Castor3D 0.17.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Classes | Namespaces
SceneModule.hpp File Reference


struct  castor3d::BillboardVertex
struct  castor3d::CameraCreateInfo
struct  castor3d::SceneNodeCreateInfo
struct  castor3d::PtrCacheTraitsT< Scene, castor::String >
struct  castor3d::ObjectCacheTraitsBaseT< ObjT, KeyT >
struct  castor3d::ObjectCacheTraitsT< BillboardList, castor::String >
struct  castor3d::ObjectCacheTraitsT< Camera, castor::String >
struct  castor3d::ObjectCacheTraitsT< Geometry, castor::String >
struct  castor3d::ObjectCacheTraitsT< SceneNode, castor::String >


namespace  castor3d


enum class  castor3d::MovableType : uint8_t {
  castor3d::eCamera = 0 , castor3d::eGeometry = 1 , castor3d::eLight = 2 , castor3d::eBillboard = 3 ,
  castor3d::eParticleEmitter = 4 , castor3d::eCount , castor3d::eMin = eCamera
 Movable object types enumerator. More...
enum class  castor3d::ShadowType : uint32_t {
  castor3d::eNone = 0 , castor3d::eRaw = 1 , castor3d::ePCF = 2 , castor3d::eVariance = 3 ,
  castor3d::eCount , castor3d::eMin = eNone
 Shadow filter types enumeration. More...
enum class  castor3d::FogType {
  castor3d::eDisabled = 0 , castor3d::eLinear = 1 , castor3d::eExponential = 2 , castor3d::eSquaredExponential = 3 ,
  castor3d::eCount , castor3d::eMin = eDisabled
 Fog types enumeration. More...
enum class  castor3d::SceneFlag : uint16_t {
  castor3d::eNone = 0x0000 , castor3d::eFogLinear = 0x0001 << 0 , castor3d::eFogExponential = 0x0001 << 1 , castor3d::eFogSquaredExponential = 0x0001 << 2 ,
  castor3d::eShadowBegin = 0x0001 << 3 , castor3d::eShadowDirectional = eShadowBegin << 0 , castor3d::eShadowPoint = eShadowBegin << 1 , castor3d::eShadowSpot = eShadowBegin << 2 ,
  castor3d::eShadowEnd = eShadowSpot , castor3d::eShadowAny = eShadowSpot | eShadowPoint | eShadowDirectional , castor3d::eRsmGI = 0x0001 << 6 , castor3d::eLpvGI = 0x0001 << 7 ,
  castor3d::eLayeredLpvGI = 0x0001 << 8 , castor3d::eVoxelConeTracing = 0x0001 << 9 , castor3d::eGIAny = eRsmGI | eLpvGI | eLayeredLpvGI | eVoxelConeTracing , castor3d::eAll = 0x03FF
 Scene flags enumeration. More...
enum class  castor3d::BillboardType { castor3d::eSpherical = 0 , castor3d::eCylindrical = 1 , castor3d::eCount , castor3d::eMin = eSpherical }
 Billboard rendering types enumeration. More...
enum class  castor3d::BillboardSize { castor3d::eDynamic = 0 , castor3d::eFixed = 1 , castor3d::eCount , castor3d::eMin = eDynamic }
 Billboard sizing types enumeration. More...
using castor3d::SceneFlags = castor::FlagCombination< SceneFlag >
using castor3d::OnSceneChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Scene const & ) >
using castor3d::OnSceneChanged = castor::SignalT< OnSceneChangedFunction >
using castor3d::OnSceneChangedConnection = OnSceneChanged::connection
using castor3d::OnSceneUpdateFunction = castor::Function< void( Scene const & ) >
using castor3d::OnSceneUpdate = castor::SignalT< OnSceneUpdateFunction >
using castor3d::OnSceneUpdateConnection = OnSceneUpdate::connection
using castor3d::OnCameraChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( Camera const & ) >
using castor3d::OnCameraChanged = castor::SignalT< OnCameraChangedFunction >
using castor3d::OnCameraChangedConnection = OnCameraChanged::connection
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeChangedFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneNode const & ) >
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeChanged = castor::SignalT< OnSceneNodeChangedFunction >
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeChangedConnection = OnSceneNodeChanged::connection
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeReparentFunction = castor::Function< void( SceneNode & ) >
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeReparent = castor::SignalT< OnSceneNodeReparentFunction >
using castor3d::OnSceneNodeReparentConnection = OnSceneNodeReparent::connection
using castor3d::SubmeshMaterialMap = castor::Map< Submesh const *, MaterialObs >
using castor3d::SceneCacheTraits = PtrCacheTraitsT< Scene, castor::String >
using castor3d::BillboardListCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< BillboardList, castor::String >
using castor3d::CameraCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< Camera, castor::String >
using castor3d::GeometryCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< Geometry, castor::String >
using castor3d::SceneNodeCacheTraits = ObjectCacheTraitsT< SceneNode, castor::String >
using castor3d::SceneCache
using castor3d::BillboardListCache
using castor3d::CameraCache
using castor3d::GeometryCache
using castor3d::SceneNodeCache
using castor3d::SceneRes = SceneCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using castor3d::SceneResPtr = SceneCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using castor3d::BillboardListRes = BillboardListCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using castor3d::BillboardListResPtr = BillboardListCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using castor3d::CameraRes = CameraCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using castor3d::CameraResPtr = CameraCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using castor3d::GeometryRes = CameraCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using castor3d::GeometryResPtr = CameraCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using castor3d::SceneNodeRes = CameraCacheTraits::ElementPtrT
using castor3d::SceneNodeResPtr = CameraCacheTraits::ElementObsT
using castor3d::MaterialCacheView = CacheViewT< MaterialCache, EventType( GpuEventType::ePreUpload ) >
using castor3d::SamplerCacheView = CacheViewT< SamplerCache, EventType( GpuEventType::ePreUpload ) >
using castor3d::FontCacheView = CacheViewT< castor::FontCache, EventType( CpuEventType::ePreGpuStep ) >
using castor3d::ImageCacheView = CacheViewT< castor::ImageCache, EventType( CpuEventType::ePreGpuStep ) >
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName (MovableType value)
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName (ShadowType value)
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName (FogType value)
C3D_API FogType castor3d::getFogType (SceneFlags const &flags)
 Gives the fog type matching the given flags.
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName (BillboardType value)
C3D_API castor::String castor3d::getName (BillboardSize value)
C3D_API castor::LoggerInstancecastor3d::getLogger (Scene const &scene)
C3D_API Enginecastor3d::getEngine (Scene const &scene)