimetres(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromUnit(TypeU value, LengthUnit unit) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
fromYards(TypeU value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlinestatic
inches() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
inches(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
kilometres() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
kilometres(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
LengthT(LengthUnit unit=LengthUnit::eMetre) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlineexplicit
lengthUnit() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inline
metres() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
metres(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
millimetres() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
millimetres(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator TypeT const &() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inlineexplicit
operator*() noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inline
operator*=(double rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator+=(LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator+=(TypeT const &rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator-() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator-=(LengthT< TypeT > const &rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator-=(TypeT const &rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator/=(double rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator<castor::LengthT< TypeT >friend
operator=(TypeT const &rhs) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
operator==castor::LengthT< TypeT >friend
operator>castor::LengthT< TypeT >friend
unit(LengthUnit u) const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
value() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >inline
yards() const noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >
yards(double value) noexceptcastor::LengthT< TypeT >