Castor3D 0.16.0
Multiplatform 3D engine
Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional Class Reference

#include <ShadowMapPassDirectional.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

C3D_API ShadowMapPassDirectional (crg::FramePass const &pass, crg::GraphContext &context, crg::RunnableGraph &graph, RenderDevice const &device, CameraUbo const &cameraUbo, SceneCuller &culler, Camera &camera, ShadowMap const &shadowMap, bool needsVsm, bool needsRsm, bool isStatic)
C3D_API ~ShadowMapPassDirectional () noexcept override
C3D_API void update (CpuUpdater &updater) override
 Updates the render pass, CPU wise.
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::ShadowMapPass
C3D_API ShadowMapPass (crg::FramePass const &pass, crg::GraphContext &context, crg::RunnableGraph &graph, RenderDevice const &device, castor::String const &typeName, CameraUbo const &cameraUbo, SceneCuller &culler, ShadowMap const &shadowMap, bool needsVsm, bool needsRsm, bool isStatic)
C3D_API bool isPassEnabled () const noexcept override
C3D_API bool isUpToDate () const
ShaderFlags getShaderFlags () const noexcept override
void setUpToDate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::RenderNodesPass
C3D_API ~RenderNodesPass () noexcept override
C3D_API void getSubmeshShaderSource (PipelineFlags const &flags, ast::ShaderBuilder &builder) const
 Retrieves the geometry shader source matching the given flags.
C3D_API void getPixelShaderSource (PipelineFlags const &flags, ast::ShaderBuilder &builder) const
 Retrieves the pixel shader source matching the given flags.
C3D_API void forceAdjustFlags (PipelineFlags &flags) const
 Adjusts given flags to match the render pass requirements.
C3D_API SubmeshComponentCombine adjustFlags (SubmeshComponentCombine const &submeshCombine) const
 Adjusts given flags to match the render pass requirements.
C3D_API PassComponentCombine adjustFlags (PassComponentCombine const &passCombine) const
 Adjusts given flags to match the render pass requirements.
C3D_API ProgramFlags adjustFlags (ProgramFlags flags) const
 Adjusts given flags to match the render pass requirements.
C3D_API SceneFlags adjustFlags (SceneFlags flags) const
 Adjusts given flags to match the render pass requirements.
C3D_API TextureCombine adjustFlags (TextureCombine const &textureCombine) const
 Filters the given textures flags using this pass needed textures.
C3D_API PipelineFlags createPipelineFlags (PassComponentCombine const &passComponents, SubmeshComponentCombine const &submeshComponents, BlendMode colourBlendMode, BlendMode alphaBlendMode, RenderPassTypeID renderPassTypeId, LightingModelID lightingModelId, BackgroundModelID backgroundModelId, VkCompareOp alphaFunc, VkCompareOp blendAlphaFunc, TextureCombine const &textures, ProgramFlags const &programFlags, SceneFlags const &sceneFlags, VkPrimitiveTopology topology, bool isFrontCulled, uint32_t passLayerIndex, GpuBufferOffsetT< castor::Point4f > const &morphTargets, SubmeshRenderData const *submeshData) const noexcept
 Creates the pipeline flags for given configuration.
C3D_API PipelineFlags createPipelineFlags (Pass const &pass, TextureCombine const &textures, SubmeshComponentCombine const &submeshComponents, ProgramFlags const &programFlags, SceneFlags const &sceneFlags, VkPrimitiveTopology topology, bool isFrontCulled, GpuBufferOffsetT< castor::Point4f > const &morphTargets, SubmeshRenderData const *submeshData) const noexcept
 Creates the pipeline flags for given configuration.
C3D_API PipelineAndID prepareBackPipeline (PipelineFlags const &pipelineFlags, ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfoCRefArray const &vertexLayouts, ashes::DescriptorSetLayout const *meshletDescriptorLayout)
 Prepares the pipeline matching the given flags, for back face culling nodes.
C3D_API PipelineAndID prepareFrontPipeline (PipelineFlags const &pipelineFlags, ashes::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfoCRefArray const &vertexLayouts, ashes::DescriptorSetLayout const *meshletDescriptorLayout)
 Prepares the pipeline matching the given flags, for front face culling nodes.
C3D_API void cleanupPipelines ()
 Cleans up all pipelines from the lists.
C3D_API void initialiseAdditionalDescriptor (RenderPipeline &pipeline, ShadowMapLightTypeArray const &shadowMaps, ShadowBuffer const *shadowBuffer)
 Initialises the additional descriptor set.
C3D_API void setIgnoredNode (SceneNode const &node)
 Sets the node ignored node.
C3D_API void countNodes (RenderInfo &info) const noexcept
 Registers nodes counts to given RenderInfo.
C3D_API bool areValidPassFlags (PassComponentCombine const &passFlags) const noexcept
virtual C3D_API bool areDebugTargetsEnabled () const noexcept
C3D_API bool isValidPass (Pass const &pass) const noexcept
C3D_API bool isValidRenderable (RenderedObject const &object) const noexcept
C3D_API bool isValidNode (SceneNode const &node) const noexcept
C3D_API bool allowClusteredLighting (ClustersConfig const &config) const noexcept
C3D_API bool hasNodes () const noexcept
C3D_API ScenegetScene () const noexcept
C3D_API SceneNode const * getIgnoredNode () const noexcept
C3D_API bool isMeshShading () const noexcept
C3D_API PipelinesNodesT< SubmeshRenderNode > const & getSubmeshNodes () const
C3D_API InstantiatedPipelinesNodesT< SubmeshRenderNode > const & getInstancedSubmeshNodes () const
C3D_API PipelinesNodesT< BillboardRenderNode > const & getBillboardNodes () const
C3D_API uint32_t getMaxPipelineId () const
C3D_API PipelineBufferArray const & getPassPipelineNodes () const
C3D_API uint32_t getPipelineNodesIndex (PipelineBaseHash const &hash, ashes::BufferBase const &buffer) const
C3D_API uint32_t getDrawCallsCount () const
C3D_API RenderCounts const & getVisibleCounts () const
ComponentModeFlags getComponentsMask () const noexcept
bool isOrderIndependent () const noexcept
SceneCullergetCuller () const noexcept
CameraUbo const & getMatrixUbo () const noexcept
uint32_t getPipelinesCount () const noexcept
bool isDirty () const noexcept
bool forceTwoSided () const noexcept
RenderFilters getRenderFilters () const noexcept
castor::String const & getTypeName () const noexcept
RenderPassTypeID getTypeID () const noexcept
bool filtersStatic () const noexcept
bool filtersNonStatic () const noexcept
bool handleStatic () const noexcept
DeferredLightingFilter getDeferredLightingFilter () const noexcept
ParallaxOcclusionFilter getParallaxOcclusionFilter () const noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor::OwnedBy< Engine >
Engine * getOwner () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from castor::NamedBaseT< T >
 NamedBaseT (T name) noexcept
T const & getName () const noexcept
 Retrieves the name.
void rename (T name) noexcept

Static Public Attributes

static C3D_API castor::String const Type

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from castor3d::RenderNodesPass
static C3D_API ashes::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo createBlendState (BlendMode colourBlendMode, BlendMode alphaBlendMode, uint32_t attachesCount)
static C3D_API void addShadowBindings (SceneFlags const &sceneFlags, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages, uint32_t &index)
 Adds shadow maps descriptor layout bindings to given list.
static C3D_API void addShadowBindings (ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages, uint32_t &index)
 Adds shadow maps descriptor layout bindings to given list.
static C3D_API void addBackgroundBindings (SceneBackground const &background, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages, uint32_t &index)
 Adds background descriptor layout bindings to given list.
static C3D_API void addGIBindings (SceneFlags flags, IndirectLightingData const &indirectLighting, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages, uint32_t &index)
 Adds indirect lighting descriptor layout bindings to given list.
static C3D_API void addClusteredLightingBindings (FrustumClusters const &frustumClusters, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages, uint32_t &index)
 Adds clusters descriptor layout bindings to given list.
static C3D_API void addShadowDescriptor (RenderSystem const &renderSystem, crg::RunnableGraph &graph, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, ShadowMapLightTypeArray const &shadowMaps, ShadowBuffer const &shadowBuffer, uint32_t &index)
static C3D_API void addShadowDescriptor (RenderSystem const &renderSystem, crg::RunnableGraph &graph, SceneFlags const &sceneFlags, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, ShadowMapLightTypeArray const &shadowMaps, ShadowBuffer const &shadowBuffer, uint32_t &index)
static C3D_API void addBackgroundDescriptor (SceneBackground const &background, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, crg::ImageViewIdArray const &targetImage, uint32_t &index)
static C3D_API void addGIDescriptor (SceneFlags sceneFlags, IndirectLightingData const &indirectLighting, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, uint32_t &index)
static C3D_API void addClusteredLightingDescriptor (FrustumClusters const &frustumClusters, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, uint32_t &index)
- Public Attributes inherited from castor3d::RenderNodesPass
RenderNodesPassChangeSignal onSortNodes
- Protected Member Functions inherited from castor3d::RenderNodesPass
C3D_API RenderNodesPass (crg::FramePass const &pass, crg::GraphContext &context, crg::RunnableGraph &graph, RenderDevice const &device, castor::String const &typeName, crg::ImageViewIdArray targetImage, crg::ImageViewIdArray targetDepth, RenderNodesPassDesc const &desc)
virtual C3D_API bool doIsValidPass (Pass const &pass) const noexcept
virtual C3D_API SceneFlags doAdjustSceneFlags (SceneFlags flags) const
C3D_API ShaderProgramRPtr doGetProgram (PipelineFlags const &flags)
C3D_API void doAccept (castor3d::RenderTechniqueVisitor &visitor)
 Visitor acceptance function.
C3D_API void doUpdateFlags (PipelineFlags &flags) const
C3D_API void doAddShadowBindings (Scene const &scene, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, uint32_t &index) const
C3D_API void doAddBackgroundBindings (Scene const &scene, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, uint32_t &index) const
C3D_API void doAddClusteredLightingBindings (RenderTarget const &target, ashes::VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingArray &bindings, uint32_t &index) const
C3D_API void doAddShadowDescriptor (Scene const &scene, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, ShadowMapLightTypeArray const &shadowMaps, ShadowBuffer const *shadowBuffer, uint32_t &index) const
C3D_API void doAddBackgroundDescriptor (Scene const &scene, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, crg::ImageViewIdArray const &targetImage, uint32_t &index) const
C3D_API void doAddClusteredLightingDescriptor (RenderTarget const &target, ashes::WriteDescriptorSetArray &descriptorWrites, uint32_t &index) const
RenderQueuegetRenderQueue () const noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from castor::OwnedBy< Engine >
 OwnedBy (Engine &owner)
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor3d::ShadowMapPass
ShadowMap const & m_shadowMap
bool m_initialised { false }
bool m_outOfDate { true }
ShadowMapUbo m_shadowMapUbo
bool m_needsVsm
bool m_needsRsm
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor3d::RenderNodesPass
RenderDevice const & m_device
CameraUbo const & m_cameraUbo
crg::ImageViewIdArray m_targetImage
crg::ImageViewIdArray m_targetDepth
castor::String m_typeName
RenderPassTypeID m_typeID {}
RenderFilters m_filters { RenderFilter::eNone }
castor::String m_category
castor::Size m_size
bool m_oit { false }
bool m_forceTwoSided { false }
bool m_safeBand { false }
bool m_isDirty { true }
bool m_meshShading {}
SceneUbo const * m_sceneUbo {}
uint32_t m_index { 0u }
std::optional< bool > m_handleStatic { std::nullopt }
ComponentModeFlags m_componentsMask {}
bool m_allowClusteredLighting {}
DeferredLightingFilter m_deferredLightingFilter {}
ParallaxOcclusionFilter m_parallaxOcclusionFilter {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from castor::NamedBaseT< T >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ShadowMapPassDirectional()

C3D_API castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional::ShadowMapPassDirectional ( crg::FramePass const & pass,
crg::GraphContext & context,
crg::RunnableGraph & graph,
RenderDevice const & device,
CameraUbo const & cameraUbo,
SceneCuller & culler,
Camera & camera,
ShadowMap const & shadowMap,
bool needsVsm,
bool needsRsm,
bool isStatic )


[in]passThe parent frame pass.
[in]contextThe rendering context.
[in]graphThe runnable graph.
[in]deviceThe GPU device.
[in]cameraUboThe scene matrices UBO.
[in]cullerThe culler for this pass.
[in]cameraThe camera for this pass.
[in]shadowMapThe parent shadow map.
[in]needsVsmTells if the pass needs to generate variance shadow map.
[in]needsRsmTells if the pass needs to generate reflective shadow maps.
[in]isStaticTells if the pass is for static nodes.

◆ ~ShadowMapPassDirectional()

C3D_API castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional::~ShadowMapPassDirectional ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ update()

C3D_API void castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional::update ( CpuUpdater & updater)

Updates the render pass, CPU wise.

[in,out]updaterThe update data.

Reimplemented from castor3d::RenderNodesPass.

References castor3d::eNone, castor3d::eShadowMapDirectional, castor3d::eWorldSpace, and castor3d::ShadowMapPass::m_needsRsm.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Type

C3D_API castor::String const castor3d::ShadowMapPassDirectional::Type

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